В рамках проектной работы в разделе изучения материала "Environment" ("Окружающая среда") ученики параллели 5х классов самостоятельно создавали презентации на одну из подтем, касающихся экологии, окружающей среды, географии. Презентации разработаны на основе изученного материала и дополнены материалом, изученным учениками самостоятельно.
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russian_animals_in_danger_ilina.ppt | 2.73 МБ |
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Russian animals in dangerСлайд 2
Kalan or Sea beavar This is Kalan- carnivorous marine mammal .
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Kalan is the largest representative of the family of cunies, it leads a semi-aquatic life, but at the same time is one of the smallest representative of marine mammals.
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They feed mainly on sea urchins, thereby helping to control their numbers, as sea urchins can irrevocably destroy all algae in their habitat, which will negatively affect the ecology of the area.
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Calans are relatively large animals up to 1.5 meters long and weighing up to 45 kg. The sea otters live on average 9-11 years, less often up to 23years. The color of them can be different from red to almost black . In Russia, sea otters live in the Far East. According to 2006 data on the territory of our country there were about 15 thousand individuals
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Kalans are friendly animals. But in the 18-19 centuries there was a mass extermination of these animals because of their fur. For 130 yea of mass extermination ,their numbers have decreased from several hundred thousand to less than two tens of thousands of osybey . In 1911 , the first international agreement was signed to ban hunting of sea otters. In 1913, the first shtapeeper was created to protect the habitat. In the USSR the ban on hunting otters was adopted in 1926. After that, until 1997 ,the number of these animals increased. But after 1997,there was on special need for it, scientist consider the environmental situation in the world to be the reason for this.
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