Россия и Англия-взгляд на футбол. Работа, занявшая 2 место в районном НОУ, отражает не только интересные факты из истори развития футбола, но в ней рассмотрены взгляды на футбол и предстоящий чемпионат мира 2018 российский и английских болельщиков, основанные на социологическом опросе
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Московского района г. Н. Новгорода
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Russia and England: a vision of football
Выполнил: ученица 8а класса
Курочкина Дарья Алексеевна
Научный руководитель
Фетюкова Т.А.
Н. Новгород
Introduction 3
1.1 History of football in Britain 13
1.2 Football in Russia 20
2.1 Football for fans and on their costs 23
2.2 World Championship as the main football event in the world 28
3. Practical part 35
Conclusion 38
Literature list 39
Appendix 1 42
Appendix 2 44
Appendix 3 51
What associations do you have when you hear the combination of words “English” and “sport”? It’s certainly football. Everybody knows that football comes originally from England. Football is considered to be the most popular sport in the world. It is famous among people of all the ages groups. According to the latest “Big count” - FIFA (Fédération Internationale de Football Association) statistics survey, the total number of football players in the world is 242 million people which is equal to 4,1% of the Earth population. There are FIFA 207 member associations and it shows that the spread of the game is even wider than the spread of United Nations.[19]
Modern football is a breathtaking spectacle where you can admire footballers’ masterly performance and uncompromising men’s competition in the football encounter. The physical perfection of players, the joy or bitterness of losing the game attract millions of fans from all over the world.
The football competitions are watched everywhere. The football matches are similar to a theatrical performance. A large number of people sitting in their seats, whistling, tooting and yelling while watching 22 men chase a ball in a field covered in grass. Tragedy, drama, triumph….all this you can experience on football matches.
National championships are regularly held in different countries of the world. But the main football event is enjoyed by millions of viewers every four years and everyone knows it as World Cup. This event provides an opportunity for the people to show their strong connection and patriotism when their team plays on the international field. Football has also direct impact on the culture and nationalism. There are some other fields which are affected by the game such as politics and economics of a country. In 2018 the World Cup will take place in Russia
In anticipation of this event I’d like to have a detail look at the history of appearing and development of this particular kind of sport to study this issue in the light of economic and social aspects.
The aim of my research is to make a picture about the attitude of Russian and foreign people towards football and World Cup which will be held in Russia next year.
Subject matter of the study is the process of development of football as a multicultural and economic phenomenon.
Scope of the study is football.
The tasks of my research:
1. To study and analyze existing materials on the given subject matter.
2. To consider a general characteristic of origin and development of football
3. To track the process of commercialization of this kind of sport
4. To deal with economic, social and ecological issues considering preparation of a country for the football World Championship.
5. To lead sociological studies among residents of Russia and foreign countries with the objective of revealing of the attitude of respondents to football in general and the World Championship 2018 in Russia in particular.
History of football
Football is the most popular team game in the world. Many people consider that football is originated from England, but it isn't absolutely right. Actually the history of "a football" contains many centuries and has affected many countries.
The origin of Football can be found in every corner of geography and history.The Chinese, Japanese, Italian, Ancient Greek, Persian, Viking, and many more played a ball game long before our era.
The most ancient source is chronicles of a dynasty Han that in Ancient China. They are about 2000 years old. The game in which Chinese players dribbled a leather ball called Cuju (Tsu'chu or Tsu-Chu's writing can also meet) had appeared in Ancient China by 250 B.C.
‘Cuju’ means "to kick the ball by legs", and Chu - can be translated as "the leather filled ball". According to chronicles, the game was usually played during the celebration of the Emperor’s birthday. Cuju matches were often held inside the imperial palace. A type of court called ju chang was built especially for cuju matches, which had six crescent.
A competitive game that involved kicking a ball through the openings into a net. The use of hands was not allowed.
The game was played with a stitched leather ball stuffed with fur or feathers. There were two teams on a marked pitch. Rough tackling was allowed but kicking was the mainform of propulsion.
At the time of a dynasty Qing (255 - 206 BC) soldiers were taught to play this game. At the time of a dynasty Han (206 B.C.E.-221 C.E.) Tsu-Chu was played everywhere. Treatises on military art of that time contain the description of a complex of the physical exercises named by Tsu-Chu.
It was an element of recreation and training (some suggest it could help to ward off the leg numbness suffered after a long horse-ride.
The game changed across centuries: the ball itself was transformed and made easier to control. But the new ball (hollow ball) was accessible only to rich causing the separation between the common game (Bai Da) and the courtly game (Zhu Qin).
Although the rules of the game are not certain, in Zhu Qiu physical context and direct confrontation was lost and a more stylized format adopted.
Two goals merged into one. The ball was first passed among players of one team until it was received by a designated player who alone can attempt to shoot at target.
Whether they scored or not, if the shooting side could keep the ball in air afterwards they would retain possession and have another try. If the ball touched the ground the other team gained possession.
There were also games, similar to Tsu-Chu, which purpose was not to give to the opponent to score a goal for what it was allowed to use all parts of a body, except for hands.
The similar game with a ball was played in Japan about 1400 years ago. According to historical facts, Japanese invented the game named by Kemari (or Kenatt) in the 12th century). Also this form of the game is related to the courtly version of cuju although it was more stylized.
Kamari means “standing among trees”.
The playing space was a 6-7 metre dirt square demarcated by four pine trees placed at the corners. Eight players were then standing in pairs: one pair per corner.
The ball was hollow, light and made of deerskin, often coated with albumen.
The players tried to keep the ball in the air as long as possible and used the trees to bounce it off, the branches pruned in a way to provide a path back to the court for the ball.
