Данный проект затрагивает проблему стремительной "роботизации" общества в разных сферах, а также помогает найти ответ на следующие вопросы: "Смогут ли роботы заменить человека в будущем полностью?" и "Существует ли реальная угроза появления искусственного интеллекта всему человечеству?"
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Исследовательский проект "Роботы: благо или проклятие?" | 38.81 КБ |
МАОУ «ГИМНАЗИЯ № 3» 18.04.2018 г.
Тема: «Роботы: благо или проклятие?»
(“Robots: a Blessing or a Curse?”)
Секция: Наука и научные открытия
(английский язык)
Кайро Владимир,
10 «Б» класс
МОУ «Гимназия № 34»
Чернышова Лидия Владимировна,
учитель английского языка высшей категории
г. Саратов 2018
1. Introduction_______________________________3
2. New Technologies__________________________4
3. Robots in Our Life__________________________5
4. People or Robots? __________________________8
5. Questionnaire__________________________________10
6. Conclusion________________________________11
7. Information Resources_______________________12
Humankind invented a lot of useful things and continues doing it. Nowadays we can find any information we want in the Internet in no time or cook dinner with the help of a microwave oven very quickly. We are used to getting to work or to school by some kind of transport. We can’t imagine our life without mobile phones, electricity and nuclear energy which is used as a source of energy for our gadgets.
Moreover, people invented a lot of kinds of robots which can help us in our daily life. They can do some housework instead of us, cook some food and help us with mathematical calculations. Also they can clean windows in skyscrapers. But I doubt that you know about a robot-bartender, which works in the luxury cruise and knows almost 300 recipes of different cocktails. In 2014 a robot-driver managed to pass a very busy part of the road more than 1 million kilometers long without any car accident. This invention could decrease the number of car accidents (it’s a very urgent problem nowadays!) and eliminate a human factor.
However, there is one problem connected with all these inventions that I would like to touch upon in my project - an inevitable replacing of people by robots in the future which can have some bad consequences for the humankind. Firstly, it can lead to a high level of unemployment. And secondly, there is a real danger that robots can become too smart some day and would like to get rid of people.
I am worried about my future, the future of other people and the future of the whole planet, that’s why I have chosen this topic for my research.
The aim of my research work is to find out if robots are a blessing or a curse for the humankind, if they can replace people completely in the future and if there is a real threat of appearing of the artificial intelligence to the humankind.
The main tasks are:
1. To collect and analyze all possible information on the subject.
2. To interview a group of teenagers to know their opinion on the subject and present the answers.
3. To make a conclusion about the role of robots in our life.
Methods of researching:
The practical value of my work is giving some useful information about robots and their role in our life to younger students while studying the subject at the English lessons.
First, I would like to tell you about the role of new technologies and robots in different spheres of life.
New Technologies
There are many kinds of new and unusual technologies which people hope to use successfully in the near future. All of them make our life easier and more comfortable.
Recently the Netherlands has developed a new technology - electric asphalt. The essence of this innovation is the following: when a car passes through such a coating on the road, it produces electricity thanks to vibration. The new technology allows ensuring 10 km of two-lane highway with the load of 600 cars per hour to 5 megawatts of electric power.
Thus, it turns out to be that the road is able to cover itself. No additional electricity for the lights on this road is required – real savings for municipal budgets.
Genome editing is a kind of genetic engineering in which DNA is inserted, replaced or separated from the genome by molecular scissors or artificially engineered nucleases. This is often done in genetic analysis. Editing is a fast-growing technology. It is a new encouraging approach to solving many genetic diseases. Information about genes, their development and inheritance, helped scientists in the development of many drugs, as well as preventing or even getting rid of hereditary diseases. Even the question of the future child's gender now has a concrete answer for parents thanks to the new technology. In addition, it has become the key to the study of some complex genetic disorders of the brain.
In the near future people will be able to travel by car not only on the ground but in the sky too. If driving tests will be successful, the car Terrafugia Transition, in 15 seconds turning into an airplane, will be on sale very soon. That double-place car was made in the USA. The first flights are expected this year. By 2025 the manufacturer intends to launch a flying car in mass production.
The invention of the artificial intelligence is of great importance too.
Robots in Our Life
Industrial sphere
Nowadays robots are widely used in the industrial sphere all over the world. They can do any kind of work; they don’t get tired and do their job in any conditions. For example, a pallet-laying robot is capable of working at sub-zero temperatures up to -30°C. It has been specially designed for stacking pallets in freezers. This robot is an excellent option for work in the food industry. Also, the robot is fully equipped with electronics resistant to frost. The main tasks of this robot are: packaging and order picking, other handling operations, palletizing.
