В данной исследовательской работе рассматриваются предпосылки и сущность эвфимезационных процессов в современных условиях развития общества. Тематика данного исследования весьма актуальна, так как потребность в изучении многих социальных проблем сквозь призму языка неуклонно растетю В отечсетвенной и зарубежной лингвистической науке доминирует понимание эвфемии в широком смысле этого термина, которая в свою очередь, не способствует адекватному описанию данного явления.
В своем исследовании Тужилина С. Выделяет основные темы и сферы эвфемизации в условиях современного общества. При этом особое внимание уделяет влиянию феминистской лингвистике, тенденции обезличивания в языке, а так же явлению политкорректности на изменение норм языка. По мнению исследователя именно эти компоненты оказали наибольшее влияние на процесс эвфимезации английского языка. Проанализированная классификация основных сфер эвфимезации и функционирования новых эвфиместических выражений имеет определенную значимост, хотя и не является полной.
Несомненно данная тема нуждается в дальнейшей, более детальной разработке с целью создания полной и непротиворечивой классификациии сферы употребления эвфемизмов. Настоящая работа имеет практическую значимость, так как ее результаты основаны в том числе и на исследованиях, в которые были вовлечены учащиеся гимназии.
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Тема: «Проблемы эвфемистической лексики в социолингвистическом и культурологическом аспектах на примере английского языка»
Тужилина Софья Александровна,
ученица 6 класса МБОУ Щелковской гимназии
Щелковского муниципального района
Московской области
адрес администрации: 141100 г.Щелково,
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Самбурова Юлия Владимировна,
учитель английского языка
МБОУ Щелковской гимназии
Щелковского муниципального района
Московской области
2017 год
Рецензия на работу
ученицы 6 класса МБОУ Щелковской гимназии
Щелковского Муниципального района Московской области
Тужилиной Софьи
по теме «Проблемы эвфемистической лексики в социолингвистическом и культурологическом аспектах на примере английского языка»
В данной исследовательской работе рассматриваются предпосылки и сущность эвфимезационных процессов в современных условиях развития общества. Тематика данного исследования весьма актуальна, так как потребность в изучении многих социальных проблем сквозь призму языка неуклонно растетю В отечсетвенной и зарубежной лингвистической науке доминирует понимание эвфемии в широком смысле этого термина, которая в свою очередь, не способствует адекватному описанию данного явления.
В своем исследовании Тужилина С. Выделяет основные темы и сферы эвфемизации в условиях современного общества. При этом особое внимание уделяет влиянию феминистской лингвистике, тенденции обезличивания в языке, а так же явлению политкорректности на изменение норм языка. По мнению исследователя именно эти компоненты оказали наибольшее влияние на процесс эвфимезации английского языка. Проанализированная классификация основных сфер эвфимезации и функционирования новых эвфиместических выражений имеет определенную значимост, хотя и не является полной.
Несомненно данная тема нуждается в дальнейшей, более детальной разработке с целью создания полной и непротиворечивой классификациии сферы употребления эвфемизмов.
Настоящая работа имеет практическую значимость, так как ее результаты основаны в том числе и на исследованиях, в которые были вовлечены учащиеся гимназии.
Учитель английского языка Самбурова Ю.В.
It’s a strange world of language
which skating on thin ice
can get you into hot water. -Franklin P. Jones
Language is not simply a means of communication. It reflects the events and the culture, conveys ideas and meanings. Language is the key to understanding the world and changing it. Everything acquired in social practice, influences our attitude to the surroundings, gives birth to new feelings and emotions, develops our language personality (a bearer of national culture). Being a part of the society we have to coexist or accept the ideology which is considered correct by the governments and the majority of the population. We may support or oppose it, in any case we are emotionally influenced. In the result of this conflict the opponents find a compromise which satisfies both conflicting parties. But it does not last long as new events, new realities of life, new social upheaval bring to new confrontation. In this concern more attention is paid to the language as the means of interpersonal understanding. The need to look at social phenomena through the prism of language and gender is constantly increasing. A euphemism is a word or phrase used to mask a rude or offensive concept. It is an indirect term that is used by a speaker to save a hearer from being shocked or feeling embarrassed or upset.
Project hypothesis: Due to cultural differences - history, social customs, values, religions and moral standards, euphemisms are the words which appear and disappear most frequently in an American English. Euphemisms change along with the social attitudes to the subjects which we euphemise not to offend, disturb or embarrass anybody. Sometimes this fight with so called “verbal aggression” can bring to linguistic and social curiosities or even doing away with somebody .
The objectives of the project: analyses of euphemisms as a sociocultural component of the English language.
