Гаджеты и дети.
Н. Ломакин, ученик 7 класса МБОУ лицей г. Уварово им. А. И. Данилова
С. А. Спицына, учитель английского языка МБОУ лицей г. Уварово им. А. И. Данилова
Актуальность данной темы в том, что развитие гаджетов ускоряется с каждой минутой, и многие дети поддерживают это и ждут выхода очередной новинки. Гаджеты имеют огромную популярность среди молодого поколения, т.к. они упрощают жизнь. Однако многие взрослые их не поддерживают, говоря, что они вредны для здоровья. А понять кто прав из них очень сложно.
Цель данного исследования: изучение факторов поддержки гаджетов со стороны молодежи и их родителей.
В соответствии с этой целью были поставлены задачи:
Анкетирование учащихся 5-9 классов, анализ результатов исследования и литературы по данной теме позволили доказать нам гипотезу и достигнуть цель исследования: и взрослые, и дети используют различные гаджеты каждый день. Но дети больше поддерживают выпуск новых гаджетов, чем взрослые.
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МБОУ Лицей г.Уварово им. А.И.Данилова 393460, г. Уварово Тамбовской обл., 4-й мкрн., д.1, E-mail: luvr_tamb@mail.ru www.luvr.68edu.ru ИНН 6830003915, КПП 683001001, ОГРН 1056829384237 | Победитель |
ХVI лицейская научно-практическая конференция
Гаджеты и дети.
Выполнена: Ломакиным Никитой
учащимся 7 класса Д
Руководитель: Спицына Светлана Александровна
учитель английского языка
Introduction…………………………………………………. 3
A review of the literary sources on the research topic………..5
I. The Main Part………………………………………………..6
1.1Gadgets. What is it?………………………........................ 6
1.2 Processing and analysis of the results………………….....8
Conclusion ……………………………………………………10
II. Bibliography………………………………………………11
Appendix №1……………………………………………….. 12
Appendix № 2………………………………………………. 13
There are some devices in our life, without which it is impossible to imagine the man’ existence even for a second or two. Every day we get new mechanisms, which will be in the pocket of every person in a few years. The old gadgets became an integral part of human beings, too.
You can stop any person in the street and ask: "Have you got any gadgets with you? If yes, please show us". I am sure that you will see all humanity’s richness for 20 or 30 minutes: laptops, tablets, e-books, mobile phones, portable music players and other devices that can be taken with.
According to statistics, 80% of Russians take something from their gadgets when he or she is out. And only 10% of people don't take anything with him or her going somewhere. Now, even a four-year-old child has a mobile phone or even a laptop or a personal computer.
Look at the statistics again. The most popular portable electronic device is a mobile telephone. This device is used by the majority of citizens of Russia - 91%.
About 28% of Russians are successful owners of a laptop or a netbook.
The word "gadget" was once called as the first atomic bomb. Probably it is not in vain. You may say that the gadgets will rule the world. Well, the percentage of people who use gadgets will increase within a few years. And it's a real fact.
The choice of the theme of our work is predetermined by the fastest development of gadgets. Many children have them and they wait for the release of a new product. Gadgets are very popular among young generation because they make life easier and interesting. However, many adults do not support the children’s interest in the gadgets, saying that they are harmful to health. And it is very difficult to understand who is right - children or adults .
We put forward the following hypothesis: teenagers support gadgets more than adults.
The aim of this research is to examine what factors influence the youth and the grown-ups to support or not to support gadgets.
The object of our research is the pupils of the 5-9 classes, their parents and teachers.
The subject of this research is the level of supporting gadgets by children and adults.
According to the problem, the object, the subject and the purpose of the research the following tasks were put:
›to analyze the Western and Russian scientists’ works on this problem;
›to find out which factors influence the youth and the grown-ups to support or not to support gadgets;
›to conduct a survey;
›to draw conclusions.
The methods of our research are:
Speaking about the degree of studying of this problem, we can say that the questions about gadgets are poorly examined. Therefore, there are not many theoretical and practical literature on this issue. The basic works on this subject can be called "The Mobile Internet" by V. P. Leontiev and "Big and little secrets of mobile phones" by M. V. Adamenko
The work of V. P. Leontiev deals with the use of additional functional capabilities of the mobile (cell) phones, which not always can be found not only in the operating instructions or service manuals, but in the specialized literature.
The main attention is paid to the functions for activation and further which does not require any additional equipment, and only need the mobile phone itself. This means that virtually all recommended in this book, the operations are performed by the owner of a mobile phone just by pressing certain keys on the keypad.
M. V. Adamenko rightly points out in his book that the Internet has become an integral part of our lives. Moreover, it is vitally important in many daily situations. And the Network supports a huge number of different devices: laptops, PDAs, mobile phones, etc.
