Тема необходимости домашнего задания для учащихся обсуждается в педагогике уже много лет. Многочисленные научные исследования, опросы учащихся и их родителей так и не дали однозначного ответа, нужно ли задавать учащимся домашнее задание или нет. Учеником 7 класса Грицуном Александром была проведена исследовательская работа на тему " Домашнее задание-тотальное списывание или необходимое закрепление пройденного материала?" с целью выявления эффективности домашнего задания и способах увелечения полезной ценности этого вида работы.
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«Домашнее задание: необходимое закрепление пройденного материала или тотальное списывание?»
Грицун А.Д.
Семенченок Е.В. учитель английского языка, ВКК, МБОУ «Гимназия №1»
Scientists and specialists say: "Homework must be understood as a self-performing repetition of covered material and its application in practice. Information received on lessons is usually transferred only in the short-term memory. To convert it into long-term memory, students are required to repeat it again and again. Therefore, the modern point of view on homework is that homework is a natural and logical continuation of class work."
The functions and importance of homework in learning process.
The first of the main functions is to help in the development of knowledge and training skills especially when a student was ill and missed a lot of lessons or haven't understood the theme. The second function is the development of independence and responsibility for doing the task. The third function is to teach children to analyze, summarize and do their own conclusions.
The main value of homework
After examining the historical background, functions and importance of the home task I found out that homework:
Allows you to learn better and consolidate covered the material;
Encourages responsibility;
Teaches to think independently and to seek a solution;
Develops creativity and research skills of a student
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«Is homework a necessary exercise or totally writing off?" By Alexander Gritzun 7th grade ; Teacher: Semechenok E. V.Слайд 2
Hypothesis: I believe that homework should be done independently and regularly. This gives confidence and reinforces knowledge. The object of the research is : pupils of 6 to 10 grades The subject of the research is : the meaning and function of homework.
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Objectives : ● to study the history, meaning and function of homework ; ● to conduct a survey among classmates and teachers to identify independence of homework ; ● to prove the necessity of doing homework. Research methods : ● collecting information about the topic of the research; ● analyzing the survey results among the students of 6 to 10 grades; ● interviewing teachers about the subject.
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Is it an important question now? Studying can be hardly named a pleasant pastime. Children go to school 5-6 days a week, sit for 5-6 hours at desks, come home and have to do their home assignments.
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Scientists and specialists say: « Homework must be understood as a self-performing repetition of covered material and its application in practice »
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The functions and importance of homework in learning process. to help in the development of knowledge and training skills especially when a student was ill and missed a lot of lessons or hasn`t understood the theme ; to develop independence and responsibility ; to teach children to analyze, summarize and do their own conclusions.
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The main value of homework: It strengthens willpower, responsibility and independence of children; It develops an ability to search relevant information from a variety of resources; It forms the research skills of students (comparison, argumentation, construction of hypotheses, etc.).
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Time standards 1st grade - 20 minutes per day 2-3rd grades -1.5 hours per day 4-5th grades -2 hours per day 6-8th grades -2.5 hours per day 9-11th grades - 3.5 hours per day
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The results of the survey How often do you write off?
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What is the reason of cheating?
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«How much time do you usually spend on your homework?»
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Ways to solve this problem: Every Wednesday from 14:00 to 15:00 there is consultation time at our school ; A student may find out the task on the site « Dnevnik.ru » and the web-platform « Webinar.ru »; The training educational programs in the Internet provide additional information for each theme and school subject .
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Conclusion : homework… Allows you better to learn and consolidate the covered material ; Encourages responsibility ; Teaches to reason, to think independently and to seek a solution ; Develops creativity and research skills of a student .
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Memo: « How to do the homework »
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Literature: Dictionary of the Russian language: Ozhegov S. I. 1983 http :// www . examen . ru / add / manual /15549/ vremja _ na _ vypolnenie _ domashnego _ zadanija . Internet resource : http://mamavteme.ru Internet resource : http://deti.mail.ru Internet resource : http://real-parents.ru Internet resource : http://www.suzunadm.ru Internet resource : dnevnik.ru
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