A formal count of the kicks was held and extra points was given by the officials responsible for impressive or stylish plays.
Kamari became an important pastime among the Japanese elite in the 12th and 13th centuries. Important players were admired for their skills but also for their attention to tradition and etiquette.
The first masters appeared and wrote down the rules and emperors started playing the game.
Distinct schools or houses of kamari started emerging with their own take on training, techniques and rules.
Kamari was lost in a modernizing society and became a minority pastime for aristocrats.
Today Kemari is played by the Japanese enthusiasts wishing to keep Tradition.
The earliest of the playgrounds found in Central America and called “Pok-A-Tok” ("Paso de la Amada" in Mexico) are dated 1600 BC. Pok-A-Tok was a ball game played by the ancient Maya well over 1000 years ago in what's now Cancun and Riviera Maya. And there’s evidence that the Toltecs and Aztecs played variations of the game, too, as there are stadiums (for lack of a better term) dotted throughout Mexico. Pok-A-Tok is like a mixture between soccer and basketball—with more difficult rules to play. The object of the game was for the two opposing side to try and hit the hard rubber ball into a stone hoop placed at both ends of the playing field. The kicker could only pass and shoot the ball using thighs and hips.
Varying greatly in size, most Pok-A-Tok stadiums featured a grassy, level middle section with sloping ends from which the goal hoops could extend as high as 20 feet above the court. Like cricket (and quidditch), games could last for a long time—hours and sometimes days. There’s also a good chance that games required physical strength.
The playground on Paso de la Amada was supported and expanded for 150 years. It was a 80-meter equal narrow field enclosed with the towering open stands. Scientists believe that this certain platform was a part of the whole network of the similar constructions not her scattered across all Mesoamerica.
Proceeding from drawings on walls and ceramics, archeologists believe that the ancient sport of Pok-A-Tok was similar to Tlachtli, the game described in documents of the Spanish Conquistadors of 1519. The game field had the form of a letter "I". Players had to throw a ball into a stone ring which was at the height of several yards over the earth (to 9 meters).
Players could touch a small rubber ball (10-15 cm in the diameter) only by elbows, knees or hips The goal was such a great achievement that after it a game, often, came to an end at once.
Researchers consider that games like Pok-A-Tok'a were an inseparable part of political, social and religious life of a civilization of Mokaya (in translation "people of corn") - alleged ancestors of civilizations of Olmec and Maya.
Although it was played by people from all levels of Maya society for fun, Pok-A-Tok was also used as a way to settle conflicts between warring groups and noblemen.
What's more, recovered sources indicate that the losing side’s leader (and perhaps the whole team) was sometimes killed and sacrificed to the gods.
At the time of Olmecs (approximately 1200 BC) rulers(leaders) were represented as the players in a ball wearing leather helmets. "It could be helmets at the same time both for sport, and for war". The professor of anthropology says: "In ancient times the difference between the great player, the great soldier and the great leader practically didn't exist". Between 900 and 250 years BC representatives of a civilization Maya mastered Pok-A-Tok. And Aztecs developed his own version during the period from 1200 to 1521 AD.
It is considered that Indians of North America had the game called "pasuckuakohowog" that means "they gathered to play a ball with feet". he Native American Indians played football or Pasuckaukohowog from approximately 1620. Although it is highly likely that they were actually playing football earlier. The game was played on beaches with goals about a half-mile-wide and set one mile apart. Up to 500 people usually played Pasuckuakohowog at one time, while many games had up to 1000 players. Pasuckuakohowog was a dangerous game and was played almost like a war.. It was quite often that players would retire with broken bones and other serious injuries. In fact the game was almost a war with up to 500 players on each side.
The players understood the violent nature of the game as they would often disguise themselves with lots of war paint and ornaments to avoid retribution after the game. The game was normally played on a pitch that was often a mile long with goals at either end. Players put on various jewelry and applied on a fighting coloring so it was almost impossible to revenge the offender after the game. The game could last for hours and often carried on from one day to the next.
At the end of the match both sides would meet for a celebratory feast. (Hence the need for a disguise during the game!)
Askaktuk – a game which Eskimos played. They kicked the heavy ball filled with a grass, wool of the Carib [a species of the Canadian deer].
In Australia balls made of skins of marsupials of rats, bladders of large animals, of the twisted hair, the description of rules of the game hasn't remained.
There is evidence dating back to 2500 BC that supports the idea the ancient Egyptians played various ball games on foot. Linen balls, some covered in catgut for better bounce, were recovered from Egyptian tombs. However, the rules to Egyptian ball games are unclear so it is debatable weather they were playing games we could look upon as football based on the medieval description of a ball game played with feet. It is documented that the ancient Greeks developed a form of football called 'Episkyros' or 'Phaininda' which they played as early as 2000 BC. This game was played on a pitch between two teams of 12 -14 players. Later on The Romans developed this game further calling their version 'Harpastum'.
HARPASTUM, also known as Harpustum, was a form of ball game played in the Roman Empire. The Romans also referred to it as the small ball game. The ball used was small (not as large as a follis, paganica, or soccer-sized ball) and hard, probably about the size and solidity of a softball.
The word harpastum is the latinisation of the Greek ἁρπαστόν (harpaston), the neuter of ἁρπαστός (harpastos), "carried away”, from the verb ἁρπάζω (harpazo), "to seize, to snatch”.
This game was apparently a romanized version of a Greek game called phainind (Greek: φαινίνδα), or of another Greek game called ἐπίσκυρος (episkuros). It involved considerable speed, agility, and physical exertion.
Little is known about the exact rules of the game, but sources indicate the game was a violent one with players often ending up on the ground. In Greece, a spectator (of the Greek form of the game) once had his leg broken when he got caught in the middle of play.
