Исследовательская работа о вреде фастфуда
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Liceum 7, Khimki
Mizerovskaya Anna, Artsebasheva Olga, 10A
The teacher: Kozmik O. V.
In our research work we want to know the influence of fast food on our organism. Everyone knows that fast food is very harmful to people's health. In spite of it, MacDonald's is very popular among children, teenagers and youth. We have decided to make an experiment and as an example to make out a world famous restaurant which is called MacDonald’s. It is also fast food.
The problem of our project: modern society heavily relies on fast food but fast food is a time bomb. Everybody must know it!
The aim of the work is to found out the influence of fast food on people’s health.
Hypothesis: if MacDonald’s is very popular among people, consequently, it won't cause damage to people’s health.
Tasks: to investigate the situation, to sum up the given information.
Methods: a search and close study of reference books, investigation, systematization, comparative analysis.
The object of our research is the influence of fast food and its harmful consequence to people's health.
The theoretical and practical significance of our work: it’s really useful and necessary to know more about the importance of right nourishment and using it in our real life. We chose this subject because a lot of my friends quite often buy potato chips, French fries, fish burgers, hamburgers, hotdogs and other products in stalls fast to satisfy hunger. But from parents and teachers we constantly hear that it is harmful. A healthy diet can reduce the risk of major chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, and some cancers. I want to answer the questions:
1. What is really fast food?
2. Why do people like fast food?
3. Is it bad for our health?
4. What is Food with Healthy Calories?
5. How can we calculate daily calories?
6. What must we do if we want to be healthy?
Chapter 1. Fast Food
Fast food is the term given to food that can be prepared and served very quickly. The term "fast food" was recognized in a dictionary by Merriam–Webster in 1951.
Fast food history
The history of fast food begins in Ancient Rome. In every Roman city there were unique snack bazaars selling all sorts of dishes. Hot bread, meat, peas, pastries, cakes of beef, mixed with nuts, which were eaten with bread - the prototype of the current hamburgers- were suggested there
Ancient fast food institution
Typical Fast Food meal includes hamburgers, French fries, hot dogs, sandwiches, noodles of fast preparation, chips, corn flakes, donuts, pizza, popcorn and Coca-Cola.
To eat or not to eat?
Advantages of Fast Food
Stephan Zakharov
«The most evident advantage of fast food is that it saves time. It is cheaper to buy meal at the supermarket instead of cooking it at home»
Natasha Morozova
«You can get fast food almost everywhere you go. Fast food like fries and burgers comes pretty cheap»
Disadvantages of Fast Food
Dorokhin Maxim
«It is a fact that fast food is unhealthier than home-cooked meal, as it contains salt and chemicals»
Bakaev Timur
«Usually, fast food is higher in soya, fat, sugar, oil, fried meat, salt, cheese, mayonnaise and obviously calories. Such type of food is an important contributor to obesity»
Chapter2. Experimental investigation
In our experiment we made a survey among the pupils of our school. You can see the questions, the
answers, the diagrams.
Do you like fast food?
Have you ever had problems with
your health after visiting MacDonalds?
We can see that fast food is very popular among our pupils.
Look at the harmful effects of fast food. Fast food can cause obesity.
According to statistics nowadays almost every fourth citizen of the planet suffers from obesity
We interviewed our English teacher. She uses food with healthy calories.
To crown it all she goes in for sport. Now you can see the GREAT RESULT!!!
«There is no magic diet plan to help you become thin. Anybody who promises you that is
telling you a lie! Live not to eat but eat to live. Here are some simple tips for you:
1. Concentrate on your food.
2. Have healthy snacks
3. Drink water instead of Coke and juice.
4. Don’t eat after 6 p.m.
5. Don’t mix fats and carbohydrates
6. Eat smaller portions
7. Eat a lot of low-fat food and more fibre
The influence of the colors
Usually all buyers consider that the quality of all food is connected with the look of products and especially with their color. The yellow and golden colors are considered to be the sign of good
quality. One of such agents is E 102. In fact this substance is simply the industrial waste.
How does Fast Food harm? What do doctors say about Fast Food?
«Eating Fast Food is not a healthy habit. By replacing fresh wholesome food with Fast
Food, you do the following things to your body:
weaken your immune system;
your blood sugar levels;
increase your fat storage;
increase your chances of heart disease, cancer, a headache»
Now we know the harmful effects of Fast Food.
Nutritionists offer the formula. Calculate your daily calories using this formula:
Мen: 66 + (13.7 х weight) + (5 х height) – (6.8 х age);
Women: 655,1 + (9,6 *weight) + (1,85 * height) – (4,68 *age).
Food with Healthy Calories
1. Apricots 6. Fresh fish
2. Figs 7. Crab
3. Broccoli 8. Dairy products
4. Chinese Cabbage 9. Lentils
5. Wheat germ
The nutritionists’ recommendations:
Don’t mix fats and carbohydrates
Eating low fat food
Eating high fiber food
Eating less sweets
Eating less salt
Eating whole meal bread
Drink 2 liters of water every day!
If you want to be healthy use the nutritionists’ recommendations:
1/Cut back on the convenience foods - fast foods, microwave meals, and so on.
2/Drink at least 2-3 liters of water in a day is recommended for everyone.
3/Limit consumption of caffeine and drink decaffeinated or herbal teas instead.
4/A combination of proteins, carbohydrates, fats and fibers is necessary in the correct
5/Minerals and vitamins should come from vegetables, fruits, legumes, pulses,
grains, cereals and nuts.
6/Saturated fatty acids should be replaced with unsaturated fatty acids.
Having analyzed all facts we came to the conclusion that fast food is really harmful for people's health.
So, it destroys our hypothesis about healthy fast food in MacDonalds In spite of it, children like to go to MacDonald’s and we would recommend them to limit the numbers of visiting such institutions.
It can reflect to your health.
Personally, I think that every man must think about his life, make right decisions The health of a person is the main value in the life. There is no price for it. Being sick, you cannot realize all your dreams and be successful in the modern world.I think that this work is very useful for me. Now I know that home-made food is better than fast food and a balanced diet is a very impotant thing.
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