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My Future Career
Let me introduce myself. My name is Mikhail and I am a pupil of the 10-th Form of a secondary school of Elecrtrougli. I am an ordinary pupil. And like all pupils I have different problems. I think it’s normal to teenagers to have problems: with parents, teachers and classmates. And it’s also a problem to choose the way of life. To choose what you want to be.
“What do you want to be when you leave school?” I have heard this question many times during my school years. Perhaps it was difficult for me to give a definite answer, because I changed my mind as the years passed about which science or field of industry I would like to choose. Besides, at this age we don’t know for sure our preferences and abilities which make our choice even more difficult.
When choosing a future career we should consider different factors. In my opinion, money is one of the most important factors when you make a choice. I think everybody wants to earn as much as possible. Also it’s very important to choose a profession that suits your interest. Finally, to make the right choice you should take into account your abilities and traits of character.
Today there are thousands of different kinds of jobs and new ones are constantly appearing. Among the jobs that are most popular with teenagers are those in economic, tourist and computer fields.
You can become something like a computer programmer or a web designer because computers are an essential part of our everyday lives today. Some of my friends study computer graphics. It is very perspective as practically every film and advertisement includes computer effects. It is very expensive and interesting work. You need to have unusual art brains to amaze crowds of people. That’s why this profession is so popular today.
As for me, I would like to become a tourist agent or a holiday representative, because a lot of people travel nowadays.
Today tourism is one of the world’s largest industries. In my opinion, it’s very interesting to work in tourism because you will have to deal with the problems and needs of holidaymakers and plan trips and tours that will please everyone. Besides, this profession is highly paid and I want to be able to bye everything I need with my salary. What’s more, the perks of this job include free travel and living abroad.
I can say that I am very communicative and I like working with people. Besides, I’m very organized and hard-working. What’s more, I like travelling and I’m ready to go wherever the company will send me. So, I think I can become a good holiday representative or a tourist manager. But I understand that to become a good specialist in this field I should have good education, extensive knowledge of the world and experience of travel. And of course I must know several foreign languages. So after finishing school I will try to enter a university or a college and to continue my education.
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