The rules of the ballgame are not known. They were probably similar to racquetball, where the aim is to keep the ball in motion. The stone ballcourt goals were a late addition to the game. This later addition of the game changed the game entirely though, since an immediate win could be attained from them by tossing the balls in the ring, or points could be scored by simply tossing the ball so that it touched the ring.In the most widespread version of the game, the players struck the ball with their hips, although some versions allowed the use of forearms, rackets, bats, or handstones. The ball was made of solid rubber and weighed as much as 4 kg (9 lbs), and sizes differed greatly over time or according to the version played.The game had important ritual aspects, and major formal ballgames were held as ritual events, often featuring human sacrifice. The sport was also played casually for recreation by children and perhaps even women.
With disintegration of the Roman Empire this game remained under other names in France ("La Choule"), in Italy ("calcio ") and many other states formed on her place.
In medieval France, a game called "La Choule" was usually played in town gatherings, such as just after Sunday church, or on special occasions or holidays.
The game itself looked like a combination of Football, handball, hockey, baseball and kickboxing, since the players of each team had to strike the ball into the opponent's goal, using whatever means necessary and whatever accessories necessary.
For example, one record shows that players were allowed to use sticks or clubs to hit the ball around, although it wasn't always the ball that got hit.
Calcio Fiorentino was an early form of football that originated in 16th century Italy. The Piazza Santa Croce of Florence is the cradle of this sport, that became known as giuoco del calcio fiorentino ("Florentine kick game") or simply calcio ("kick").The official rules of calcio were published for the first time in 1580 by Giovanni de' Bardi,a Florentine count.
Just like Roman harpastum, it was played in teams of 27, using both feet and hands. Goals could be scored by throwing the ball over a designated spot on the perimeter of the field. The playing field is a giant sand pit with a goal running the width of each end. There is a main referee, six linesmen and a field master. Each game is played out for 50 minutes with the winner being the team with the most points or 'cacce'.Originally, calcio was reserved for rich aristocrats,who played every night between Epiphany and Lent. In the Vatican, even Popes, such as Clement VII, Leo XI and Urban VIII were known to play.
The first unambiguous reference to soccer in England is a writ for preserving the peace in London (dated 13 April 1314), which notes the "great uproar in the City, through certain tumults arising from the striking of large footballs in the public fields."
The most popular and cruel English version of ball game was called "soccer crowd" and was carried out between teams of different villages in days of celebrations and holidays.
The soccer crowd was so popular in England that even Shakespeare mentions it in Comedy of Errors.
British and Scots played to the death. Then football rules didn't exist yet therefore games could lead to serious injury or death. In 1321, for example, one player died from wound sustained after accidentally running onto a sheathed knife. . Such examples, perhaps, stimulated development of unwritten rules of the game.
Football encouraged envy and hatred... sometimes fighting, murder and a great loss of blood." It is no wonder that the authorities banned the playing of football.
However, there were some people who thought that football was good for the health of young men. Richard Mulcaster, the headmaster of Merchant Taylors' School, wrote in 1581, that football had "great helps, both to health and strength." He added the game "strengtheneth and brawneth the whole body, and by provoking superfluities downward, it dischargeth the head, and upper parts, it is good for the bowels, and to drive the stone and gravel from both the bladder and kidneys."
The records show that young men refused to accept the banning of football. In 1589, Hugh Case and William Shurlock were fined 2s for playing football in St. Werburgh's cemetery during the vicar's sermon. Ten years later a group of men in a village in Essex were fined for playing football on a Sunday. Other prosecutions took place in Richmond, Bedford, Thirsk and Guisborough.
As you, probably, have understood, the ban on soccer didn't mean the termination of a game in him at all. In the Middle Ages, soccer crowd was practiced in many countries of Europe. Soccer was played through thick and thin.
History of football in Britain
The game finally was forbidden in several centuries. But the football-like games would appear again in the streets of London in the 17th Century.
It took, however, long time until the features of today’s football had been taken into practice. For a long time it was no clear distinction between football and rugby. There were also many variations concerning the size of the ball, the number of players and the length of a match.
In the 18th century football was played by most of Britain's leading public schools. There is documentary evidence that football was played at Eton as early as 1747. Westminster started two years later. Harrow, Shrewsbury, Winchester and Charterhouse had all taken up football by the 1750s.
British Public Schools of the early 19th century existed to educate the sons of the country old landed and new commercial families standing at the apex of the social and economic hierarchy.
Curriculum dominated by Greek, Latin and theology .
Discipline was harsh but classes were turbulent and anarchist as the social superiority of most of the pupils over the staff, combined with the basic disposition of the young male aristocrats meant that indiscipline could led to open rebellions (the army was called to Rugby in 1797 to put down a pupils’ revolt)
Games as central component of boy’s culture. Thomas Arnold was appointed headmaster of Rugby in 1828. He had a profound and lasting effect on the development of public school education in England. Arnold introduced mathematics, modern history and modern languages and instituted the form system and introduced the prefect system to keep discipline. He modernized the teaching of Classics by directing attention to literary, moral or historical questions. Although Arnold held strong views, he made it clear to his students they were not expected to accept those views, but to examine the evidence and to think for themselves.
Arnold also emphasized the importance of sport in young men's education. Like most headteachers in public schools, Arnold believed that sport was a good method for "encouraging senior boys to exercise responsible authority on behalf of the staff". He also argued that games like football provided a "formidable vehicle for character building"
Two of the predominant schools were Rugby and Eton. At Rugby the rules included the possibility to take up the ball with the hands and the game we today know as rugby has its origin from here. At Eton on the other hand the ball was played exclusively with the feet and can therefore be seen as a close predecessor to the modern football. The game in Rugby was called “the running game” while the game in Eton was called “the dribbling game”.
