У каждой страны есть свои особенные кулинарные обычаи и блюда. Таким особенным блюдом для англичан является пудинг.
Актуальность работы заключается в том, что исследование истории пудинга поможет углубить знания о культуре страны изучаемого языка. Прослеживание роли пудинга, как в политике, так и в знаменитой английской литературе, а также приготовление пудинга из собранных рецептов поспособствует желанию учащихся изучать язык через культуру.
Цель исследования: с помощью пудинга - классического английского угощения, вызвать у подростков интерес к культуре изучаемого языка.
- рассмотреть версии, отражающие историю возникновения пудинга;
- рассмотреть происхождение традиций приготовления пудинга и его упоминание в литературных произведениях;
- выяснить причины популярности этого блюда;
- собрать рецепты приготовления пудинга и использовать их на практике.
Новизна заключается в том, что была предпринята попытка углубить знания о культуре и традициях страны изучаемого языка путем изучения истории возникновения и рассмотрения рецептов приготовления культового английского блюда, которую можно успешно использовать на практике.
Гипотеза: предположим, что знакомство современных подростков с культурными особенностями страны изучаемого языка и образом жизни людей, говорящих на нем, будет способствовать более глубокому познанию своей родной культуры.
Методы исследования: изучение информационных источников и произведений художественной литературы английских авторов; анкетирование; обобщение.
Значимость и прикладная ценность работы заключается в выяснении возможности приготовления пудинга в школьной столовой в рамках национального экспериментального проекта модернизации школьного питания.
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The Proof o f t he Pudding Is i n t he Eating Ulyamaeva Aziza 4 th grade School 2051Слайд 2
to study what pudding is; to explore different types of puddings, learn their benefits, value; to find literary works of English writers, who told us about puddings; to conduct a survey among students to identify their awareness of this dish; to learn how to cook puddings; to evaluate their taste; to suggest a recipe of one of them for our school canteen Objectives
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Pudding is a kind of food that can be either a dessert or a savory dish. The word pudding comes from the French boudin , originally from the Latin botellus, meaning "small sausage", referring to encased meats used in medieval European puddings. A sweet, soft dessert, often with a base of milk or cream thickened by flour, cornstarch, or a cereal product,that has been boiled, steamed, or baked Pudding
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Mom, what's for pudding? ‘ pudding face’ Oh, our Margaret is in the pudding club. The taste of pudding is in the eating. “ To pick the plums out of the pudding” Praise is not pudding. Too much pudding will choke the dog. Proof is in the pudding. Better some of the pudding than none of the pie. If not cake, then at least a slice of pudding will do. .
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Flaming Pudding Plum Porridge
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In the ninth Chapter of "Alice in Wonderland" by Lewis Carroll Alice is acquainted with the pudding. A series of stories by Agatha Christie "The Adventure of the Christmas pudding". In the second Chapter of Dickens's novel "Great Expectations" the main character is made to knead the dough for pudding for an hour. In the sixteenth Chapter of the novel "Jane Eyre" by Charlotte Bronte the main character observes Grace Poole, when she says she is going to have a pint of porter and a piece of pudding. In the seventh Chapter of James Greenwood’ novel "The True History of a Little Ragamuffin " thieves, tempting the hungry boy with a piece of pudding, force him to commit theft.
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There are some traditions, connected with the pudding: the person, who is making the pudding can add a ring, a button, and a coin into the pudding. Somebody, who finds a ring will marry soon. The person, who finds the button will be a bachelor, and the one who finds a coin will have much money and success. This tradition is over 500 years old. Traditions a nd Facts
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Puddings are the most gentle and easily digestible product. They are useful for the mucous membrane of the stomach, the growth and recovery of bones, transportation of iron and production of red blood cells. Puddings maintain good metabolism, stimulate appetite. They improve blood circulation, help the tissue recovery. Milk and dairy puddings cause weight loss and help keep the body in a good shape. Benefits
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All the participants know what pudding is; Nearly 84% of responders know that this dish is of English cuisine ; Only 40% of students have tried this dish ; 40% cooked it ; 35% don’t know about benefits of puddings; Not many people buy ready-made puddings; Only few teens (19%) want to learn how to cook a pudding; Survey
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Rice Pudding
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Our project is of great practical importance, as it shows that students of the 4 th grade are unaware of beneficial qualities of puddings. The survey reveals the necessity to give more information about the technology of cooking such a healthy and delicious dish. We have proved that British classical literature is worth reading carefully. The product of our project is the recipe of a rice pudding that can be served for lunch in our school canteen. Conclusion
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Thank You For Listening! I hope you enjoyed my project!
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