-Проект на тему "Всемирно-известные Российские брэнды"-
Презентация Кажан Елизаветы 8в класс "Уральский малахит"
Умк Starlight-8
Вложение | Размер |
Проект "Всемирные Российские бренды" | 562.28 КБ |
Духи "Красная Москва" | 2.21 МБ |
Автомат Калашникова | 1.97 МБ |
Гречка | 414.8 КБ |
Балалайка | 326 КБ |
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Made by Liza Kazhan 8V Ural malachiteСлайд 2
Did you know ? Malachite is mined in France , Great Britain , Germany and a number of African countries . B ut it is the Ural stone is famous all over the world . I n the mine at the Nadezhnaya mine at a depth of about 70 meters a whole block of malachite was found weighing about 50 tons .
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Did you know ? There is a malachite hall in the State Hermitage Museum in St . Petersburg . Jewelry from this stone began to make more than 10 thousand years ago.
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Did you know ? Even in antiquity, it was considered an antidote and a talisman that bestows love and brings joy. There is a legend that if you drink water or wine from a malachite bowl, the gift of understanding the language of animals and birds will open. In Russia, people believed in the fabulous properties of malachite, folded legends about him and stone-cutters.
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Thanks for your attention
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Krasnaya Moskva and Chanel №5 Made by Fildshina Margarita 8V school 13Слайд 2
famous perfumes Two perfumes survive today which capture the quality of Russian perfumes of this era, and it is a tribute to their quality that after each became popularly available in the 1920s one swept the board in the East and the other swept the board in the West.
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Chanel №5 Chanel No.5, which Beaux offered to the French fashion designer Coco Chanel in 1919, to whom he had been introduced by her lover, Grand Prince Dmitry Pavlovich Romanov, Rasputin’s murderer
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Krasnaya Moskva As for the perfume which conquered the East, this is a perfume launched in Moscow in 1925 as Krasnaya Moskva (“Red Moscow”), which remained the most popular women’s perfume in the USSR right up to its fall.
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No perfume can match its history, and because of its intrinsic quality it deserves its growing success
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АК-47 Made by Abramov MaxСлайд 2
The AK-47 , AK , or as it is officially known as Kalashnikov's Automatic Rifle , also known as the Kalashnikov , is a gas-operated , 7.62×39mm assault rifle . It was created by Mikhail Kalashnikov.
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In 1946, the AK-47 was presented for official military trials, and in 1948, the fixed-stock version was introduced into active service with selected units of the Soviet Army
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Nowadays a new model of the famous assault rifle has been designed – AK-12. It’s much better than AK-47 because there are modern details and a new system of shooting. You may use a tactical handle and a holographic sight.
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Thanks for watching!)) Thanks for watching!))
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History Buckwheat is native to Northern Europe as well as Asia. From the 10th through the 13th century, it was widely cultivated in China. From there, it spread to Europe and Russia in the 14th and 15th centuries, and was introduced in the United States by the Dutch during the 17th century. Buckwheat is widely produced in Russia and Poland, where it plays an important role in their traditional cuisines. Other countries where buckwheat is cultivated commercially include the United States, Canada, and France, the country famous for its buckwheat crepes.
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Description While many people think that buckwheat is a cereal grain, it is actually a fruit seed that is related to rhubarb and sorrel. (We classify it as a grain on our website because it categorized as such from a culinary perspective.) Common and tartary buckwheat are the varieties that are popular in the United States. Its name is supposedly derived from the Dutch word bockweit , which means "beech wheat," reflecting buckwheat's beechnut-like shape and its wheat-like characteristics. Buckwheat flowers are very fragrant and are attractive to bees that use them to produce a special, strongly flavored, dark honey.
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You have to eat it! Buckwheat may be one of the healthiest foods you're not eating. Along with having numerous health benefits, it is tasty, easy to prepare and inexpensive. It is rich in many trace minerals, including manganese, magnesium and copper. It is also a good source of the B vitamins: B6, pantothenic acid, niacin, folate, thiamin and choline. buckwheat is gluten-free and safe for those with celiac disease and gluten sensitivities.
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Nutrients in Buckwheat
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Balalaika. the presentation was made by Matvey MoskalevСлайд 2
What is it? Balalaika — Russian folk a three-stringed plucked musical instrument, from 600-700 mm (prima balalaika) to 1.7 meters (balalaika subcontrabass) long, with triangular slightly bent (in XVIII—XIX centuries also oval) wooden body. Balalaika is one of the instruments that have become (along with the accordion and, to a lesser extent, a pity) a musical symbol of the Russian people.
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History of musical instrument. Balalaika — Russian folk a three-stringed plucked musical instrument, from 600-700 mm (prima balalaika) to 1.7 meters (balalaika subcontrabass) long, with triangular slightly bent (in XVIII—XIX centuries also oval) wooden body. Balalaika is one of the instruments that have become (along with the accordion and, to a lesser extent, a pity) a musical symbol of the Russian people.
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The form of the balalaika Before the transformation of the balalaika into a concert instrument at the end of the XIX century by Vasily Andreev, it did not have a permanent, widespread system. Each performer tuned the instrument according to his own style of performance, the General mood of the works played and local traditions.The system introduced by Andreev (two strings in unison-note "mi", one — a quart above — note" La") was widely used in concert balalaika and became known as"academic". There is also a "folk" system-the first string "La", the second — "mi", the third — "do". This system is easier to take triads, its disadvantage is the difficulty of playing on open strings
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Virtuoso balalaika Vasily Andreev Alexey Arkhipovsky
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То, что балалайка в том виде, в котором она сейчас всем знакома, – русский народный инструмент, не совсем верно. А версия о том, что в XVII веке балалайку завезли в Россию с востока, и вовсе неправдоподобна: похожих инструментов у азиатских народов никогда не было. История, впрочем, запутанная. В летописях до XVII века нет слова "балалайка", есть – "домра". На домрах играли скоморохи. В 1648 и 1657 годах указами о запрещении скоморошества их "бесовские, гудебные сосуды" велено было по всей Москве собрать и сжечь. А переписывая летописи, даже слово "домра" вымарали и заменили его невесть откуда взявшейся "балалайкой". Что правда?
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Why is it called that? The name "balalaika", sometimes occurring in the form of "balalaika"- people, probably the instrument in imitation of strumming, "Balkanu" strings during the game. "Balakan", "joking" at the people's language means to chatter, to jabber. Some attribute Tatar origin to the word "balalaika". The Tatars have the word "ball "meaning"child". It perhaps was the origin of the words "Balakan", "blah-blah-blah", etc. embodying the concept of the unwise, like children's chatter
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This is the end I hope now you have learned enough about balalaika and its history!!!
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Thank you very much for your attention!
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