Презентация на английском языке о древних цивилизациях на примере Трои.
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Excavations in TroyСлайд 2
Troy — an ancient fortified settlement in Asia Minor on the Peninsula of Troas on the coast of the Aegean sea, near the entrance to the Dardanelles Strait in modern Turkish province of Canakkale . Troy sung in the poem "Iliad", the author of which is considered a Homer. The events described by Homer in the current view of historians belong to the Mycenaean era. The people who inhabited the city of Troy, in ancient Greek sources called tikrai . Troy Ruins of old amphitheater in Troy The reconstruction of the city of Troy
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Heinrich Schliemann Heinrich Schliemann— German businessman and archaeologist. He found the location of Troy and excavated in this city. In 1873, found, in his words, a large set of items called "Treasure of Priam ". In 1876 Heinrich Schliemann discovered the shaft tombs at Mycenae — the first evidence of Mycenaean culture. Heinrich Schliemann
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For a long time the very existence of Troy was considered a myth or an invention of Homer and the exact location of Troy, no one knew. Geographical descriptions in Homer's Iliad, forced Henry to assume that the ruins of Troy can be in the North-West of Asia Minor, somewhere near the entrance to the Dardanelles (modern Turkey).May 31, 1873, Schliemann discovered was the treasure which he hastily called the “Treasure of Priam ”.Many still doubt that Schliemann discovered that the city of Troy, but one way or another most scholars today are inclined to believe that Schliemann was right all along , “ Troy excavated, and there is no other” Excavations in Troy
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The Trojan war — the war, tales of which were circulated in the Greek people before the addition of the Homeric epics: the author of the first Rhapsody of the Iliad presupposes in his audience a detailed familiarity with the cycle of these legends and hopes that Achilles Atrey , Odysseus, Ajax the Great, Ajax Small, Hector is already familiar to them. Trojan war The Abduction Of Helen Trojan war
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According to legend, the Trojan horse caused the fall of Troy . In the night after the horse was in the city, Sinon let out from his hiding inside the womb of warriors, who quickly killed the guards and opened the city gates. Asleep after the wild celebrations of the city, not even a strong resistance. Some of the Trojan warriors led by Aeneas tried to save the Palace and the king. In Greek mythology, the Palace fell because of the giant Neoptolemus , the son of Achilles, who smashed the front door with his axe and killed king Priam . why did Troy fall?
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Because of its strategic location, after each devastating war or a devastating earthquake, the town was restored and a life in Three were at it again. That is why in our day archaeological site represents the nine major cultural layers that belong to different eras. Troy is one of the most famous archaeological sites in Turkey and in the world, and is included in the world heritage list of UNESCO. The Sights Of Troy
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The project is completed: Emonakova Anastasia, Leskova Vladlena Khlebnikova Anastasia Baldanov Dashi , Hamgushkeev Mergen Thank you for attention
Юрий Алексеевич Гагарин
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