В данной работе ученица 8 класса изучает модель финской школы, это уникальная школа будущего, которая сделана по последним технологиям. Кроме дизайна школы, расположения и экологических материалов, в школе используются также современные подходы к обучению. Изучив материалы по даннной теме, автор выбирает те аспекты, которые могут быть актуальны для школы будущего в России. Кроме этого, автор проводит опрос учащихся, какой они видят школу будущего в России. Как результат, автором была предложена модель школы будущего в России. За данный проект автор получила диплом Всероссийского конкурса "Талантливые дети России" в номинации: исследовательские и научные проекты.
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Слайд 1
The Report of the Research Project on English Schools of the future in Finland and Russia Researcher : Azalia Yumakova 8 А class School №46 Teacher: Fedotova I.V. Surgut, 2017Слайд 2
The purpose of my work The purpose of our research is to study the model of the newest «Future school» in Finland , to reveal the secrets of successful learning of Finnish children and make recommendations for a School of the Future in Russia.
Слайд 3
Tasks: 1. To explore the model of «The school of the future » in Finland. 2. To study the education process in the school of the future in Finland and find out the main features of the newest school. 3. To conduct a survey among the students of our school to identify the best recommendations for schools of the future in Russia. 4. To work out recommendations to improve the quality of education of children of Russia.
Слайд 4
The importance of my work The relevance of the work is that this work is new, and I think it will be a kind of discovery. The issues of education have always occupied an important position. Schools are one of the basic units in our society. That is why it is important to care about the education of future generations. The school must keep pace with the times, to evolve, to be useful to students not only in educational terms but also in the development of students as individuals, to make them feel comfortable in society and feel part of the team.
Слайд 5
Part 1 The building The building looks very unusual. It looks like a modern art Museum!
Слайд 6
Part 2 T he learning process Freedom is the foundation on which education system is based in Finland. Freedom ( it is scientifically proven) is the base for the child to show a natural interest, because in fact it will be a huge mistake if the child does not want to study!
Слайд 7
The research method . The research method is the survey of students about the model of «The school of the future in Russia» based on the model of «The school of the future in Finland». Having studied the highlighted qualities of the schools of the future, we composed a survey. We suggested the survey to the students of the 8 th classes.
Слайд 8
Learner feedback . 1 survey. 1. Does the school influence on the formation of personal qualities of students? a) Yes b) No 2. Is it important in your opinion to have good - looking school? a) Yes b) No 3. What kind of work do you think is more progressive on the lesson? a) Teamwork b) Working alone c) Work in pairs 4. Are you interested in the learning process? a) Yes b) No 5. Do you think that education in Russia is of high-quality? a) Yes b) No 6. Do you need final exams? a) Yes b) No 7 . Can the marks reflect the knowledge? a) Yes b) No 8. Can the teacher affect on the quality of our education? a) Yes b) No 9. Would you like to have your school made of environmentally friendly materials? A) yes B) no 10. Would you like to reduce the number of homework assignments? A) yes B) no 11. Would you like to have a future career subject? A) yes B) no 12. Would you like to have the right to choose a teacher, subject or timetable that you like best or is suitable for? A) yes B) no
Слайд 9
The results of the Survey 1
Слайд 10
The results of the survey 2 10 main aspects of school of the future i n order of importance . 1. Unusual design of school and comfortable building built with ecological materials. 2. Covert system surveillance. 3. New technologies: tablets, interactive whiteboards. 4. Friendly atmosphere work in a team, communication between students during the lesson is encouraged. 5. A bit of homework 6. Understanding , highly – qualified teachers, individual approach 7. Free textbooks, notebooks, pencil, pens, rulers and other office. 8. Free food in school canteen. 9. A future career subject. 10. Freedom of choice is important in school. You can choose a teacher and subjects.
Слайд 11
The conclusion . The survey showed that Russian schools demand changes. The school should be modern and sophisticated. We established that the most important features of « The Future school» are freedom of choice and understanding, highly – qualified teachers, individual approach. To sum up, effective education might be based on understanding teachers and freedom of choice.
