Презентация может быть использована на уроке англ. яз. в 7 кл по учебной ситуации "Книги"
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Made by Sergeyeva Alina Form 7A school №180Слайд 2
New words to engage- заниматься various- различный due date-срок enigmatic-загадочный to involve- вовлекать self-titled- одноименный to l anguish in captivity-томиться в заточении nightmares-кошмар daring-дерзкий somehow-каким-то m iraculously - чудесным образом shelter- укрытие cemetery- кладбище werewolf- оборотень i nviting-манящий dwarf -карлик t wilight-сумерки co-authorship- соавторство r evival- возрождение
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Biography Neil Gaiman was born November 10, 1960 in the city of Portsmouth (United Kingdom) In 1984, he finished his first work - a biography of the band Duran Duran. At the same time, he worked as a journalist and was engaged in preparing interviews for various British magazines.
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The most famous book American Gods The most famous novel by Neil Gaiman - "American Gods" was published in 2001, immediately earned the recognition of critics and was awarded several prestigious awards, including the awards "Hugo" and "Nebula." the book tells about a man named Shadow, who leaves the prison a few days before the due date. The day before, he learns that his wife Laura was killed in a car accident. On Shadow's will there is an enigmatic man named Mr Wednesday , who involves him in the war between the "Old" and "New" Gods. There is the self-titled TV series “American Gods”
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The books I’ve read Coraline "Coraline" is a book about a girl who suddenly discovers another apartment outside the door in another house, exactly the same as her own. There are amazing things happen to another mum and another dad who want Coraline to stay with them and become their little daughter, and other children are languishing in captivity. She will have to be very brave to return to her real home, save these children and find herself. In 2002 the self-titled film “Coraline” appeared but in Russia it was named “Coraline in the county of nightmares" I
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The books I’ve read Stardust A young man named Tristan goes in search of a star falling from the sky for his lover. Only he doesn ’ t suspect that this star is a young girl with a very daring character. And she doesn’t plan to become a gift for another. In 2007 self-titled film “Stardust” appeared .
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The books I’ve read The Graveyard Book The book won the Hugo Award, the Newbury Medal, and the Locus Award for Best Novel. At the night when his family was killed , a tiny boy somehow miraculously turns out on the street and even gets to the old cemetery, where he finds shelter for many years. Inhabitants of the cemetery, ghosts, a vampire and a werewolf, give the boy a name, educate and take care of him. In the cemetery - and in the big, human world - there are many adventures that will help him grow up and love the world of the living, dangerous, exciting and inviting.
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The books I’ve read Norse Mythology For the first time the book appeared in 2017. the book tells about creation of nine worlds, stories about great gods, great dwarf masters and mighty giants, and, Ragnarok, Twilight of the gods - the death of all living things and at the same time - the revival of a new time and humanity in Russian translation it sounds like “Scandinavian Gods”
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Titles of other books “ God Omens”(1990)co-authorship with Terry Pratchett “ Neverwhere”(1996) “ Anansi Boys”(2005) “ The Ocean at the End of the Lane ”(2013) “ The Sandman ” (1989-2015) “ Fortunately,the milk”(2013)
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Internet resources http://fb2.net.ua https://ru.wikipedia.org https://translate.google.ru http://fantlab.ru/work839484 http://docplayer.ru/37391364-Nil-geyman-istoriya-s-kladbishchem.html https://yandex.ru
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