The work is carried out without temperature fluctuations, which allows you to maintain the quality of products and protect them from ice raid. A pallet-laying robot was developed for ultra-fast and reliable operation in sub-zero temperatures without mechanical heating.
Military sphere
There are lots of kinds of robots that are successfully used in military sphere, such as a combat robot, a recon robot, a robotic engineer and a baggage handler.
I will tell you about them.
The company Northrop Grumman presented their project – a combat robot CAMEL. It is a flat platform on wheels, which can carry in addition to weapons more than 550 kg of cargo. On the wheels there are rubber tracks, which significantly increase the permeability of CAMEL on the rough terrain. The robot can accompany combat units and move autonomously guided by GPS signals.
Robots have long been used to collect information, search for targets and targeting, monitoring the situation. For such purposes, both unmanned aerial vehicles and ground-based robots are used. One of the miniature scout robots that are used by the US army in Afghanistan today is the Recon Scout. It weighs about 1 kg and is 20 cm long; it is equipped with a conventional and infrared camera. This robot can be thrown over obstacles, but it can only move on a relatively flat surface.
Robotic engineers are used for clearing landmines, creating passages in minefields lifting weights and cleaning the gravel.
An important direction in the development of such machines was to increase their weight, which allowed attracting remotely controlled machines for more serious work. In the United States today, all engineering machines are controlled remotely.
A typical example of such equipment is an Engineering machine MV-4. Its mass is 5 tons, it has a crawler and is used for disposal of ammunition and mines at depths up to 320 mm to control the MV-4 from a distance of two kilometers making the work of engineers completely safe.
Robots transporters must accompany fighters and transport part of ammunition, heavy weapons or other cargoes. Almost all these robots can perform additional functions: reconnaissance or evacuation of the wounded.
Examples of such machines are the R-Gator and TRAKKAR. We should also mention the US robot Big Dog porter, who moves on four legs and can theoretically go to any direction where wheeled vehicles are not able to move. But this development is still experimental.
Medical sphere
Robot surgeon Da Vinci is not a self-acting mechanism but an obedient 500-kg instrument in the hands of a doctor. The operating module has four hands. Three of them end in miniature surgical instruments - scalpels and clamps, and the fourth controls a tiny video camera. Da Vinci operates through a centimeter puncture; the Physician manipulates the joystick which passes down the movement of the fingers of the "hands on" da Vinci with a jeweler's precision. Like a human hand they have seven degrees of freedom but the manipulators are much stronger, they do not get tired and instantly die if the surgeon releases the joystick. The doctor controls his actions through the eyepiece, which receives an enlarged 12 times the picture from the camera.
Robot Sophia
As an example of a smart robot I would like to give you some information about robot Sophia. Sophia is Hanson Robotics’ latest and most advanced robot and a cultural icon. She has become a media darling appearing on major media outlets around the world igniting the interest of people regardless of age, gender, and culture even gracing the cover of one of the top fashion magazines. Her press coverage had a potential reach of over ten billion readers in 2017.
Sophia is a highly sought-after speaker in business and showed her prowess and great potential across many industries. She has met face-to-face with key decision makers in banking, insurance, auto manufacturing, property development, media, and entertainment. In addition, she has appeared onstage as a panel member and presenter in high-level conferences covering how robotics and artificial intelligence will become a prevalent part of people’s lives. Working with UNDP to promote sustainable development and safeguard human rights and equality.
Sophia is an evolving genius machine. Her incredible human likeness, expressiveness and remarkable story as a Sophia’s creator, Dr. David Hanson, is the founder of Hanson Robotics and a modern-day renaissance man who has built a worldwide reputation for creating robots that look and act amazingly human. After working at Disney as an “Imaginer” Dr. Hanson aspired to create genius machines that will surpass human intelligence. Dr. Hanson believes that three distinctively human traits must be integrated into the artificial intelligence of these genius machines: creativity, empathy and compassion. As an extension of human intelligence, Hanson Robotics’ genius machines can evolve to solve world problems too complex for humans to solve themselves. Sophia personifies this bold and responsible goal.
People or Robots?