Prospects of the research:
The materials of the study are:
1. examples from examples from classical English literature, periodicals and mass media;
Euphemisms and their position in the language. Definition of euphemisms.
Any language is a system which exists while it develops and this process is closely connected with social and cultural development of the society and its social differentiation For many years scientists and common people have tried to find out why some languages develop quicker than others, what influences their changes, why some languages become international but others die out.
Nowadays the tendency to replace offensive words by more acceptable ones is becoming more and more popular. Not to offend the hearer, not to speak directly about some unsuitable, unpleasant or embarrassing issues or simply to veil the real sense, people use the words with less negative connotation – euphemisms. Webster’s New Dictionary refers to euphemism as, substitution of agreeable or offensive expression for one that may offend or suggest something unpleasant. The word euphemism originates from the Greek, the prefix “eu ” means “well ” or “sounding good ” and the stem “pheme ” means ”speech” or “speak ” . Euphemisms are a kind of indicator of the social structure of the society, relationships between people at work and in the family. They reflect the attitude to certain ethnic groups and races, men and women, different discriminations, discrimination of age, for example, – ageism – dislike of elderly people. In this concern in the English language there have appeared such euphemisms as “third age”, senior citizen or golden ager, and etc. But the reaction to these euphemisms is not always positive, as some advanced in years people prefer to be called whatever, even “ an old foggy” but not a senior citizen.
Reasons for the Use of Euphemisms. Euphemisms as a Sociocultural Process.
Euphemisms cover important events of human existence. They often appear in contexts referring to unhappiness of human life, like death or diseases, but they also refer to very emotive events such as birth. To disguise income or property differences, there appeared the word “disadvantaged”. To avoid racial discrimination, in stead of “Black” they use “coloured” or “non-white”. Not to offend people who are physically or mentally different , the word crippled (dating back to 950) was changed by handicapped (dating back to 1700), which in its turn was changed into disabled ( since the 1930s). Mentally retarded people are called learning disabled ( the word “ mentally retarded” was invented in the middle of the 20th century to replace the previous set of terms 'slow” and “ backward”. Students with low academic abilities are called “underachievers”. Those who suffer from a partial or total inability to hear are called “hearing impaired”. People characterized by difficulty in articulation of words are speech impaired. “Insane asylum” —a hospital for mentally incompetent or unbalanced person has been changed by “mental hospital.
Since 1960s it has become popular to raise the prestige of some professions. So many previously unwelcome professions have now taken more appealing names. For example, people always use cleaning operative for road sweeper or dustman, sanitation engineer for garbage collector, meat technologist for butcher, and hairdresser has turned into beautician, or hairlogist, mortician into funeral director etc. Due to the gender discrimination in the English language, “stewardess” is called “ flight attendant”, as we say chairperson instead of chairman. It is common today to address a group of women as “Guys, do you want to go for lunch?” and use the term “actors” for both actors and actresses. If you ask “Why policemen are so prone to taking bribes?”, you make us think of all police as men. The names of some professions, are basically of common gender, namely, they can be applied to both sexes. However, people usually will habitually associate them only with male. So, we have to add “woman” before those names if we want to refer to female of those professions. For example:
Doctor | woman doctor |
Professor | woman professor |
Engineer | woman engineer |
Lawyer | lady lawyer |
Reporter | girl reporter |
In addition, some terms display certain stereotypes in our thinking- male image comes to our mind when someone says these words to us: Model, Musician, Cleaner, Driver, Secretary, Baby-sitter, Doctor, Engineer, Scientist , Comedian, Killer, Terrorist.