The football played at Shrewsbury and Winchester placed an emphasis on kicking and running with the ball (dribbling). School facilities also influenced the rules of these games. Students at Charterhouse played football within the cloisters of the old Carthusian monastery. As space was limited the players depended on dribbling skills. Whereas schools like Eton and Harrow had such large playing fields available that they developed a game that involved kicking the ball long distances.
According to one student at Westminster, the football played at his school was very rough and involved a great deal of physical violence: "When running... the enemy tripped, shinned, charged with the shoulder, got down and sat upon you... in fact did anything short of murder to get the ball from you."
Football games often led to social disorder. As Dave Russell pointed out in Football and the English (1997), football had a "habit of bringing the younger element of the lower orders into public spaces in large numbers were increasingly seen as inappropriate and, indeed, positively dangerous in an age of mass political radicalism and subsequent fear for public order."(5)
But Public Schools were not alone in disseminating football across the country. In the provinces among cricket clubs, minor schools, artisans, traders and military units started playing informal football games.
Chaos and disorganization were still a problem, as different rules were used by different teams like Sheffield Football Club (founded in 1857) drawing pupils from Sheffield Collegiate Schools, middle class manufacturing and professional families
Proper rules for the game were decided at a meeting in Cambridge 1848. These Cambridge rules were to form the basis of the code eventually adopted by the Football Association established later that year. As Philip Gibbons points out in Association Football in Victorian England (2001): "The varying rules of the game meant that the public schools were unable to compete against each other." Teachers representing Shrewsbury, Eton, Harrow, Rugby, Marlborough and Westminster, produced what became known as the Cambridge Rules. One participant explained what happened: "I cleared the tables and provided pens and paper... Every man brought a copy of his school rules, or knew them by heart, and our progress in framing new rules was slow."
It was eventually decided that goals would be awarded for balls kicked between the flag posts (uprights) and under the string (crossbar). All players were allowed to catch the ball direct from the foot, provided the catcher kicked it immediately. However, they were forbidden to catch the ball and run with it. Only the goalkeeper was allowed to hold the ball. He could also punch it from anywhere in his own half. Goal kicks and throw-ins took place when the ball went out of play. It was specified that throw-ins were taken with one hand only. It was also decided that players in the same team should wear the same colour cap (red and dark blue).(5)
Another important event in the history of football come about in 1863 then the first Football association was formed in England. This also led to a standardization of the size and weight of the ball, and also divided the game into two codes: association football and rugby. The game would, however, continue to develop for a long time and it was still much flexibility concerning the rules. For example, could the numbers of players on the pitch vary. Neither was uniforms used to distinguish the appearance of the teams. It was also common with players wearing caps – the header was yet to be a part of the game yet.
Another important difference at this stage could be notice between English and Scottish teams. Whereas the English teams preferred to run forward with the ball in a more rugby fashion, the Scottish choose to pass the ball between their players. It would be the Scottish approach that soon became predominant.
The game would soon expand by British peoples that traveled to other parts of the world. Especially in South America and India the interest in football would become big.
The first football clubs
Football clubs have existed since the 15th century, but unorganized and without official status. It is therefore hard to decide which the first football club was. Some historians suggest that it was the Foot-Ball Club formed 1824 in Edinburgh. Earlier clubs were often formed by former school students and the first of this kind was formed in Sheffield in 1855. Two former Harrow students, Nathaniel Creswick and William Prest, published their own set of rules for football. These new rules allowed for more physical contact than those established by some of the public schools. Players were allowed to push opponents off the ball with their hands. It was also within the rules to shoulder charge players, with or without the ball. If a goalkeeper caught the ball, he could be barged over the line. At first the Sheffield Club played friendly games against teams in London and Nottingham. (5)
The oldest among professional football clubs is the English club Notts County that was formed in 1862 and still exists today. An important step for the emergence of teams was the industrialization that lead to larger groups of peoples could met at places such at factories, pubs and churches. In bigger cities football teams were established and the new railroads could bring them to other cities. In the beginning football was dominated by public school teams, but later on would teams consisting by workers make up the majority of teams. Another change was successively taking place when some clubs became willing to pay the best players to join their team. This would be the start of a long period of transition, not without friction, in which the game would develop to a professional stadium. The motivation behind paying players was not only to win more matches, but in the 1880s the interest in the game has moved ahead to a level that tickets were sold to the matches. And finally, in 1885 professional football was legalized and three years later the Football League was established.
The 12 founding clubs were:
Accrington (Old Reds)
Aston Villa
Blackburn Rovers
Bolton Wanderers
Derby County
Notts County
Preston North End
Stoke City
West Bromwich Albion
Wolverhampton Wanderers
During the first season, 12 clubs were joining the league, but soon more clubs become interested and the competition would consequently expand into more divisions.
As with many things in history, women was for a long time excluded from participating in games. I was not before the late 19th Century that also women started to play football.
The first competitions
Other milestones were now to follow. Football Association Challenge Cup (FA Cup) become the first important competition when it was run in 1871. The next year was the first match between two national teams played for the first time. The match was between England and Scotland, ended 0-0 and was followed by 4000 people at Hamilton Crescent (the picture showing illustrations from this occasion).
The first international tournament occurred in 1883 and included four national teams: England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
The football was in a long time a British concern and it gradually spread to other European countries. The first game that took place outside Europe occurred in Argentina 1867, but it was foreign British workers who were involved and not Argentinean citizens.
The Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) was founded 1904 and a foundation act was signed by representatives from France, Belgium, Denmark, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland.
