Работа выполнена на конкурс эссе "Финансовое воспитание детей"
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Dmitrieva Anna
Form 4 «V»
Gymnasium № 1
Financial up-bringing of children is the education at home and at school. This means that the child must understand what is the money why do they need and how to make money.
Of course, primary financial education of child start parents when they tell him about the money and the job. Every child should understand first of all that money you get only for a real job. Money does not come out of anything.
The child must understand money is not a toy but a possibility to buy something. Financial up-bringing of children at home starts with the parents pocket money. This means that parents give the child money to buy something for yourself. For example, the child can buy at school some food. Parents must learn their children not to spend money but carefully to treat it.
The school continues the financial up-bringing of children. At school for the first time the child learns about the role of money in people`s life. Teachers learn children to understand why the people need money. Teachers explain students that they need to have a good education first at regular school and then at the college and university and then to get a good job and to get much money for a good life.
Financial up-bringing of children at school helps to understand the first rules of business. School also learns the children not to spare money for a good cause.
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