Конкурс «Я умею говорить красиво»
Департамента образования города Москвы Городской этап – 6 апреля 2018 год
Тема по экологии
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Конкурс «Я умею говорить красиво»
Департамента образования города Москвы
Городской этап – 6 апреля 2018 года
Good day, dear comrades I‘m glad to take part in this competition. My name is Konstantin, I‘m from MADK after A.A. Nikolaev. I want to discuss with you a very important problem according to our topic.
Once the great writer Antoine de Saint-Exupery said «We have not inherited the Earth from our ancestors, We borrow it from our descendants." This idea again and again makes us to think about the fact that the Earth does not remain the same as it had been before us. It is inevitably being changed under the influence of modern people. The awful examples of this fact are the appearance of holes in the ozone layer, the extermination of many animal species, and the disappearance of huge forest areas. Mankind is used of taking everything from nature for its convenient life. And it destroys us and our Earth every day. We consume more resources than our planet can give us, and throw out so much dirty elements into the atmosphere and by this way we are beginning the destruction of our planet in the nearest periods of time. Human history approaches to its logical ending. To my mind, I believe that a man cannot be only a ravage, but as a friend of ecology. We must live by one family and by the whole world change our attitude to the common ecological problems. We are the descendants of those who had made many mistakes. Our ancestors did not think about protecting of forests, the purity of rivers and the ecology in general. All that a modern person can do is not just to save the Earth, and make all the possible things and future descendants will get the best conditions for their splendid living. Why did I choose this topic? Because every day we are closer and closer to the ecological collapse of everything that had been «created» from our negative relation for many years. To the question of F. M. Dosotoevsky: "what costs all your profits and all your scientific and technical progress if you have no any home"? I can suppose that our life is full of bureaucracy and the thirst for power, forgetting that their wealth, statuses are nothing in comparing with their health, and mainly with the life of their further descendants. In conclusion, I would like to say that all ecological evil is from our negative actions and the Future period of living for all mankind will depend on, modern people who live at present and how we are using the natural resources and protecting our Earth and nature here and now, at every moment. It means that we choose whether our children will be happy, raking up garbage lands or not at all. Thank you for your attention.
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