Domestic leagues occurred in many countries, the first was the English Football League was established in 1888. The leagues would by time expand by more divisions, which were based on team performance.
The great modern competitions
No other sport event besides the Olympic Games can today measure itself with the FIFA World Cup. The first edition of the FIFA World Cup was played 1930 in Uruguay and has since when returned every fourth year (with two exceptions due to the Second World War). In 1991 the first World Cup for women was held in China and had since then also returned every fourth year.
Today the biggest global tournament for clubs is the Champions League (played since 1992), the former European Cup (1960-1992).
Globalization of the biggest sport in the world
In the late 19th Century only a few national football teams existed, England and Scotland had the first active teams which playing games against each others in the 1870s. Today there are 211 national associations included in the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), the world governing body of the sport. Another proof of the globalization could be seen in the increase of nations qualifying for the World Cup: from 32 in 1934 to over 200 in 2014.
The world regions have been divided into six confederations: Confédération Africaine de Football (CAF), Asian Football Confederation (AFC), Union des associations européennes de football (UEFA), The Confederation of North, Central America and Caribbean Association Football (CONCACAF), Oceania Football Confederation (OFC) and Confederación Sudamericana de Fútbol (CONMEBOL).
Football in Russia
According to sociological surveys, football is the most popular sport in Russia. It is played by over one and a half million people (and this is only according to the official statistics). The number of football fans is really countless. And all these in spite of the rather modest achievements of the Russian national team. That does not impact the prestige of the game and more and more boys are eager to join football teams. (7)
Ball games that were quite similar tofootball existed In Russia many years ago. One of such games was called "shalygy": players played with their feet and had to put a ball on the territory of the opponent. The game was played in bast shoes on ice of the rivers or on market squares with the leather ball filled by feathers.
The Russian people were more willing to play this ball game, than go to the church therefore churchmen fought against the game.
However long-term attempts of kings and tsars to stop this "dangerous" game failed. Football was stronger than the bans, it lived and developed.
the Russians began forming their own sporting organizations. In 1897 the "Circle of Sport Lovers" in St. Petersburg began to hold regular football competitions. By 1901 the number of football clubs increased so much that it was necessary to unite them. In 1901 the St Petersburg Football League (SPFL) was established.
The first football organization in Moscow – "The Sokolnichesky circle of football players".
Decisive year of development of soccer in Moscow is 1909 when the Moscow football league was created.
It was just about 106 years ago (1911 in actual fact) that the first representative international match between England and Russia took place in what was then the capital of Tsarist Russia, St Petersburg (Leningrad). The English team that toured Russia at that time was made up of some of the best players in England and was called "The Wanderers". When the English side arrived in Russia in September 1911, they played three games in the month and won them all convincingly. The last game they played was against a side representing "all-Russia" and, in the words of the relevant newspaper report from "The Times", this game represented the first time that England had played Russia on the football field. Despite atrocious weather conditions, the English side easily overpowered their Russian counterparts, winning 11-0! However, it could have been an even more resounding victory: in the words of the newspaper report, "the Russian goalkeeper saved at least five goals." Despite the defeat, though, at the official reception held after the game, the representatives of the Russian football clubs, who had invited the English team over, "expressed their hearty appreciation" to the English side for visiting Russia.
The All-Russian football union was created In 1911. In 1912 as a part of the All-Russian football Association there were football leagues of St. Petersburg, Moscow, Kiev, Odessa, Kharkiv, Tver, Sevastopol and Nikolaev.
In 1912. The All-Russian football Association joined the International football alliance (FIFA).
The real blossoming of this, so popular today, game began after the revolution, with arrival of the Soviet government. Competitions began to be held at all levels between squads representing various factories or government departments. In 1923 the first USSR football championship took place; numerous clubs and stadiums started to open. In 1924 – the soccer team USSR was created.
.. Popular football clubs were formed: first the oldest CSKA, then Spartak, Dinamo, Zenith, Lokomotiv, and others that were vigorously rivaling with each other. In 1956 the USSR national team for the first time got the gold medals at the Olympic Games and four years later won the first in the history European Championship. This period is rightfully regarded as the Golden Age of Soviet Football
The courage and talent of Soviet sportsmen fascinated the world. Lev Yashin was announced one of the best goalkeepers and football players of the XXth century and was awarded the Ballon d’Or trophy. Yashin’s game had considerably changed the goalkeeper tactics by partially assigning to him the quarter-back functions. Later Oleh Blokhin and Igor Belanov were also awarded the Ballon d’Or trophy. Till the end of the 1980s the USSR national team had been successful at championships and it had never won the World Cup. The beautiful final of the Soviet football era was the win at 1988 Olympics.
The modern Russian football is somehow disordered. Ambitious teams from the regions take the places on the podium from the metropolitan “veterans”. Many talented Russian sportsmen now defend the honor of other countries while foreign names are frequently heard in Russian teams. However the hope for a new rise appeared in 2005-2008 following victories of Zenith and CSKA in the UEFA Cup (now called UEFA Europa League) and in the European Championship. The fans have especially great expectations about the future “home” World Cup in 2018: Maybe, our team will be succeeded in winning the long-awaited medal place?
Football: sport and business
Football for fans and on their costs
Football did not undergo any development for the time being until it was tried to make this sport amateur. Finally it happened at the end of the nineteenth century.
The first Football Club was founded in 1857 and was called Sheffield. It had happened almost a hundred years before the existence of the World Football Championship. Besides the first official competition named England Football Cup was held in the season of 1871/72. In the 80-ies football gained public popularity. The amount of clubs which were members of Football Association (FA) exceeded a hundred.
