В данной работе рассматриваются сходства и различия русского и американского юмора.
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The similarities and differences between the Russian and American senses of By Saveliev Daniil
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Purpose of the work: Comparison of the American and Russian senses of humour Tasks: To describe what American humour is To present American types of humour and give examples To describe what Russian humour is and give examples To draw a table of comparison To explain what really underlies most misunderstanding between two nations
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Development and formation of American hum о ur Pioneers, hunters, woodcutters or merely criminals became heroes of the first jokes and anecdotes In 1970s stand-up comedies, radio, films, literature and caricatures In 80 th and 90 th Eddie Murphy and Bill Cosby
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Some identity of American humour 1. Apparent absence of hidden meaning Jo: “You put your boots on the wrong feet!” Mo : “But I have no other feet!” Джо : “ Ты надел ботинки не на те ноги !” Mo : “ Но у меня нет других ног !”
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2. Complete certainty Teacher : “You know that when heated, bodies expand. And when cooled, they contract. Who can give me an example of this rule ? ” Student : “Well, in summer the days get longer and in winter they are shorter.” Учитель : “ Вам известно , что при нагревании тела расширяются. А при охлаждении сжимаются . Кто может привести пример этого правила? ” Ученик : “ Ну , летом дни становятся длиннее , а зимой короче. ” Some identity of American humour
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Some identity of American humour 3. Making fun of stupidity and narrow-mindedness. The owner : “If you are going to stay for the night here, you have to make a bed for yourself.” The guest : “That’s ok.” The owner : “Here is the hammer and the saw. Good night!” Хозяин : “ Если вы собираетесь остановится на ночлег , вы должны сами приготовить себе постель. ” Гость : “ Меня это устраивает. ” Хозяин : “ Вот вам молоток и пила. Спокойной ночи! ”
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Some identity of American humour 4. Any jokes should not hurt anybody’s feelings. 5. A witty response: A criminal holds a gun on Tony and says: “ Your money or your life!”. Having hesitated, Tony replies: “ Let me think…”.
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The types of American humour Anecdote Joke Story Wordplay : The Simpsons : “ Relax. What is mind ? No matter . What is matter ? Never mind !” Aphorism: Home alone : “ When I grow up and get married, I will live alone”
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American humour can be presented in graphics Picture Photo Video Caricature Grotesque
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The identity of Russia humour Oriented to the topical subjects: Politics Art Medicine Family Studies Interethnic relations Love Religion
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The types of Russia humour Anecdote Chastushka Genre of parody Jokes Caricature Grotesque Aphorism
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Anecdote Ununderstandable if you don’t know some historical, political, cultural and other facts. На перемена хвастаются школьники : А я уже прочитал роман “ Дон Кихот ”. Кто же такой Дон Кихот? Это казак с Дона по имени Кихот! At the break students are boasting: I have already read the novel “ Don Quixote”. Who is Don Quixote ? This is a Cossack from the Don by the name of Quixote!
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Anecdote Anecdotes about Chukchi, Moldavians and Ukrainians. There is always a neighbour to be made fun of. Едет чукча в трамвае. Водитель: «Следующая остановка “Восьмого Марта”»… Чукча: «Ой, а раньше никак нельзя!?».
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Anecdote Russian people than any other nation in the world can laugh at themselves Сколько человек здесь работает? С бригадиром – 10. А без бригадира? А без бригадира вообще никто не работает. How many people are working here ? With the foreman – 10. But without the foreman ? Without the foreman nobody is working.
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Chastushka Начался учебный год , Часики затикали , А меня вопрос гнетет : Скоро ли каникулы? The academic year has begun The watch has ticked But the question is oppressing me: Soon the holidays will be ?
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Aphorism M. Zhvanetskiy: Идея пришла в его голову и теперь упорно ищет мозг. The idea has come into his head, and now it is chasing after the brain. Ilya Ilf and Evgeny Petrov : Юмор – очень редкий металл. Humour is a very rare metal.
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Table of comparison American humour Russian humour Similarities The culture and the origins of notions about the concern of funny things Mockery of themselves Social character and informal style Ridiculing stupidity
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Table of comparison American humour Russian humour Differences No hidden meaning Completeness Improper reliance on ethnic, social, religious, sexual and racial stereotypes The urge to think and use your imagination Incompleteness Allowance to make fun of everything and everyone
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Survey Is it difficult to understand American humour ? (Do you laugh at American anecdotes, jokes and etc. ? )
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Survey Do you find American humour intelligent ?
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The course of misunderstanding We just have a different mentality
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Results I have investigated the “humour” of Americans and Russian people I have overviewed the types of humour expressions of the both cultures I have compared and contrasted the sense of humour of both nationalities I have tried to explain misunderstanding of “humour” between the two nations
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Thank you for your attention!!!
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