Слайд 12
Bibliography. The electronic resources . 1. Finnish project forms the school of tomorrow http://www.goodnewsfinland.ru/feature/finskij-proekt-formiruet-shkoly-zavtrashnego-dnya/ 2. Report : school of the future in Finland https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=475h3TGk0e 3. School of the future in Espoo - http://aleks1780.livejournal.com/196626.html?thread=161298 4. School of the future opened in Finland - https://www.adme.ru/zhizn-dobro/shkola-buduschego-otkrylas-v-finlyandii-952960/ 5. The education system in Finland - study in joy - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HgLWq6r-_2w 6. The news portal of psychological PsyPress.ru — http://psypress.ru/psynews/26051.shtml 7. Ubodoeva E. – How in Finland to educate people of the future - https:// www.ucheba.ru/article/3314
Слайд 13
Thank you for attention !
The Report of the Research Project on English
Schools of the future in Finland and Russia
Researcher: Azalia Yumakova
School №46
Class 8 A
Teacher: Fedotova I.V.
Surgut, 2017
«Schools of the future in Finland and Russia».
Purpose: the purpose of our research is to study the model of the newest «Future school» in Finland and to reveal the secrets of successful learning of Finnish children and make recommendations for the school of the future in Russia.
1. To explore the model of «The school of the future in Finland» in Finland.
2. To study the education process in the school of the future in Finland and find out the main features of the newest school.
3. To conduct a survey among the students of our school to identify the best recommendations to schools of the future in Russia.
4. To work out recommendations to improve the quality of education of children of Russia.
Problematizing the school of the future.
The relevance of the work is that this work is new, and I think it will be a kind of discovery. The issues of education have always occupied an important position. Schools are one of the basic units in our society. That is why it is important to care about the education of future generations. The school must keep pace with the times, to evolve, to be useful to students not only in educational terms but also in the development of students as individuals, to make them feel comfortable in society and feel part of the team. As an example, I have chosen "school of the future in Finland", because The Finnish education is considered one of the best developed and interesting. The aim of Finnish education is to maintain its leading global position in that their education remains relevant in the next 100 years. And the example of a Finnish school in Espoo, I want to reveal the secrets of the schools of the future to show what a school should be to make the quality of education much higher. Also I will talk about «The school of the future in Finland» and what is special about it.
Part 1.
Let's start with the fact that the building looks very unusual: if you look at it you will not think that it is a school. It looks like a modern art Museum. Here, the architects moved away from the boring layout and separation into classes. At 10,500 square meters there are primary and secondary schools, a pre-school department, a youth house, a theater hall, a dining room, a library, a sports hall and much more. To decorate the interiors and facades of the building, architects used environmentally friendly natural materials that create a very comfortable and warm atmosphere. Where you can take a break and relax (in the lobby, on the stairs), the walls are painted in bright colors. Each class has its own hall of a special color, it is impossible to get lost. Interaction with the environment is helped by the wide windows facing the street. So children do not feel locked in four walls.
Part 2.
The learning process.
Freedom is the foundation on which education system is based in Finland. Freedom - it is scientifically proven is the base for the child to show a natural interest, because in fact it will be a huge mistake if the child does not want to study. Equality is also one of the signs of education in Finland Training takes place in a relaxed atmosphere. Each child sits as he wants and where he wants, and communication between students during class is encouraged. The majority of lessons is based on team project work. On the office chair on wheels, adjusted for the growth of the student, you can roll back to the end of the class. The place of the board is used by a laptop or tablet, which every child has. All devices are integrated into a single network, and the teacher can connect to each device to instantly help any child. In such schools, which have moved away from the classical form of education, children are making progress in school and the number of neuroses characteristic of school age is declining.
Why Finnish education is the best in the world?
Consider that the difference between Finnish schools and what ideas can be successfully implemented in the national education system. First of all the Finns took seriously to look at their education system from a different angle and decided to come up with what kind of school they want based on scientific research and extensive at the time knowledge about the human brain and human development. That's why there is no division into profiles at this school. The child should develop harmoniously, each subject is important. It is important that the child is calm, since development starts from the point of rest. What else is unusual in the «school of the future in Finland»?