At first, it was just an amateur sport. Every participant who took money was fined and immediately excluded from the games forever.
However a great popularity, high attendance and deep fanatic interest have always lured deep-pocketed people. For one and a half century football turned out to be not only a marvelous sport event but a profitable business which guarantees its sponsors respect and recognition.
At the beginning of the 1880-ies professional players started to appear. It made a great influence on the development of modern football.
There were some rumors that the players of plenty clubs of northern regions in England were paid. Therefore one more rule was added to the laws of FA in 1882. It was stated that every player of a club getting fees that exceed his own expenses in taking part in a game would be automatically expelled from the participation in Cups’ Competitions.
Some of the clubs took a great advantage out of the rule concerning the refund of actual expenses. At the very beginning FA ignored all violations of this agreement. However at the beginning of the season of 1883/ 1884 discontent among leading football clubs was rapidly spreading. It happened after the match of the FA Cup fourth round when club “Upton Park” from London made an official complaint about participating of professional players in club “Preston North End”. That information was widely discussed by the public. Consequently, William Sadell the president and manager of the club officially acknowledged the fact that members of his team had been paid for their playing but he also declared that almost all respectful clubs of Lancashire and the counties of central England had been practicing the same thing. Therefore the authorities of the Association had to admit that the reality made them change the rules. As a result Charles Alcock announced that the time for legalization of football had come. However, there were some members who rejected that suggestion, he was supported by Dr. Morly. That led to the creation of the first regular World’s Football League.
A distinctive feature of sport movement in the USSR was establishing sports organizations and football clubs affiliated with an industrial plant or an establishment. Football players in the USSR were payed according to the salary of the official job position they were occupying. Moreover they were given bonus payment from the club.
Modern expression “professional football” means a business where sportsmen are employees who are measured by the profit they can give. Mastery and great results in sport are the essential effective means of getting profits.
The source of income in modern professional football can be divided into five main components:
There are also some other items of income but they are not essential. They are the following: income from the lease of a stadium or a sport ground, car parking, percentage from bank fund, selling of food during the competitions etc.
The term “football transfers” means special bargains that are made during the particular period called “transfer window” when the players are being sold and bought by the clubs. A football player has to sign an individual contract where the duration, the salary as well as bonus payments and the responsibilities of both sides are reflected. The cost of a player often depends not particularly from the way he plays but from the price that managers of the clubs can negotiate. In the history of football numerous cases when a stronger player was bought for the fewer price than the one who is less talented are known. In addition to the money a club also gives one of its players who no longer benefits it.
“Transfers” can be made during the period of summer or winter pre-season. In most European countries summer “transfer window” is opened from the 20-th of May to the 12-th of September and winter “transfer” lasts from the 1-st to the 31-st of January. The negotiations with the players and signing the contracts are made during this period. The results of the most successful transfers are put in charts of transfers and become public domain.
Football transfers arouse great fans’ interest that can be compared with the interest to the game itself.
So the transfer of a French midfielder Pole Poghb from “Juventus” to “Manchester United” in 2016 was the most expensive in the history of football. Turineses have negotiated to get 105 million Euro for a twenty-three year old player during a two- year period.
However until a player starts to give a profit, he should be trained. The right to bring up of football players is given now to special football schools in many countries of the World.
At the end of the 19-th century most British children got their education at primary schools where the only type of physical training was marching drill. Gradually young teachers started to play football with their apprentices in free time at schools, colleges and universities. The game turned out to be a simple and exciting type of physical training suitable for the boys from needy families.
In 1882 twenty-three schools had already had their own school clubs where more than a thousand children trained. The archives of the Swindon town say that in 1886 local teachers played football with their students after the classes. In 1888 the names of famous professional players were used in algebraic problem.
In 1884 club “Preston North End” set up a prize. The teams of Preston schools had to compete for it. At the beginning of the 1890-s such competition became organized and were held regularly.
In 1904 English Association of School Football was established and the following year National Cup was held. In 1906 the Ministry of Education of Great Britain officially introduced football in the program of state primary schools.
Nowadays search for the talents is one of the branches of football business. Businessmen from Portugal and Holland are the most active on this market. Plenty of famous players came out of the Netherlands. Nevertheless Holland clubs can’t boast their great success in the World Cups because of the fact is that all the trained “stars” are being sold profitably. The money they get are being invested both in the so-called “scout” organizations that are searching talented boys all over the country and in the development of youth athletic centers that are training young unexperienced players. Besides they have to keep the right managers whose main targets are to monitor the process of the professional growth of a player and to promote him and finally get a reasonable profit. Anyway profit is gained not only by managers but also by players because they take their chance to become popular and well-paid. The players for World Top Championships are more frequently found in South Africa.
Advertising contracts should be also mentioned. One of the most commercially popular tabloid persons is David Beckham. He earned millions of pounds using his image in advertising of the following brands: “Police Sunglasses”, Japanese chocolate “Meiji” and cosmetic “TBC”, D&G, Vodafone, Motorola, Gillette, Armani.
Although revenues from football players do not cover the expenses clubs do not stop functioning. Their income comes not only from players and their distribution. English “Liverpool”, for example, not being so successful, nowadays is one of the most popular clubs in the world. Its popularity can be explained by the marketing strategies they are using. “Liverpool” has got more than 200 official fan clubs in more than 30 countries. Their number of fan clubs is still increasing due to the countries of South-East Asia, Scandinavia and Ireland. The army of devoted fans provides steady revenue from merchandising of symbols and attributes.
Clubs’ incomes are also increasing because of sports achievements. A successful season at home competition and well-played games in a continental level guarantee a substantial financial contribution from sponsors and broadcasting companies. The audience is up to 659.000.000 people so the prices are increasing accordingly.
