Я учусь в простой сельской школе, но простой её назвать нельзя,потому что она, по-моему, даже лучше многих "навороченных" крутых городских школ. У нас все кабинеты оборудованы спецтехникой, учителя с первой и высшей категорией. У нас есть возможности прекрасно заниматься по всем предметам и найти что-то для души. И я подумала: почему бы не прорекламировать свою школу на весь мир, причём на английском языке. Разве она не может участвовать в международном конкурсе на лучшую школу? Свою работу я задумала как индивидуальный проект по английскому языку, а продуктом стала брошюра о моей школе на английском языке. Страницы из этой брошюры представлены в презентации. Вы можете прекрасно разглядеть как учителей, так и нас- их учеников.
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Слайд 1
SCHOOL SWEET SCHOOL MEI “ Algatyi Secondary School” Tulun region made by Dorofeyeva OksanaСлайд 2
We begin our school study at the age of 6 and at the age of 17 we finish it. When at school we have our lessons 6 days a week. The classes start at 8:30 a.m. and at 3 p. m. the lessons are over.
Слайд 3
My school has got four floors. On the first floor there is a cloak-room, a dining room and a library. The library is well stocked with books from the reading list of recommended books for pupils. Near the cloak- room, there is a school canteen where pupils can eat during the breaks.
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On the second floor there are rooms for the primary school pupils. Primary School Teacher Efimenko Oksana Yur’evna
Слайд 5
Our classrooms are on the third and the fourth floors. Most of the classrooms are very much alike. They are all light, airy, with flowers on the window sills, with portraits of outstanding people on the walls and with charts and maps near the blackboard.
Слайд 6
When was our school founded? - On September 1, 1994. 45 children were at the time of opening. -How old is it? -23years . How many children are studied at it at the moment? - On September 1, 2017 are enrolled 128 people. How many people work at school? 24 teacher, 18 maintenance and technical staff. Headmaster Golubeva Valentina Yakovlevna
Слайд 7
-What distinguishes our school from other rural schools? - First, the school in Tulunskiy district is the youngest. It is built in accordance with the new requirements of the time. There are warm toilets, a swimming pool, gym, simulators, shooting gallery.
Слайд 8
Our school is innovative: the preprofile and profile training. It is a pilot area for accelerated introduction of the new standard.
Слайд 9
How would you describe the material and technical condition of our school? - The material and technical condition of our school is good. Enough furniture and equipment. Almost every office workstation includes a computer, projector and screen. Created the conditions for the maintenance of a healthy lifestyle: a gym, pool, shooting gallery.
Слайд 10
Deputy Director of Studies Zolotuyeva Svetlana Nikolaevna How many teachers work at school?- 24 teachers. What is the status of the teaching staff at school?- The pedagogical staff of Municipal Educational Institution " Alagatuiskaya school" consists of a highly qualified teaching staff, organizing educational activities of students at a high level. What programs do the teachers implement ? -Teachers implement the basic educational program of the Primary General Education, the Basic General Education and the Secondary General Education.
Слайд 11
-How do you think whether it is interesting for pupils to study at our school? - I think that it is interesting! - What differs our school from the others?- The desire of teachers to master the innovative activities that improves the quality of education in educational organization. Material and technical conditions satisfy the modern requirements to organization of educational activity. -What arguments could you give for choosing our school by the other students? -Highly qualified teachers. Modern logistical support. The existence of a sports complex: swimming pool, sauna, shooting range, gym fight, the hall for wrestling, stadium.
Слайд 12
Deputy Director for Educational Affairs Gapeyevtseva Elena Ivanovna How many student leaders are there at the school? 24 -What positive things can you mark in the educational work in our school? - The achievements of our students in competitions and contests of different levels. - What can be called the highlight of our school? The skits for various activities. Openess and interaction with the environment
Слайд 13
-What clubs and activities are held at school? -Additional education: Studio crafts, Studio "Chance", Studio arts, swimming. There is a club " Algat “ (an environmental direction), the club of young inspectors of traffic (road safety), the club "Fireproof“ (DUP - squad of young firefighters). There are sections of volleyball, basketball, "game hour", a classic fight. What % of children is attending them? 98%. What can you tell us about the educational work at school? Educational activities are aimed at the formation of personality.
