Данная работа является исследованием ученицы 11 класса. Использование и распознавание идиом представляет сложность для изучающих английский язык даже на продвинутом уровне. Автор работы систематизировала материал о наиболее употребляемых идиомах.
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Слайд 1
Why is it necessary to learn foreign language idioms? Alexandra Ivanovna Baeva Form 11 Instructor: Elena Victorovna Komar, the teacher of EnglishСлайд 2
The goal of study is English and Russian idioms. The relevance of the chosen theme: Some people who study a foreign language believe that there is no need to learn idioms, proverbs and sayings. They seem long, difficult to remember and useless as a result. However, learning the basis of a foreign language, you start to realize the importance of knowledge and use of idioms, proverbs and sayings. Hypothesis: idioms are important for the advance of language learning. Recognizing idioms and using them correctly in the speech is an indicator of the language proficiency. Purpose : to reveal the understanding and ability of the students of different age groups to recognize and use Russian and English idioms in speech.
Слайд 3
Progress 1) to determine the share of the students of different age groups able to recognize and use the Russian and English idioms in speech; 2) to identify the factors affecting the frequency of use of Russian and English idioms; 3) to prove that idioms are important for the advance in learning the language; 4) to prove that the knowledge of idioms and their proper use in the speech is an indicator of the language proficiency; 5) to make a conclusion.
Слайд 4
1. Are you aware of such terms as an idiom, a figurative expression and slang?
Слайд 5
2. Why do we need idioms and slang?
Слайд 6
3. How often do you use idioms, figurative expressions and slang in your speech?
Слайд 7
4. Is it possible to learn a language without the knowledge of idioms, figurative expressions and slang?
Слайд 8
5. What difficulties do you have in understanding idioms, figurative expressions and slang?
Слайд 9
I know that I know nothing Socrate
Слайд 12
Idioms connected with feelings and emotions
Слайд 13
Idioms connected with parts of the body
Слайд 14
Idioms connected with clothes
Слайд 15
Money doesn't grow on trees. Idioms connected with money
Слайд 16
Idioms connected with colors
Слайд 17
Idioms connected with numerals
Слайд 18
Idioms connected with animals
Слайд 19
Idioms connected with food
Слайд 20
Idioms connected with time
Слайд 21
CONCLUSION In conclusion, I would like to say that the project helped me to realize why we learn idioms. Of course, you can live without them, speaking with the words and phrases which are familiar to us. But our speech will become as contemporary as imaginative and beautiful if we are able to think and speak, using idioms and proverbs. Using idioms, we can significantly improve our language skills and become interesting and well - educated people. The knowledge of idioms does not only help you to be understood but to understand others, to perceive the exact meaning of the utterance in a foreign language. So, the learning of idioms and using them correctly in the speech is a true indicator of the language proficiency.
Слайд 22
Learn idioms and have fun
Слайд 23
BIBLIOGRAPHIC RESOURCES The Cambridge academic content dictionary http://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/idiom http://www.englishpond.com/vocabulary/idioms/index.html http://english99.ru/animal-idioms/ http://audiorazgovornik.ru/anglijskie-idiomy-na-temu-food/ Левенталь В. Занимательный английский, том II :- New York , 2002 http :// english - thebest . ru / idioms . php
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