As football became a spectator sport why not to gain profit from a place where it is taking place? It had not been an open issue for a long time and a stadium became as profitable as T-shirts of football players.
Stadium with all modern equipment like LED-displays where a lot of adverts can be seen became a place that brings a good profit.
Selling of the title of a stadium to large corporations is also a good bargain. “Naming” becomes popular in Russia as well. A new stadium of the club “Spartak”, for instance, has a title “Open Arena” that cost is more than a billion of Rubles.
What makes clubs become united? The answer is: Leagues and Championships. Selling the rights for broadcasting provides a profit to top-clubs. A great interest to the championships is also beneficial for the countries’ authorities. Football brings fans from other countries. For example, 4 per cent of tourists come to Britain specially to enjoy watching “real” football.
World Championship as the main football event in the world
The foundation of the FIFA World Cup became a considerable step of world football development after the game was put on a professional basis. The history of the FIFA World Cup began in 1928 when the FIFA president Jules Rime decided to hold the international football tournament. The first championship was held in Uruguay in 1930. Since then the FIFA World Cup was transformed to the current final tournament including 32 teams with the previous two-year selection cycle in which nearly 200 teams from around the world take part.
The first international football match was played in 1872 between England and Scotland as at that time football was seldom played outside Great Britain.
However by 1900 the soccer had gained wide popularity and worldwide national football associations had been formed. The first official international match outside Great Britain was played between France and Belgium in May, 1904 in Paris. It led to creation of FIFA in Paris on May 22, 1904 — united football associations from France, Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland. The football association of Germany made the promise to join the organization. The abbreviation of FIFA is French and is deciphered as Fédération Internationale de Football Association.
The football gained popularity and the International Olympic Committee (IOC) included it in number of Olympic sports at the summer Olympic Games 1900 and 1904, and also at the extraordinary Olympic Games in 1906 before the football became an official Olympic competition under the supervision of FIFA at the summer Olympic Games of 1908. These tournaments organized by Football association of England consisted of amateur teams and were considered rather as a show, than a competition. The English national amateur football team has won tournaments in 1908 and 1912.
FIFA made an attempt to organize the international tournament on football between the countries outside the Olympic Games in 1906 and the competition took place in Switzerland. They were the very first days for the international football and the official history of FIFA describes the tournament as failure.
Along with the Olympic tournaments including only amateur teams, competitions where professional teams participated began to appear. Torneo Internazionale Stampa Sportiva which took place in Turin Italy in 1908, was one of the first tournaments and next year sir Thomas Lipton organized the Sir Thomas Lipton Trophy tournament which was held in Turin. Both tournaments were played between separate clubs (not national teams), each of which represented the nation. For this reason Sir Thomas Lipton Trophy is sometimes described as the first World Cup, despite his less famous Italian predecessors.
In 1914 FIFA agreed to consider the Olympic football tournament as "the FIFA World Cup among fans", and took the responsibility for the organization of this action. It for the first time opened a way for intercontinental football matches at the summer Olympic Games of 1920 at which Belgium won. Uruguay won tournaments in 1924 and 1928. In 1928 FIFA made the decision on creation of the international tournament. Uruguay, considering victories in 1924 and 1928 and in connection with celebration of century of independence in 1930, was chosen as the country-hostess.
Organizers of the summer Olympic Games of 1932 which took place in Los Angeles, didn't plan to include football in the program because of low popularity of this game in the USA. FIFA and the IOC did also not reached agreement concerning the status of amateur players therefore the football was excluded from games. The FIFA president Jules Rime started the organization of the first World Cup which would be held in Uruguay in 1930. It was offered to national associations of the certain countries to send the teams, but the choice of Uruguay as the venue of a competition meant a long and expensive travel across the Atlantic Ocean for the European national teams. Indeed, the European countries didn't want to send their teams in two months prior to the competitions. Jules Rime eventually convinced teams from Belgium, France, Romania and Yugoslavia to participate in a tournament. In total 13 countries — seven of South America, four of Europe and two of North America participated.
The first two matches of the World Cup took place at the same time, and were won by France and the USA which won against Mexico 4-1 and Belgium 3-0 respectively. The first goal in the history of the World Cups was scored by Lucian Laurent from France. Four days later, Bert Petnoud (USA) made the first hat trick within the victory of Americans over Paraguay with the score 3-0. In the final Uruguay won against Argentina 4-2 in the presence of 93000 viewers in Montevideo and became the first country which won the World Cup.
Final tournaments of the World Cups are held time in 4 years, as well as the Olympic Games, however, if to consider regional qualifying tournaments, each FIFA World Cup proceeds more than 3 years. 204 teams participated in selection competitions of the World Cup of 2010. 32 teams (31 teams which have acquired such right following the results of a qualifying tournament and the national team of the country hostess participate in a final tournament which takes place time in 4 years within about a month in advance chosen country hostess of the championship since 1998 (since 1938). Theoretically more than one country can host a tournament, but than 85-year history only once FIFA has entrusted holding a World Cup to two countries. Subsequently the organization repeatedly let know that it isn't aimed at holding a tournament in two and more countries. From 1938 to 2002 the winner of the previous selection of the World Cup participated in a final tournament without qualification passing too; since 2006 the winner of the previous World Cup passes a qualifying tournament in accordance with general practice.
Final part of the FIFA World Cup which have been carried out since 1930 (with a break in 1942 and 1946 because of World War II) has enormous spectator audience and attracts great interest around the world. For example, the final of the championship of 2006 was watched by 715.1 million viewers that became the ninth TV broadcast by the number of viewings.