Слайд 14
Chemistry is the science about substances, their properties, their mutual transformations and accompanying processes. In chemistry classes we are introduced to lab glassware, we study the chemical elements of the periodic table of Dmitri Mendeleev, learn the classification of elements and compounds, interaction of substances. We also have a lot of practical work. Teacher of Chemistry Zolotuyeva Svetlana Nikolaevna
Слайд 15
Information Technologies is the science of the methods and processes of collecting, storing, processing , transferring, analysing and evaluation of information using the computer technologies. At the lessons we learn to work on computers in the Internet , create algorithms and learn to encode, to process information in nature and human society. And we solve different problems. Teacher of IT Krasnova Svetlana Viktorovna
Слайд 16
Nevertheless, there are many specialized rooms for studying different subjects. Chemistry, English, Maths , Geography, Russian, Physics and Biology are taught in well-equipped science rooms. There are also schemes and tables on the walls. A special room for computer studying is equipped with computers. Besides, pupils have lessons in workshops, having practice in various crafts. Teacher of History Zhironkina Natal’ya Fyodorovna
Слайд 17
The basics of life safety is a school subject destined for fostering the culture of human security. In these lessons we learn safe behavior in everyday life, in dangerous and emergency situations of natural, technogenic , biological and social nature. We learn the skills of healthy and safe lifestyles, abilities and skills of first aid, assess the dangerous situation to determine the ways of protection from them.
Слайд 18
We have our classes of physical training in either our gymnasium or on the sport ground, situated behind the school building.
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Our sports ground is situated behind the school. On the sports ground there is a football field and a volleyball ground. On the sports ground we run, jump, play football, volleyball or basketball.
Слайд 20
On the first floor, there is an assembly hall where parties meetings are held.
Слайд 21
Biology is a complex system. The objects of study are living beings and their interaction with the environment. In biology classes we study the origin of the species, their growth, evolution and distribution of living organisms on the Earth. We also get acquainted with the structure of the person, with the environmental problems, have laboratory and practical work, set up and do experiments. Teacher of Biology Moskovskikh Elena Yur’evna
Слайд 22
Literature is an art form, set of any written texts. On the literature classes we get acquainted with the works of the Russian and foreign literature. Literature helps to understand the features of creativity of different writers. We also join independent reading, work in libraries with different sources. We write essays, learn poems, analyze texts. Teacher of Literature Gryaznova Irina Vladimirovna
Слайд 23
Physics is the science of nature. The subject of studying is matter, general forms of its movement, as well as fundamental interactions of nature, controlling the motion of matter. In physics classes we study the changes around us, phenomena. We study the laws of physics, we solve problems, have experiments. Teacher of Physics Dzugkoyeva Lyudmila Nikolayevna
Слайд 24
Geography is the science dealing with the study of the geographical capsule of the Earth. In geography classes we study the topography, climate, soil, population. And we also look at economies in general and economic ties with the other countries. We talk about problems which hamper the development of some countries. Teacher of Geography Kiriyenko Vitaliy Leonidovich
Слайд 25
History is humanitarian science studying the development of human society. In history lessons we study historical events from primitive society till modern times, how social systems change, how the consciousness of the people raise. We meet some historical figures, events, study the culture and development of different countries. Teacher of History Gapeyevtseva Elena Ivanovna
Слайд 26
Mathematics is the science of quantitative relations and spatial forms of the real world. In math we learn to think strictly and logically, to prove statements, to make conclusions and to solve examples, inequalities, systems of equations, problems, to draw graphs , to prove theorems, to think abstract. Teacher of Mathematics Zarubina Elena Mikhaylovna
Слайд 27
English is the language of international communication. On the English lessons we learn to speak, read and understand texts, to write essays, to understand foreign speech, learn the words, translate texts, discuss what we read about and heard. Teacher of English Porsh Larisa Innokent’evna
Слайд 28
At the Russian lessons we study the syntax and punctuation, learn to write correctly and informative, to listen and understand w the written texts, to speak correctly and beautifully and to observe the norms of the culture of the Russian speech. Teacher of Russian Poleshchuk Tatyana Arkad’evna
Слайд 29
Physical education is an area of activity intended for preservation and strengthening of pupils ’ health. At the physical education classes is formed a healthy lifestyle. We run, jump in length and height, we carry out exercises on endurance, strength training, play sports. We have classes in the swimming pool and in winter we also have ski training.
