Презентация представлена в форме светофора на основе цветов, связанных с данными праздниками: День Святого Валентина - красный, День Благодарения - жёлтый, День Святого Патрика - зелёный. Каждая презентация включает в себя рассказ о празднике, сопровождающийся соответствующей музыкой и картинками. В исследовательской части нашей презентации вы найдёте интересные идиомы и выражения про лидирующие цвета данных праздников. Рекомендовано для учащихся 6-8 классов.
Мы хотим поделиться с одним из цветов нашего праздничного светофора с жёлтым, самым тёплым и золотым! День Благодарения: вы узнаете о его истории, о том,как была установлена точная дата празднования этого праздника, узнаете его традиции и обычаи, но главное, найдёте интересные идиомы с главным цветом этого праздника - жёлтым, который является одним из лидирующих цветов нашего светофора.
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жёлтый цвет | 2.03 МБ |
Слайд 1
Our holiday parade is presented in the form of the traffic light Our holiday is Thanksgiving Day. The leading colour is yellow.Слайд 3
The HISTORY of THIS Holiday Thanksgiving was originally a celebration of expression of gratitude and appreciation to God, as well as to family and friends for their material well-being and a good attitude. In the traditional sense it is a holiday at the end of autumn meant thanking heavens for a good harvest and for the abundance of fruit and vegetables. This festival has lost a lot of its religious roots and became civil, common and nationwide. The roots of this holiday go back in American history to the very first settlers from England who came to America in 1620 on the famous ship "Mayflower." They arrived after a hard voyage in a stormy ocean in a chilly November day and founded the Plymouth Colony. More than half of the arrivals could not survive the harsh winter and died from cold, hunger and diseases. Survivors founded a colony in the spring with the help of local Indians, especially Squanto, who taught them what crops to grow and how to work on that inhospitable rocky ground, how to start farming. A rich harvest was the reward for their efforts. First Governor William Bradford invited the colonists to spend the day bringing gratitude to the Lord. On the feast of autumn 1621 the Pilgrim Fathers invited the leader and 90 men of the Indian tribe that helped them survive in unfamiliar conditions. That meal was shared with the Indians, and was the first celebration of Thanksgiving Day. Subsequently, the colonists celebrated a good harvest thanksgiving festival from time to time. T he « Mayflower » ship
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After the independence the first U.S. President George Washington offered to celebrate Thanksgiving Day as a national holiday each year on November 26. In 1864, after the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln proclaimed the last Thursday of November each year to celebrate it. In 1939, Franklin D. Roosevelt replaced this date on the penultimate Thursday in November. It caused a split among the states: 23 states celebrated Thanksgiving Day on the penultimate Thursday, and 22 – on the last one. Other states (e.g., Texas) announced two days holiday. In 1941, the U.S. Congress passed a bill according to which Thanksgiving Day should be celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November. December 26, 1941 Roosevelt signed this bill, establishing the existing date .
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Traditions and CUSTOMS According to the old tradition several generations of one family gather in the house of the senior one for a holiday dinner. Everyone speaks words of thanksgiving for all the good things that happened in his life. This day people eat the same, that their ancestors ate back in 1621 at the first dinner in honor of Thanksgiving. Many of the dishes are not only a tradition, but also a symbol of the holiday: a stuffed turkey with cranberry syrup and a large sweet pumpkin pie. Bright young pumpkins, parts of the "Indian" corn, apples, oranges, chestnuts, walnuts, dried leaves and bunches of grapes hanging from a dish like a horn of plenty, not only are the traditional decorations of the table, but also represent the abundance of autumn gifts of nature. Bouquets of gold, orange and red-brown chrysanthemums, supplemented with branches of berries, complete the feeling of abundance and generosity of nature, of this holiday rich harvest.
Слайд 6
Symbols of Thanksgiving day Fruit and vegetables, All the Family is around the table, Turkey.
Слайд 7
“The Yellow colour ” in IDIOMS AND word combinations As you know , the main colour of this holiday is yellow . “ Yellow ”- this colour has different associations and m eanings in our country and in England . In our country this colour is associated with gold , richness, the sun , summer , warmness , autumn , leaves , but in England this colour has negative meanings : cowardice , bad things . We can see it in such idioms as: (See the next slide)
Слайд 8
yellow - разг. Трусость yellow jersey - жёлтая майка лидера (в соревнованиях) yellow flag - карантинный флаг yellow dog contract - амер. " ж ё лтое обязательство" (о невступлении в профсоюз, о неучастии в стачках и т.п.) yellow streak означает трусливость yellow press - жёлтая пресса y ellow card – жёлтая карточка (в футболе)
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The List Амбражейчик А. 2000 русских и 2000 английских идиом, фразеологизмов и устойчивых словосочетаний. – Мн.: ООО «Попурри», 2003. – 304с. Занина Е.Л. 95 устных тем по английскому языку – М.: Рольф, 1997. – 320с . Карпусь Е.В . Устные темы по английскому языку: Справочник школьника. - СПб.: Издательский дом «Литера», 2010. – 96с. Моисеев М.Д. Устные темы по английскому языку. 5-11 классы. – М.: Аквариум, 1996. – 128с. Словарь английских пословиц и фразеологических выражений. – Смоленск: Русич, 2001. – 560с.
Слайд 10
References: http://engblog.ru/colours http://www.svoboda.org/content/transcript/24427331.html http://zabort.ru/blog/poznavatelno/4544.html http://www.travelstylist.ru/vizy/viza-v-ssha/ http://www.1zoom.ru/%D0%95%D0%B4%D0%B0/%D0%BE%D0%B1%D0%BE%D0%B8/196059/z314.7/ http://www.fargate.ru/supernatural/series/5/12/notes http://pokushay.org/recepty-indejki-s-foto.html http://www.dustem.ru/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=748&Itemid=27 http://www.matrony.ru/kreshhenskie-zaxozhane-v-poiskax-tradicii-i-chuda/ http://www.stihi.ru/2010/11/21/2220 http://vk.com/albums12982587 http://newimages.ru/download-16-956 http://love.mail.ru/diary/post.phtml?user_id=686561798&post_id=180 http://st-babylon.ru/? attachment_id=812 http://englishon-line.ru/leksika-spravochnik6.html
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