Besides, we have learned a lot of Internet resources. Some of them claim,unfortunately the majority of young people don’t understand the real value of modern hi-tech technologies and seldom use them for self-education and self-determination. Gadgets are only toys in their hands. Besides, they must remember that creating more convenient world, a man is unwittingly pays the highest price, it is his health.
1.1 Gadgets. What is it?
A gadget is a device designed to facilitate and improve human life.
Gadgets are widely distributed in different spheres of life: sports - fitness trackers, smart bracelets, sports devices, including smart clothing; medicine: electronic patches, tricoders; entertainment: smartphones, tablets, music players, game consoles, glasses for augmented and virtual reality and much more.
We use gadgets everywhere: in the streets, at home, in cafes, in the hospital, at work. Using them we listen to music, learn, have fun, take pictures and even identify the disease.
Generally, the gadgets are used by the youth. They use the gadgets, sitting in the Internet, texting, reading and doing homework.
But why gadgets are not so common among adults? The answer is very simple. When gadgets and computers were first appeared, the display radiated rays, which are highly strained human’s eyes. As a result, many people blinded. But these rays acted not only on the eyes. They irradiated the whole body and caused the diseases of liver, kidney, heart and even lungs.
Many years have passed since then and gadgets stopped to influence our health so hard, but the older generation can't forget it. No wonder, because people learn from their mistakes and the mistakes of others. And gadgets managed to shake their reputation among people.
But the children do not see harm in the modern gadgets and they use them intensively. They have no uranium and radiation. It is a small compact device which do not do anything wrong.
Do you know that the gadgets are used everywhere in our life? For example: in medicine, where the patient is operated with a help of a joystick. The doctors rule a knife, a needle or a camera, using the joystick. They see everything inside the patient, not cutting him. By the way, the video is also the aspect of gadgets. It is used everywhere: in the police, taking pictures of the place of the incident or a proof; in the news and newspapers, using photos and videos to make reports; at a tire shop, shops, etc.
Gadgets are used to set the alarm to protect ourselves from criminals. Now it is widely developed and spread.
In some stores, instead of using computers one put compact and cheap tablets. They are used on military bases as a monitor and a joystick to control the rockets.
To tell the truth, we use gadgets in our everyday life. For example, it is a mobile phone. We always take it everywhere, even if we do not need it. We keep in touch with our friends, colleagues, parents, watch the time, play games, learn certain things, their cost and the place of getting it. You can share information, watch the tube, maps, fix a place for photos and videos or just to show others what you have seen, being in a trip, at home, at work or even in a supermarket.
Housewives use a timer installed on pans, in cookers. We put a special device in our fridge to support the temperature.
1.2 Processing and analysis of the results
62 pupils and 20 parents participated in our poll. Everyone had a questionnaire (Appendix №1). There are 8 questions. I analyzed their answers and I found out that 100% of pupils and their parents use gadgets in their everyday life. (Appendix №2).
Among 62 children 38% of them use mobiles; 34 % - laptops and 28 % of children have tablets. The adults’ answers to this question are: 50% of them use mobiles; 33% - laptops and 17% - tablets.
According to the 3rd question: “Do you support the production of new gadgets?”, 71% of pupils answered positively. And only 6% of them have negative attitude to the production of new gadgets. Their parents’ answers are like that: 55% of them say “yes” to the production of new gadgets, 35% of them have neutral attitude and 10% are against them.
According to the 4th question: “Do you think that gadgets play an important role in your life?”, 52% of pupils answered positively and 48% of them said “No”. Their parents’ answers were like that: 60% of them said “yes” and 40% gave negative answer.
The 5th question is “How much money do you spend for buying gadgets?”. 44% of pupils don’t buy any gadgets.21% of pupils spend more than 1000roubles per a month. 27% of them gave their own answers(10000 roubles per a month, 20000 roubles per a month) and 8% of pupils spend more than 5000roubles per a month. 45% of their parents gave their own answers (500 roubles per a month, 2000 per a month). 35% of them don’t buy any gadgets, and only 20% of the children’s parents spend more than 1000 roubles per a month.
According to the 6th question “Do you think that a gadget is the man’s friend?”, only 19% of pupils answered positively and 55% of them answered “Just a little”. But 26% of children think that gadgets are enemy. Their parents answered differently. 75% of them chose the answer “Just a little” and 15% of them think that gadgets are enemy. But only 10% of grown-ups think that gadgets are the man’s friends.
Then we asked our interviewees “What is more important in gadgets for you”? 39% of pupils answered “power”.31% of them think that practical use is more important in gadgets. 19% of pupils gave their own answers (health, necessity). Only10% of children think that safety is more important than practical use or a power. 2% of them believe that price is more important than a power or a safety. Their parents think that safety is more important in gadgets: 35% of them answered in this way. 30% of them think that practical use is more important. 25% of grown-ups gave their own answers (health, necessity). 5% of them believe that power is more important in gadget. And only 5% of parents think that price is more important than a power or a safety.