In English language, there are many words, which are clearly male-orientated as they contain the element “—man” while they can in fact apply to both sexes, for example: chairman, congressman, councilman, newsman, freshman, policeman, salesman mailman. Sexism in language is also showed in that the noun of feminine gender can only be obtained by adding a certain morpheme to the noun. For example:
man | woman |
manager | manageress |
prince | princess |
god | goddess |
author | authoress |
mayor | mayoress |
count | countess |
shepherd | shepherdess |
host | hostess |
steward | stewardess |
poet | poetess |
usher | usherette |
sailor | sailorette |
hero | heroine |
heir | heiress |
There are various strategies for replacing –man compounds. For example, the use of a gender-neutral term - police officer instead of policeman. Here is a list of the most frequently used alternatives:
businessman - business executive, business manager, business owner, business person cattleman - cattle breeder, cattle owner, cattle producer, cattle raiser, cattle worker, farmer chairman - the chair, chairperson, coordinator, discussion leader, head (of) … , leader, moderator, person chairing a meeting, person in the chair, president
craftsman - artist, craftworker, technician
fireman – firefighter, boiler attendant, fire tender
fisherman – fisher
handyman - handyperson, do-it-yourselfer, maintenance worker, repairer
milkman - milkdeliverer, milk supplier, 'milko' (informal)
policeman - member of the police, police officer
postman - letter carrier, mail carrier, mail deliverer, postal delivery officer, postal worker, 'postie' (informal)
salesman - sales agent, sales associate, sales attendant, salesperson, sales representative, salesworker, shop assistant, shop attendant
sportsman - athlete, player, sports competitor, sportsperson
tradesman - tradesperson (trader)
weatherman - meteorologist, weather presenter, weather reporter, weather forecaster
workman - worker, employee, working person
The biggest group of euphemisms refers to such negative social topics like crimes, wars, the difference in economic development and addictions (called weaknesses, e. g. weakness for the drink - alcoholism or weakness for the horses represents gambling
client - a person as a subject of regulation by a government agency or public authority
goldfather, don - the head of Mafia family or other group involved in organized crime
killing - put a person´s lights out, put against a wall, put away, put daylight through, put
down, put on the spot, put out of your troubles, put to sleep, put to the sword
terminated - Mafia-style killings
jail - detention center, correction center, group home
drunk – intoxicated, legless, under the table, under the influence, spaced out, overtired,
stewed, whistled, pickled, potted, stewed, screwed, in liquor, in the bag, illuminated
poor nation – emerging nation
family jewels – shameful secrets
dead - passed away, departed, deceased, gone to a better place, bit the big one, bought the farm, croaked, given up the ghost, kicked the bucket, gone south, assumed room temperature, gone to our long home, gone west, returned to ashes
war - armed struggle, conflict, confrontation, counter-attack, incident, intervention,
limited action, operation
prehostility – peace
confrontation – armed conflict between two states
the tools – all the components that serve to production of nuclear weapons.
terrorist: criminal or rebel
neutralize - to kill or disable a target
secure an area (or mop up) - kill remaining enemy soldiers
toublemaker - rebel, revolutionary, or folk heroes, especially by oppressive governments
final solution - The Holocaust
ethnic cleansing - genocide
Unpleasant phenomena
homeless – shopping-bag lady, vagrant, elderly woman who roams a city carrying her possessions in a shopping bag or bags, street person
job seekers - the unemployed
illegal alien - illegal immigrants
Forth World – the world's poorest and most undeveloped countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America
Third World - those nations whose territories , if not their politics , do not form part o9f the industrially developed world.
Developing countries - poor nations (has replaced underdeveloped and backward)
The usage of euphemisms in politics is aimed at achieving positive propaganda effect, uniting nation, and mitigating conflicts between different ethnic and social groups. Though such devotion to contradiction to verbal agression has a lot of supporters, there are those who strongly speaks out against it. Mocking at funny substitutions, Robert Novak, a famous American journalist and television personality, asked the editors of “The Los Angeles Times” how would “Indian Summer” be called (the word “Indian” is considered polotically incorrect and changed by “Native American”) . The answer was really shocking “unseasonably warm weather late in the year”.
Political Correctness and Gender Tendencies in the English Language
As the language is closely connected with mentality and culture of its bearers, a lot of political, sosial and cultural phenomena are reflected in the system of any language. The English language hag undergone a lot of cahnges during the last 30 centuries. No wonder that this language and the american society have given rise to such a behaviorial tendency as political correctness which means using words or behavior which will not offend any group of people. Most people think it is important for everyone to be treated equally, fairly and with dignity. Some words have been used for a long time that are unkind to some people. Sometimes these words have now been replaced by other words that are not offensive. Such words are described as politically correct. The first to ruin the ddifferences between men and women in the society, and who criticized the existing language and culture as “male-dominated” were feminists. The history of the society, as the feminists argued, was written from the male point of view (“it’s HIStory, not HERstory”).
With the help of language people were made less sensitive to race, gender, age, and sexual orientation differences. The second big group who contributed to the process were so called ethnic communities. Their demand for “deracialization” in English provided new names for nationalities and ethnic groups. The words Negro, colored, and Afro-American were replaced by African American; Oriental or Asiatic became Asian or more specific designations such as Pacific Islander, Chinese American, Korean. Such words as God, Deveil, housewife, babe, Paradise, bookworm, scullery maid, boyish or girlish figure h are becoming forbidden in the English language. Bitter struggle against so called politically incorrect writers began in the USA about 50 years ago. Among them Mark Twain and his “Adventures of Huckelberry Finn” (1885), William Shakespeare “Merchant of Venice” (1596-1599), Charles Diskens and some female characters of his books because they are described like weak and infintile. “The Old Man and the Sea” by Ernest Hemingway is full of ageism humiliation of people living far from the sea. Some editors avoid publishing so called emotionally tense and controversial materials as they may hurt children who have never seen mountais or seas, who have never been to the country. What is more, they never mention in their books that in the 19th century all the girls and women embroidered and did crafts. Many fairy tales do not to stand up to any criticism as they are full of lookism, sexism, ageism, racism and any others.