On the one hand, the automation of work is very good: after all, the human factor leads to errors, breakdowns of equipment and even to man - technogenic disasters. Automation of the process will improve production, accelerate it thereby reducing the cost of goods due to the scale of production and simplify the control of the work. Even in the service sector robots will be very useful: the factor of delays, rudeness, emotional and psychological instability in the team and in relation to customers will be excluded. By the way, if robots replace people, such concepts as "bribe" and "fraud" can be eradicated.
Meanwhile, the economists of the Bank of England have already conducted a small analysis, what will happen if robots replace people. As a result, they assumed that in the case of a possible replacement of a person in different industries, only in the UK 15 million people and about 80 million people in the United States will lose their jobs.
First of all, it will touch upon:
On the other hand, if robots replace humans, many tasks could be performed more efficiently, at less cost, and in a greater quantity and quality ratio.
The greatest blow will be dealt to specialists with economic education: according to economists, job losses among accountants and low-paid positions will amount to 90-95%. Also in the area of high risk includes employees of Commerce and recreation. The Bank's calculations show that about a third of vacancies in the UK with a probability of 66% can be automated. In its calculations, the Bank relied on studies conducted in Oxford University in 2013.
According to the Financial Times (referring to the work of Karl Frei and Michael Osborne), surgeons, dentists and in general, all those who work in the social and health sectors are the least likely to be unemployed. And if robots replace humans, there will be an increasing demand for professional programmers and employees with technical knowledge. Also, this trend will contribute to the development of small businesses based on new types of services related to the replacement of human functions.
However, robots can be broken like everything which was made by human but we don’t know what consequences it will have. Maybe they will get out of control and start killing people or trying to live independently without people. By the way, there is at least one sphere where robots can’t replace humans; it is art sphere because art needs fantasy, creativity and individuality which are not presented in most of robots because they are programmed to do definite things.
The invention of the artificial intelligence has a big role in modern life. Artificial intelligence is best suited for all kinds of mechanical work. Safe exploration of space, the depths of the ocean or the earth's core is not suitable for humans or for conventional machines. Intelligence, in turn, can adjust to the situation without the threat of harm to health. Any experiments and tests with the help of artificial intelligence will take place much faster and cheaper than a person can do. But it has some disadvantages like failures and opposition between human and artificial intelligence - what will happen if the global modern machine starts operating in its own interests? It is the role of the artificial intelligence to decide if a person is a threat or a hindrance, as the extinction of people will only be a matter of time. Control of all production facilities and devices puts a person in the face of a potential threat.
In the process of studying the subject I decided to find out the attitude of some young people (aged 15-17) of Gymnasia No. 34 and No. 58 to the problem of replacing people by robots. There were 33 of them. I made a questionnaire and asked them four questions. Here are the results:
Most of the students (28) think that technical progress influenced their life positively; only 5 students said that technical progress brought a lot of bad things into their life.
2. Would you like to have a robot which can help you with something?
The majority of the teenagers (27) answered that it would be cool and useful to have a robot in their flat and only 6 people wouldn’t like to have a robot at home, some of them have a bad feeling about it.
3. Are there any spheres of life where robots can’t replace humans?
Most of the students (26) believe that there are some spheres like medicine (partially) or arts where robots can’t replace people and 7 students are sure that robots can absolutely replace humans in all spheres
4. What do you think about using robots in different jobs and in the daily life, is it good or bad?
Many students (25) answered that using robots may help people with different problems and only 8 students answered that robots can do harm to people and using robots can lead to the lack of individuality in some spheres of life.
It was also suggested to write a short essay on the topic “Robotic teachers: is it good or bad?” to the students of the 7th form of our Gymnasium. Most of the students believe that teachers can’t be replaced by robots not only because teachers can answer more questions (in any sphere of life!) but also because teachers have a great influence on building a student’s character.
Having studied all the information, I came to the conclusion that robots are a blessing which can make our life easier, they can’t replace people completely, they can become a replacement of humans only in some spheres of life, such as industrial, military, partially medical but we need to control them. I doubt about replacing people in other spheres because it is impossible to replace people whose professions are connected with arts or teaching and upbringing children, because arts and teaching need inspiration and fantasy, creativity and emotions, life experience at last - the qualities which robots cannot possess and will unlikely be able to.
Furthermore, the invention of the artificial intelligence will lead to a lot of problems for the humankind if we don’t control it. Our main task is to use it only in peaceful purposes.
All in all, I just want to say that everything is in our hands and the way the technical progress can affect our lives will depend on us because we contribute to this development. We need technologies, because they make our life more comfortable and safer, but let’s not make technologies our habit.
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