Слайд 30
Visual art is the image plane, created by means of graphics. At the art classes we learn to draw objects correctly, apply light, shadow, glare, choose a tone to represent the volume. And we learn to choose the right brushes, ink, pencils. We get acquainted with the different techniques of painting, with the works of the great artists. The main purpose is to transfer the overall integrity of the perception of any paintings. Teacher of Art Krasnova Irina Takhovdenovna
Слайд 31
Art Studio. Here the pupils develop artistic taste and perception. They are taught to draw, to perform the work with paints, gouache, chalk, ink, colored pencils. Together with the head of the disciples pupils arrange exhibitions of their works.
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Technology is a set of methods and tools to achieve the desired result. We learn to apply practical knowledge in production activities. Girls are taught housework, to sew, embroider, knit, do crafts, cook. Boys are taught to make household items and cooking. Teacher of Technology Molchanova Elena Vasilyevna
Слайд 33
Studio crafts. Children learn needlework, sewing, knitting. They make a variety of crafts from different materials. They are also taught to work with birch bark and wood. They make exhibitions of their works.
Слайд 34
As we become older, we realize that there are some essential things and places you always long to come back to. They are certainly your birthplace, your home and the school you went to. We shall always be indebted to our teachers for the rest of our lives.
Паспорт проектной работы
Ф.И. учащегося Дорофеева Оксана класс 9
Тема проектной работы: Рекламная брошюра о школе на английском языке «Моя любимая школа».
Предметная область: Иностранные языки.
Направление, в рамках которого проводится работа по проекту: Школа, в которой я учусь.
Актуальность проектной работы: В последнее время выбор школы, где будут учиться дети, имеет большое значение как для родителей, так и для учеников, потому что хорошая школа и сильный педагогический коллектив – это ступенька на пути качественного образования и гарантия успешного будущего.
Проблема (проблемный вопрос): Если я составлю рекламную брошюру на английском языке о моей школе и расскажу в ней, какая она замечательная во всех направлениях воспитания и образования, то захотят ли в ней учиться ученики других школ?
Цель проектной работы: Убедить заинтересованные стороны, что МОУ «Алгатуйская СОШ» является конкурентноспособным учебным заведением и написать о нём брошюру на английском языке с рекламной целью.
Задачи проектной работы:
1) Взять интервью у администрации школы с целью определения значимых аспектов в структуре нашей школы.
2) Провести беседу с учителями-предметниками, чтобы узнать основные учебные действия, применяемые при изучении предметов.
3) Сделать фотографии школы.
4) Ознакомиться со структурой брошюры.
5) Перевести материал на английский язык и подготовить брошюру на основе презентации «Школа, милая школа» с рекламной целью.
Используемые методы исследования: наблюдение, опыт, сравнение, анализ и обобщение, социологический опрос, интервью.
Гипотеза: (для исследовательских проектов ) : Если выпустить рекламную брошюру на английском языке о нашей школе, то захотелось бы детям из других учебных заведений учиться в ней?
Используемая литература (Теоретические основания):
Объект исследования: МОУ «Алгатуйская СОШ»
Предмет исследования: условия, созданные для обучения, воспитания и всестороннего развития учеников.
Описание продукта проектной работы: брошюра “School my sweet school”
Выводы по теме проектной работы:
1) Наша школа построена в соответствии с новыми требованиями времени.
2) Школа инновационная – это пилотная площадка для опережающего внедрения ФГОС.
3) Хорошее материально-техническое состояние школы.
4) Созданы условия для поддержания здорового образа жизни: тренажёрный зал, бассейн.
5) Наша школа активно принимает участия в различных спортивных соревнованиях, для этого проводятся спортивные секции, имеется спортивная площадка, а также в интеллектуальных конкурсах, олимпиадах, в которых учащиеся достигают высоких результатов.
6) Наши ученики заботятся о чистоте окружающей среды.
7) «Алгатуйская СОШ» может конкурировать со школами на мировом уровне в гуманитарных, естественных и точных науках, в творческой, культурной и спортивной деятельности.
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