1. Children begin to go to school no earlier than they reach the age of 7 years. Before (at 6 years) they can attend pre-primary education.
2. In Junior high the kids are neither getting homework, or taking exams. They also have no marks. Assessment system starts from 4th class and scores from 4 to 10 points. There are marks for the behavior, ability to work in a group and one for education and the desire to influence others for the subject.
3. In Finnish schools there is a lot of writing: various essays are directed to teach children to have their own opinion on every issue and write it on literary language.
4. At the age of 16 students pass the only 1 required standardized exam.
5. There is no separation of children into achievers and under-achievers - all are in the same class. The differences in student performance are the lowest in the world.
6. Every student can have an extra help from teachers.
7. For the practical works on scientific subjects, classes are split into subgroups of no more than 16 people.
8. 93% of Finns have a University degree, Finns open doors in various prestigious universities in the world.
9. Teachers are in class only 4 hours a day. 2 hours a week they are given for professional development.
10. A teacher can choose any teaching method.
11. Schools are fully funded by the state. The state guarantees free basic education. This includes tuition, textbooks, exercise books, basic stationery, meals at school.
12. Teachers are only 10% of the best graduates of teacher training institutions. In schools the lesson is held by the teacher and assistant teacher, the teacher is most often a candidate of science.
13. According to the survey carried out in 2001, Finnish students were best in mathematics, reading and science. They still hold high positions in international rankings.
Part 3.
Having learnt the articles on «The school of the future in Finland», we found out ten main aspects of school of the future.
Part 4. Research.
The research method is the survey of students about the model of «The school of the future in Russia» based on the model of «The school of the future in Finland». Having studied the highlighted qualities of the schools of the future, we composed a survey. We suggested the survey to the students of the 8th classes.
Learner feedback. The results of the survey.
Survey 1
1. Does the school influence on the formation of personal qualities of students?
a) Yes
b) No
2. Is it important in your opinion to have good - looking school?
a) Yes
b) No
3. What kind of work do you think is more progressive on the lesson?
a) Teamwork
b) Working alone
c) Work in pairs
4. Are you interested in the learning process?
a) Yes
b) No
5. Do you think that education in Russia is of high quality?
a) Yes
b) No
6. Do you need final exams?
a) Yes
b) No
7. Can the marks reflect the knowledge?
a) Yes
b) No
8. Can the teacher affect on the quality of our education?
a) Yes
b) No
9. Would you like to have your school made of environmentally friendly materials?
A) yes
B) no
10. Would you like to reduce the number of homework assignments?
A) yes
B) no
11. Would you like to have a future career subject?
A) yes
B) no
12. Would you like to have the right to choose a teacher, subject or timetable that you like best or is suitable for?
A) yes
B) no
Survey 2
Arrange in order of importance aspects for the school of the future (1-10):
The results of the surveys.
1 survey.
2 survey.
10 main aspects of school of the future in order of importance.
Part 5 Summary, conclusion.
The survey showed that Russian schools should change, school should be modern and sophisticated. We established that the most important thing in «Future school» is freedom of choice and understanding, highly – qualified teachers, individual approach. I agree with students. Education based on understanding teachers and freedom of choice. We performed all tasks and purpose, and also identified aspects for schools of the future. On the chart we can see the result of my survey. But, what should be the school of the future? This school should have unusual design, because it is much more interesting to go to an unusual school, it will attract children. School of the future should be made of environmentally friendly materials, because school furniture plays a huge part in a person's school life. It should be comfortable and accurate. Of course, covert system surveillance – camcorder is very useful thing in school. It provides protection for students. School of the future should be sophisticated and because of it school should have new technologies: tablets, interactive whiteboards etc. Every child should feel comfortable at school, be able to express their thoughts correctly, be able to communicate with people and that's why you need to work in a team, communication should be encouraged and of course the school should not frighten the student, but on the contrary, he should be happy to be back to school. School of the future needs to teach every child to be independent person, be able to make decisions independently. Therefore, it should provide a choice. Freedom of choice is the most important thing in school. School should not only teach children but also bring up children.
The electronic resources.
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