And the last question in our questionnaire was “Would you like to have all gadgets?” 48% of pupils answered positively. 45% of them have already got all necessary gadgets and 6% of children do not want to have all gadgets. Their parents answered like that: 65% of them have already got all necessary gadgets. 20% of them do not want to have all gadgets. And only 10% of grown-ups answered positively,
So, we came to the conclusion that teenagers support the production of gadgets more than adults.
To sum up, we can say that it is practically impossible to live without modern gadgets nowadays. They make our life more interesting, more convenient. Moreover, we can get a lot of information and deep our knowledge in different spheres of our life.
Nowadays more and more people use gadgets. They build modern factories for creating new mobile phones, tablets, laptops, etc. It’s not bad. Because gadgets can help us to identify some death diseases, to monitor our heartbeats and to relax with the help of uncomplicated games.
As we see from our research the students like to communicate and enjoy free time playing different games, watching video films, listening to the music.
We can’t say that it is too bad. Some scientists say that playing games on cellphones sharpens our concentration and computational skills. Moreover, engaging the brain in challenging tasks will help you to think faster, to improve your concentration and attention.
According to our survey, all pupils in our lyceum and their parents use gadgets. But children more support the production of new gadgetst than their parents.
In the given work the hypothesis of our research: children are more support the production of new gadgets than adults was proved. The purpose and the tasks were reached.
The reasons why children are more support gadgets than adults are:
Questionnaire «Gadgets in Your Life»
1. Do you use any gadgets?
А) Yes, of course.
B) Only a mobile phone.
C) No.
2. What gadgets do you use? (a mobile phone, a laptop, a tablet, etc.)
3. Do you support the production of new gadgets?
А) Yes, of course.
B) Just a little.
C) No.
4. Do you think that gadgets play an important role in your life?
А) Yes.
B) No.
5. How much money do you spend for buying gadgets?
А) More than 5000roubles per month.
B) More than 1000roubles per month.
C) I don't buy any gadgets.
D) Your answer______
6. Do you think that a gadget is the man’s friend?
А) Yes, of course.
B) Just a little.
C) No, it’s a kind of enemy.
7. What is more important in gadgets for you?
A) Safety.
B) Practical use
C) Power.
D) Price.
E) Your answer______
8. Would you like to have all gadgets?
A) Yes, of course.
B) No, I’ve got the most necessary gadgets.
C) No.
D) Your answer ______
Слайд 1
AUTHOR: LOMAKIN NIKITA CLASS 9 D PROJECT SUPERVISOR: SPITSINA SVETLANA ALEXANDROVNA THE TEACHER OF ENGLISH Theme: Gadgets and Children МБОУ Лицей г.Уварово им. А.И.Данилова . Уварово Тамбовской обл., 4-й мкрн., д.1, тел. (07558) , 4-14-15, 4-70-93 4-1 6-23 , E-mail: luvr_tamb@mail.ru www.luvr.68edu.ru ИНН 6830003915, КПП 683001001, ОГРН 1056829384237 Победитель конкурсов ПНПО-06 , ПНПО-08 .Слайд 2
Urgency Urgency The choice of our research theme is predetermined by the fastest development of gadgets. Many children have them and they wait for the release of a new product. However, many adults do not support the children’s interest in the gadgets, saying that they are harmful to health. And it is very difficult to understand who is right - children or adults .
Слайд 3
The hypothesis of our research is : teenagers support gadgets more than adults.
Слайд 4
The purpose of this research is : to examine what factors influence the youth and the grown-ups to support or not to support gadgets.
Слайд 5
The tasks of our research are : to analyze the Western and Russian scientists’ works on this problem; to find out which factors influence the youth and the grown-ups to support or not to support gadgets; to conduct a survey; to draw conclusions.
Слайд 6
The methods of our research are : questionnaire; studying the literature on the problem; charting; processing and analysis of getting results.
Слайд 12
Conclusion In the given work the hypothesis of our research: children are more support the production of new gadgets than adults was proved. The purpose and the tasks were reached. The reasons why children are more support gadgets than adults are: children use different gadgets for their education, entertainment and communication adults are more skeptical than children children are more trusting and open adults believe massmedia and medicine that claim gadgets are evil.
Слайд 13
Bibliography Adamenko M. V. Big and little secrets of mobile phones.- M.: DMK Press, 2007. – p. 432 Leontiev V.P. The Mobile Internet. – M.: OLMA Media Group, 2008. – p.150 The Internet Resources: http://nig.mirtesen.ru/ http://24gadget.ru/gadget/ http://gadget-obzor.ru/elektronnie-knigi/ http://gadgetmir.org/ http://bondarenko.dn.ua/psychology/article . http://www.aif.ru/health/children/1341583
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