традиции чаепития
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issledovanie_traditsiy_russkogo_i_angliyskogo_chaepitiya.ppt | 2.78 МБ |
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Study of the traditions of tea- drinking in England and in Russia. Prepared by: Solomatin Nikita Academic supervisors: Burakova V. VСлайд 2
One of the main traditions of Britain is the tea ceremony . One of the main traditions of Britain is the tea ceremony.
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Katarina Braganskaya, the Portuguese princess - the wife of the English King Charles II,
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Today there are several types of English tea drinking. 1 Early morning cuppa 2 Lunch 3 А fternoon tea 4Five-o-clock 5 «High » tea 6 A cup of tea – before sleeping .
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The most popular teas from the British: Earl Gray - with bergamot Assam - strong dark Darjeeling Indian Black Tea Green Tea White tea, that is, with milk
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Everything on the table had to come together perfectly
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The British are famous for their love of sweet things. They drink tea with sandwiches, scones jam, assorted sweets, cakes and pastries, English biscuits .
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The history of Russian tea- drinking ceremony began in 1638 ,when Russian Tsar Michael Fedorovich got a special diplomatic gift from Altyun – Khan.
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Russian people drank tea from samovars... Samovar is a symbol of comfort, hospitality.
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A lot of Russian people like to drink tea with herbs (Raspberry, Thyme)
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The resalts of investigations: Russian and English people like to drink tea. English people like to drink tea with milk. Russian people like to drink tea with lemon, herbs, and honey. The symbol of Russian tea is samovar. In Russia tea is usually drunk after meals. English people drink tea 6 times a day. The tradition of 5oclock tea is very popular. Russian people usually drink tea 3 times a day
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Tea for Russian ? Tea for English ? We conducted a survey
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In our class was held a class hour . In conclusion, I would like to say that in order to better understand all the traditions, culture and way of life of the British, we need to know English, since every nation, nation and history begins with language.
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