The term ”correctness” was introduce by Karen DeCrow an American feminist in 1975. It seems she could not expect how obsessively concerned the society would become about whether or not somebody, somewhere, could be offended by something, somehow. Another day, another person is offended by something.
Some university professors declare that minds of their students are infected by political correctnes and this young generation can be called Frankenstein monster because they easily terrify unsuitable and demanding lecturers. Students refuse to pseak and write on the topics which they consider offensive. The weaker students get more support and approval because there must no be failure and loosers any more. Political correctness has lead to lower standards of excellence in education and training. Political correctness is getting way out of hand and it has to be stopped. A number of the new politically correct words are often rather ridiculous. The examples of these are the terms ending in challenged. For example, someone who is very short might be described as "vertically challenged". People also say that things that are obviously bad are called by something else which hides the fact that they are bad. For example, young people who are in trouble with the law, instead of being called "juvenile delinquents" became "children at risk", starving are called culinary challenged, fat are vertically challenged, people with Down syndrome are differently abled.
Ideological background of some of these changes in the English language sounds ridiculous. According to it, strong and healthy white men have been humiliating and exploiting all the rest for many centuries. Now they must ask for forgiveness every moment and all their best to make up for the past sins.
Euphemisms contribute to the development and enriching of English language by new expressions, because they are based on associations and associations still change. But at the same time they can bring to misunderstanding and hypocrisy as they do not name things openly.
We interviewed students in grades 6-9 on euphemisms. Only 15% of the words and texts were understood correctly. These are the examples of incorrect interpretation of some
Teacher Euphemisms:
What they probably Do say to parents | What they should say to parents | The most popular interpretation of the gymnasium students |
Sarah exhibits exceptional verbal skills and an obvious propensity for social interaction. | She never shuts up. | Сара выставляет на показ свои умения говорить и общаться. |
Paul's Leadership qualities need to be more democratically directed. | He is a bully. | Лидерские качества Пола должны быть более демократически нааправлены. |
Donald is making progress in learning to express himself respectfully. | Hey, at last he no longer uses vulgarities when talking back to me. | Дональд делает успехи в выражении своих мыслей уважительно. |
Alfred demonstartes some difficulty meeting the challenges of information retention. | He'd forget his name if it wasn't taped to his desk. | Альфред демонстрирует трудности в запоминании информации. |
Bunny needs encouragement in learning to form lasting friendship. | Nobody likes her. | Банни нуждается в поддержке, чтобы научиться долго дружить. |
John appears to be aware of all classroom activities. | He just can't focus on the one we're involved in. | Кажется, что он в курсе всех дел в классе. |
Sandy seems to have difficulty distingiushing between fact and fantasy. | He lies like a rug. | Кажется Сэнди не может отличить правду от выдумки. |
Pablo participates enthysiastically in all art ctivities | He is especially adept at throwing pottery... and paint.... and glue, and ….. | Он с большим энтузиазмом принимает участие в художественной детельности. |
David frequently appears bore and restless. You might want to consider palcing him in a more challenging environment. | Prison, perhaps? | Дэвиду часто скучает и поэтому не сидит на месте. Может быть вы подумаете о смене обстановки для него, |
Nick demonstartes a need for guidance in the appropriate use of time. | Three hours a day is entirely too much time to spend picking his nose. | Очевидно, что Нику надо помочь научиться правильно распределять время. |
While studying euphemisms we came to the followingconclusion:
Printed Sources:
5. Pfister, J. 2010. Is there a need for a maxim of politeness? Journal of Pragmatics, 42, - 1282
On-line Sources:
1. Alkire, Scott. 2002. “Introducing Euphemisms to Language Learners”. The Internet TESL Journal. http://iteslj.org/Lessons/Alkire-Euphemisms.html
2. The Economist, November 29, 1997 http://www.economist.com/
3. USA today, Magazine. http://www.usatoday.com/
4. Richard, M. 2008. When Truth Gives Out, Oxford: Oxford University Press. http://www.protosociology.de/Reviews/ProtoSociology-R-Ball-Richard.pdf
5. Rees, N. 1993. The Politically correct Phrasebook: What They Say You Can and Cannot Say in the 1990s. London: Bloomsbury. http://doc.rero.ch/record/232366/files/00002415.pdf
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