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Christmas symbols in Great Britain Авторы идеи и презентации: ученицы 6 «А» класса МАОУ «СОШ №21» Крюкова Екатерина и Жилина Анна и учитель английского языка Попова Светлана Ивановна Цель: изучить традиции и обычаи празднования Рождества в АнглииСлайд 2
Christmas Christmas Day , December 25, is probably the most popular holiday in Great Britain. It is a family holiday. Traditionally all relatives and friends get together and give each other presents.
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Christmas tree The first Christmas tree appeared in Great Britain in the 1830s. The real popularity of Christmas trees began in 1841, when Prince Albert, the German husband of Queen Victoria, installed a Christmas tree in Windsor Castle. Since then, the Christmas tree has been a part of the British Christmas.
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Christmas stockings Who has not heard about this wonderful tradition? This custom refers to the same era of Victoria. They say that Santa Claus somehow flew over the house and dropped a couple of gold coins. They fell into the chimney right into the sock, which was put over the fireplace. Since then, on Christmas Eve, it is customary to hang socks over a fireplace or a bed, hoping that something will fall there. Christmas is a holiday for the whole family, but most of all children wait for it. They put bright stockings over the fireplace and wait for gifts.
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Santa Claus A Christmas grandfather, a West European and North American fairy-tale character who gives presents to children for Christmas.
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Santa's reindeer And do you know that Santa had exactly 8 reindeers in the harness, and everyone even had his own name ? Their names : Dasher – Swift , Dancer – Dancer , Prancer – Gargling , Vixen – Warm , Vixen – Warm , Cupid – Cupid , Donder -Thunder , Blitzen - Lightning These names were obtained by the poem of Clement Moore . In 1939, deer Rudolph joined the eight deer of Santa Claus . Rudolph is distinguished by a luminous red nose, thanks to which Santa Claus was able to make gifts to children on time even without looking at a thick fog.
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C ookies for Santa Another symbol and tradition of Christmas are the cookies that the children leave Santa on the fireplace as a sign of gratitude for the work he does every Christmas. Gingerbread Man The gingerbread man is a reminder that God created Adam.
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Candy canes One of the sweetest symbols of Christmas is, of course, a caramel cane. Caramel in the form of a cane. Traditionally, it is white with red stripes and mint, so you can often hear its other names - a mint stick or a stick with cinnamon. Today this dainty has different tastes, colors and sizes. The caramel cane has the shape of the letter J, symbolizing the name, Jesus Parents give such sweets to their children for Christmas.
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Christmas dinner Traditional Christmas dinner in the UK necessarily includes a turkey with potatoes and other vegetables. After dinner, you should have a Christmas pudding - a sweet pudding consisting of a lot of dried fruits and often sprinkled with burning brandy. Another traditional dish in the UK is a Christmas cake .
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G reenery Holly, ivy and other green vegetation were used before Christmas as decorations during the festival dedicated to the winter solstice.
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H olly The hollyman became a recognized symbol of Christmas. According to individual versions, a wreath of Jesus Christ was made from this plant. And after the blood of the Savior was spilled on the holly, his berries became red. Thorny leaves symbolize the crown and thorns of the crucified Christ. Red berries are a drop of blood spilled by Jesus.
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M istletoe Mistletoe is a symbol of freedom, peace and friendship . The tribes that inhabited Europe in antiquity, folded weapons and stopped wars, when they noticed it near the battlefield. This " peacekeeping“ quality of the plant gave the birth to the tradition of kissing under the mistletoe as a sign of love and friendship.
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Puzzles 1. We usually put them on, but once a year we hang them for the presents . 2. We decorate…with toys, glass balls, sweets, bells. 3. T he day that is celebrated on December 25 . 4. Who is a Christmas grandfather ? 5. How do children thank Santa ?
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Использованные источники: http:// engblog.ru/christmas-symbols-and-traditions https:// skyeng.ru/articles/istoriya-i-traditsii-rozhdestva-v-velikobritanii-i-ssha http:// www.bestwallpapers.net.ru/data/media/3/bw_ny_best_035_11_12.jpg https://blog.bilingual-child.ru/oleni-santa-klausa / http:// evesnewyear.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/66146671_1288817739_03.gif http :// www.learnenglishbest.com/english-riddles-about-christmas-kids.html
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