The British have not been regarded as a particularly musical people and, from the end of the 17th century until the 20th century, there were relatively few British composers of international renown
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The British have not been regarded as a particularly musical people and, from the end of the 17th century until the 20th century, there were relatively few British composers of international renown. Music in Great Britain
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Before the 16th century, musical life was centred on the church, especially the cathedrals and the royal chapels. The choral works of John Taverner , William Byrd and Thomas Tallis are still performed today, most notably by the choirs of King's College, Cambridge and Christ Church in Oxford. Secular music in the 16th century included the instrumental work of William Byrd and Orlando Gibbons and the madrigals of Gibbons and Thomas Morley.
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Henry Purcell, famous for his opera Dido and Aeneaf (1689), has been described as the last great English composer before the 20th century. John Gay's The Beggar's Opera (1728), is still occasionally performed, and the comic operas of Gilbert and Sullivan are among the few 19th century British works that are still part of the repertoire. Famous musicians of the UK.
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"The British Orpheus" was named Purcell's contemporaries. His name in the history of English culture is next to great names of Shakespeare, Byron, Charles Dickens. Creativity Purcell developed in the Restoration , in an atmosphere of spiritual ascent , when they returned to the living tradition of fine arts of the Renaissance ( eg , the heyday of the theater , persecuted at the time of Cromwell ), there were democratic forms of musical life - paid concerts , secular concert halls , created new orchestra , choir etc . grown on the rich soil of English culture , soak up the best musical traditions of France and Italy , the art of Purcell remained for many generations of his countrymen alone , unattainable summit .
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However, the creative achievements of Purcell and his associates did not receive further development. With the death of Purcell, in the words of Romain Rolland, "buried and English music": the heydays of decline followed, which lasted two centuries. During this period, England did not raise major artists and stepped out of the mainstream of world music.
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At the same time - and this is to some extent exacerbated the situation mystique - England lived an intense musical life. In the XVIII century, about 50 years old, lived and worked in London, the great German composer GF Handel, threw in his lot with England, will make his second home. At times, he found himself in a difficult situation: the aristocratic circles who preferred entertaining spectacle, supported competing with Handel authors surface, masterly operas. Radically-minded advanced section of English society was against Handel as a carrier of alien operatic style, but could not oppose him another composer of equal strength. With honor, coming out of the situation, Handel has earned national recognition and honor of the composer England. Lived and worked in England and other foreign musicians, including I. X. Bach - the son of the great Johann Sebastian Bach - as well as Berlioz, Gluck, Mendelssohn, Rossini and others
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From the late 18th century in the UK is widely distributed amateur music-making , and as one of its main instruments - piano . Good piano were expensive , but cheap and selling lowbrow samples . It is important that the very music-making has become very popular . In a fashion includes piano pieces , simple and sentimental , which was not difficult to learn anyone . These plays were thickly decorated with various uncomplicated but spectacular musical techniques , which made them at first glance extremely elegant . Uses similar techniques and modern popular music . Provided by the UK audience entertained salon music . There was a special genre of ballads salon , which has been simplified imitation of the art of opera .
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For poor people is one of the few entertainment was barrel-organ , which was invented in the late 18th century in Switzerland . Barrel organ could play one or several popular tunes , and wandering organ-grinders performed various songs , from the satirical verses to sad ballads .
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Growing number of music publishers of printed music leaflets and books . By the late 19th century , many millions of copies printed music sheets in the UK has not been something amazing . Continues publishing collections of folk songs : the collections of minstrel songs , and such major publications as the British national collection of melodies and popular music of our antiquities . Since the mid-19th century in the United Kingdom begins active growth of the industry of popular music and entertainment industry as a whole . Sheets and sheet music collections are becoming more affordable , and a rapidly growing number of places where you could listen to popular music .
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The British are very fond of theater In the Elizabeth age, the first professional theatres were opened. Britain has a long and rich dramatic tradition. The two national companies, the National itself which stages modern and classical plays and the Royal Shakespeare company! which is performing in Stratford-upon-Avon, and in London. British theatre has become more cosmopolitan in outlook, with the World Theatre seasons that started at the Aldwych in London in 1964, and more receptive to influences from abroad. The art of acting.
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Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA)) - one of the most renowned drama schools in the world, and also one of the oldest drama schools in the UK. The Academy was founded in 1904 by an English stage actor Herbert Beerbohm Tree, and is located in London's Bloomsbury. The Academy is run by the Royal College, which in turn is part of the University of London.
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David Garrick was one of the greatest actors known . But even at his time acting was not very popular. Played in "The Alchemist" by Benjamin Johnson plays his own composition ("The Irish Widow", 1772, etc.), but became famous in the first place Shakespearean roles (Hamlet, Macbeth, etc.), which are performed in a realistic manner. As a director, in 1768 staged the play Hugh Kelly «False Delicacy».
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The whole image of the British theatre has changed of late. It's more respectable, less tied to commercial considerations and more ambitious. Contemporary British playwrights who have received recognition at home and overseas include Harold Pinter, Tom Stoppard and some others. Considerable interest is shown at present for the professional arts festivals which take place each year. The Edinburgh International Festival featuring a wide range of different arts, is the largest of its kind in the world.
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