Презентация может быть использована на уроках англ. яз. в 6-7 классах.
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Слайд 1
Northern Ireland Made by Mashkova Alena 7 « A » formСлайд 2
D ictionary the patron Saint of Ireland – покровитель Ирландии worship – покланяться, чтить trail – тропа giant – великан freshwater – пресноводный myth – миф create - создать describe – описывать storage of ammunition – хранилище боеприпасов
Слайд 3
Northern Ireland Northern Ireland is one of 4 parts of United Kingdom. It is small, but important. There are many interesting places in this part of the country.
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Saint Patrick - the patron Saint of Ireland Saint Patrick is the Christian patron Saint of Ireland. People in Northern Ireland worship him nowadays. St. Patrick's Cathedral is the biggest cathedral in Northern Ireland.
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Environment in Northern Ireland The Environment in Northern Ireland consist of plains, valleys and meadows. You can see they are beautiful.
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Map of Northern Ireland
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Logh-Nei and trail of giants. Logh-Nei is the biggest freshwater lake in Europe. People tell myth about Finn Mak Kumal, that created this lake and island Man. Finn Mak Kumal created trail of giants too. It is really unusual. It is difficult to describe it. But we can see it.
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Castle Karrikfergus The castle Karrikfergus was built in 1177. It was not only a castle. It was a prison, a storage of ammunition and others.
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Thanks for watching!!!
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All information I took from… All photos I took from « Yandex Photos » . Information: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A1%D0%B2%D1%8F%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%B9_%D0%9F%D0%B0%D1%82%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BA http://vivareit.ru/interesnye-fakty-o-severnoj-irlandii/
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