В данной исследовательской работе ученик говорит о школьной экологической тропе. Экологическая тропа школы помогает изучать и оценивать экологическое состояние села. Опираясь на наблюдения, исследования, проведенные членами школьного экологического кружка, ученик рассказывает что изменилось за последние годы. Изучая природу родного края, учащиеся воспитывают в себе любовь и бережное отношение к окружающей среде.
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МБОУ «Саклов-Башская СОШ» Сармановского муниципального района
Экологическая тропа нашей школы
Исследовательская работа
ученица 7 класса
Сахабиева Язиля Мунировна
учитель английского языка
Нуриева Талия Рафисовна
Сармановский район, село Саклов-Баш
2017 год
Relevance of the research work
We can’t imagine ourselves without environment: animals, birds, insects, plants, forests, water and air. Without protection of the beautiful corners of our nature it is impossible to imagine the further existence of mankind. It is necessary for everyone to contribute to the studying of environment. Nowadays our government pays a lot of attention to the environmental problems. Ecological education is one of the tasks of school. However, it is not easy to be an ecologically friendly person. On basis of today's results, we can say that for centuries people only used the natural resources. Ecological education should be taught since the early childhood: in the family, in nursery schools and at school.
Fortunately, we can see good initiatives in nursery schools and at schools. There are corners of nature there. Children are taught to behave properly in nature. According to our observation and interview most kindergartens and schools in our district have ecological paths. We can find a lot of information how to pave it, where to make it, what the purpose of this project is, and the rules of behavior during the walks.
The problem of the work:
We also have an ecological path of our school and society. Pupils have been working for 5 years on the project but the problem is not fully developed yet.
A successful person is a healthy person. To be healthy is impossible without clean air, clear water, the pure nature.
The object of the research:
10 environmental objects situated on the ecological path.
The purpose of the research work:
To learn to be a responsible, environmentally literate person. To teach other people to behave correctly in nature. To realize inseparable connection between a man and nature.
The tasks of the research work:
The methods of researching:
During the study, we used the following methods:
1. Observation.
2. Environmental monitoring
3. Interview
4. Experiment
Practical importance of the project
During our research work members of our society communicate with people, interview our villagers. Our results of the work make them to change their attitude to the environment, to the nature around them. Our society organizes various activities connected with ecology of our village. We show them our ecological path. Thus we teach them to take care of the nature.
The main part
An ecological path is a special educational route to nature. It was paved by the members of scientific society of pupils (SSP) of our school. We are 12 in the society. Pupils have been working for 5 years on the project. Ecological path is 1.5 km long, it consists of 10 stations.
For the study we have chosen 10 environmental objects. The first object is a birch, which is growing in the stadium of the school. The second choice is a gas station of our village. The next is a driveway, which is passing through the village. A boggy place or a marsh is the fourth place. A legendary monument of nature, a favourite place of children – a hill is the next station. Rubbish dump located in the same place. It is a disgrace to the whole village. Foxhole is in the same hill too. A small pine forest adorns our village. In addition, there can be seen an owl's nest. The last station is an artesian well which provides us with fresh water. Names connected with Tatar proverbs were given to each station.
The first station is "Visiting a birch tree." They say: "If a person brought up at least one tree, he did not live his life in vain." Our school stadium is surrounded by birch and poplar trees. The station tells about a birch, its biological and medical characteristics. In this station we recall poems about birches. In the classroom pupils study literature, connected with birches, speak of its value in medicine. Discuss and share our point of view about poems, stories connected with birch. Our society does visual observations: the age of the birch, its height, circle, position and shape. We study insects, birds that live in the tree, the number of nests. These studies help us to find out the biological condition of the birches, draw up environmental monitoring.
The second station is gas station. People say oil is black gold. We study how much fuel passes through the gas station, if it is related to seasonal work. According to our studies since May to October more than 15 types of cars, mainly trucks and agricultural machinery are served. Per month they use 9 tons of fuel, 75% of them diesel fuel. In winter only 5 types of cars are served and 3 tons of fuel is used. It is connected with agricultural work: spring planting and autumn harvest. Gas station is dangerous object. It must be clean and tidy in the territory. Employees must comply with safety rules. There are fire extinguishers and other fire-fighting equipments. At this station pupils study oil products, their benefits and dangers.
The third station is a driveway “Naberezhnye Chelny – Muslyumovo”, which runs through the village. "On the trampled road grass does not grow" is called the station. We study the damage caused to the nature by cars, the impact of harmful car emissions. Public surveys are conducted. We find out how many cars there are in the village and in every family. In the classroom the members of the society do practical work on the topics “The impact of transport emissions on soil dwellers in summer" and “Analysis of the composition of snow in winter”. We count the number of cars on the driveway at different times of a day. During agricultural work there is a lot of agricultural machinery. In the summer and in the winter are a lot of cars and trucks.
