Данная работа описывает экологические проблемы Ямала и пути их решения. Автор делится своим мнением по данному вопросу, предлагая пути решения проблемы загрязнения окружающей среды.
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Эссе по экологии Ямала | 14.44 КБ |
Take Care of Yamalia, and She Will Take Care of You!
Nowadays the pollution of the environment is one of the most vital problems of the mankind. Lots of countries and areas suffer from it.
Yamal has not become an exception: because of the poor transportation a lot of faraway villages and settlements don’t have an opportunity to recycle the rubbish they produce. It is being buried in the landfills and dumps. Sometimes unauthorized dumps are being organized. Absolutely everything is being thrown away: household devices, garbage, waste clothes, paper and etc. Recently, the Tarko-Sale’s complex for sorting out the wastes has been closed. It recycled a lot of rubbish: metal, plastic, bottles and etc. And it helped to lower the number of dumps. Today there are 40 dumps, 2 complexes for sorting out the wastes and 2 complexes for recycling paper and cardboard in Yamal Area.
Besides, oil and gas production is also polluting the environment. People have a lot of needs, and satisfying them they often forget how fragile is the northern nature. The man could be compared with the Beast from Yuriy Afanasiev’s tale “ Nalim, the Flying Beast”. That Beast had ravenous appetite: when he felt thirsty, he drank out seven lakes and when he felt hungry, he ate seven deer herds. And if the Man hadn’t turned the Beast into the Fish, everything would have died.
To solve the ecological problems: we should start small. First of all, follow the 3R’s rule: reuse, recycle, reduce. Don’t throw away plastic containers - reuse them; turn off the light and electrical devices when you don’t use them – reduce consuming electricity… Put the waste batteries and lamps in special bins (now we have them in many areas). Secondly, don’t drop the litter but clear up parks and squares, school yards and the territories in front of you houses. And, finally, make your own little “Yamal planet” clean and beautiful!
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