The fourth station is a boggy place. People say “Every sandpiper praises its swamp”. We study species of plants and dwellers that live in the marsh: willow, cane, dragonflies, birds and frogs. We observe the number and the ratio of these species. It is interesting to study the impact of transport emissions on soil dwellers, the effect of the weather conditions.
The fifth station is the hill “Batyr”. We are in the world of legends there. Its height is 250-300 meters. The hill is believed to be the local natural monument. There some legends about it. One of them is about a brave man who stopped to rest on the hill. Batyr is a favourite place of children. In summer they play on the hill, gather berries. In winter children go to ride sledding. We study the species of plants and flowers there. In addition, pupils of our school go for a picnic there. Teachers and members of our society teach children to behave correctly during a picnic, be ecologically friendly.
The sixth station is a rubbish dump. It is located in the same place, not far from the hill. It is a disgrace to the whole village. Unfortunately, it spoils the ecological condition of our village. We called this station “Do not take out the rubbish to public”. Pupils studied the composition of waste there. Most of all we could see plastic there. As surveys are shown our villagers are against this rubbish dump. People are concerned about environmental problems connected with it. Earlier in the spring and summer pupils of our school are made clean this place, collect garbage near the road, and burn them. Fortunately, lately this action is prohibited by law. Besides, since the last summer the garbage disposal is organized by the local authorities.
The seventh station is one of the most interesting. It is a foxhole. The station is called “A cunning fox”. The foxhole is situated not far from the rubbish dump. In this station we study biological features of foxes, their benefit and harm to local society. In summer foxes do harm to villagers. They kill chickens, ducks and geese. According to our studies we can see more foxes during dry and hot summers. Last summer they have done less harm.
The eighth station is a small pine forest. People say “Pine is on the top strong”. This small forest protects our village from wind. The importance of this woodland is obvious. Our society studies the influence of environmental factors on a pine. We do project works “The value of a pine tree”, “A pine and our health”. Also we practical work on the topics: "Dependence of a pine growth on the clean air”, “How the number of pine needles help to determine the degree of environmental pollution."
The ninth station is an owl’s nest. An owl is the wisest bird. It hears everything. But an owl is miser on words. Owls are considered to be night hunters. In the spring in the nests we watch the owls’ young. When they learn to fly, they can be seen in the village. In this station we study biological features of owls, their benefit and harm to local society.
Based on our study, we can say that the village and its surroundings are inhabited by various animals and birds.
The tenth station is an artesian well. We know that water is the source of life. In this station pupils speak about useful properties of water for our body and health. In our village we have 4 artesian wells. Are there problems with water supply? Are the villagers satisfied with water quality? During surveys members of our society ask these questions. 2 years ago villagers had problems with water supply. Especially in summer people suffered from lack of water. They were afraid of fires. Fortunately, now another organization is responsible for water supply. The problem of water was solved.
The research work has been going on for many years. The ecological path of my school consists of ecologically important objects. At each station, the biological significance of plants and animals is studied. One of the tasks is to study the influence of human life on the biosphere. Pupils focus on the protection of environment. Communication with the villagers, questionnaires and various social surveys make them think about personal influence on nature. At school we have a lot of school activities connected with ecology: Day of birds, Earth Day, Day of forests, Day of animals… In autumn and spring we have Clean up Days.
In conclusion, I want to say that we are glad to have our ecological path. Working on this project we learn to be ecologically friendly. We understand close relationship between nature and us. The results of studying help us to find out about an ecological situation of the village. According to our observation and monitoring the ecological situation in the village is improving. Garbage is taken out weekly. People throw less garbage in the street. The rubbish dump is at the stage of closing. Agricultural cars are refueling in specialized gas stations. The problem with water supply is solved too.
We live in a global world. It is very important to be ecologically educated. The world is seen as a global village in which all living things depend on each other and seem to be closer together. Nowadays it is necessary to know and discuss environmental problems. Ecological education should be taught since the early childhood: in nursery schools and schools. I think a formation of scientific society of pupils and an ecological path are the best way for it. A person, who loves his homeland, studies and observes its surroundings, preserves its purity, transfers ecological culture to future generation.
List of used literature
1. Попова Т.А. Экология в школе. Мониторинг природной среды. Методическое пособие. «Творческий центр». Москва, 2005.
2. Захлебный А.Н. На экологической тропе (опыт экологического воспитания).- М.: Знание, 1986.
3. Большая энциклопедия живой природы. – Москва, «Махаон», 2006.
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