The last FIFA World Cup took place from June 12 to July 13, 2014 in Brazil. The defending champion of the world is the national team of Germany. The next Championship of 2018 will take place in Russia, and the championship of 2022 will take place in Qatar.
The country where the future FIFA World Cup will take place, are chosen for several years prior to the world championship by ballot. It is necessary to gather a majority of votes to win. The winner of vote gives guarantees of construction of all necessary sporting venues: stadiums, hotels, the airports etc., and the national team of this country automatically gets to a final part and, thus, is exempted from matches of a qualifying tournament.
On December 2, 2010 Russia acquired the right for holding the FIFA World Cup of 2018.
In total FIFA registered 11 applicants for holding the World Cups of 2018 and 2022, later the number was reduced to ten because of rejection of Mexico. Russia and England, the USA, Australia, Japan, Indonesia, the Belgium/the Netherlands and Spain/Portugal fought for carrying out one of World Cup.
On May 4, 2010 Japan after the meeting of representatives of national association with the management of FIFA refused to apply for holding the World Cup of 2018 and has made the decision to concentrate on fight only for a world championship of 2022. On June 10, 2010 Australia which had also decided to put emphasis on fight for the World Cup-2022 withdrew the candidacy. On October 15, 2010, to concentrate on World Cup 2022, the application was withdrawn by the USA. Thus, only four applications became applicants for the 2018 World Cup: Russia, England, Spain/Portugal and Belgium/the Netherlands.
The countries challenging the right to host final tournaments fought for voices of members of executive committee of FIFA for two days.
Around 18:00 Moscow time the executive committee of FIFA announced the decision: the right to hold the FIFA World Cup of 2018 was given to Russia.
The right of holding such largest international competition as FIFA 2018 FIFA World Cup — a great honor and huge responsibility to Russia.
Holding the FIFA World Cup 2018 in Russia has to promote social progress and development through football, promoting of a cultural, ethnic and language diversity of our country. It is important to use this event in order that, involving by means of soccer in social projects the Russian youth and teenagers, to give them an opportunity to make the future better. Together with federal and regional authorities it is necessary to do everything possible to leave unprecedented heritage in the field of sustainable development, and also to promote environmental protection and human development of our country.
Holding the FIFA World Cup, the world's largest international sports competition, demands large investments into preparation of infrastructure and stadiums, the organization of transport for transportation of millions of people (from abroad and within the country) on matches and festivals of fans, granting food to them with observance of all requirements of health protection and safety, waste management at stadiums, attraction and training of thousands of volunteers, , service of 32 teams-participants and performance of many other tasks. Certainly, such amount of works exerts impact on the environment and the social sphere of the country-organizer.
The organizing committee Russia-2018 and FIFA has also developed Strategy in the field of sustainable development of the FIFA World Cup 2018 in Russia. Its main goal to reduce the negative impact in the course of preparation and holding the World Cup of FIFA 2018, and to realize fully possibilities of positive impact of the Championship on society, economy and the environment of Russia.
Sustainable development in the context of the Championship provides:
- In the social sphere: assistance in social development and growth of human potential;
- In the ecological sphere: environmental protection;
- In the economic sphere: regional economic development assistance.
Games of a world championship of 2018 in Russia will be hosted by Moscow, St. Petersburg, Samara, Saransk, Rostov-on-Don, Sochi, Kazan, Kaliningrad, Volgograd, Yekaterinburg and Nizhny Novgorod.
Nizhny Novgorod is going to receive guests of the FIFA World Cup of 2018. So infrastructure facilities are built and updated, the souvenir products are made, installation of street installations and thematic billboards is carried out, promotion actions and various cultural events are held. To make guests’ stay comfortable, in the city many sports constructions, hotels, places to eat are been building.
The main sports arena of Nizhny Novgorod which should host matches of level ¼ of the final of the FIFA World Cup of 2018 seats 45 000 spectators. After the end of a tournament the stadium will be used for holding various cultural events and will become the home arena of the local Nizhny Novgorod team.
Within preparation for the FIFA World Cup in Nizhny Novgorod construction of two pre-game training platforms is conducted. Sporting venues will be available to teams-participants of the FIFA World Cup to trainings on the eve of the matches. After the tournament these sport facilities will be used by children's and youth sports schools and local football clubs.
The Lokomotiv stadium after reconstruction will be is one of three training platforms for the football teams which are officially approved by FIFA in Nizhny Novgorod. The Dzerzhinsk stadium "Himik" is also included into the list of training bases of the FIFA World Cup of 2018 and is exposed to reconstruction. After the world football tournament trainings of the local football teams and children's and youth sports school will take place in the stadium.
The new passenger terminal of the Nizhny Novgorod international airport "Strigino" is a zone of an arrival and a departure which meets all modern requirements. The four-storeyed air terminal complex has been built to the FIFA World Cup of 2018.
Development of road and transport infrastructure of the city, including construction of a new branch of the subway from the Moskovskaya station to the Strelka station is carried out that is also an important component of preparation of Nizhny Novgorod for the forthcoming football tournament.
Three hotels for accommodation of visitors are building. It is planned that fans will accommodate there. Hotels will be available for guests in 2017. Motor ships of the cruise companies will be used as additional resources for accommodation of guests. Floating hotels can be put in Nizhny Novgorod for all the time of holding games. According to experts, it can become the attractive offer for many guests of the region. As shows international experience, the ships hotels are quite popular among tourists.
What’s the World Cup worth? For some, it is a cash cow and a commercial bonanza; to others, a waste of money.
What are economic pluses and minuses of holding the FIFA World Cup in Russia? The way nations battle to put on the tournament implies there is considerable worth to a country in hosting football’s biggest competition. Commonly used estimates indicated the past three World Cups would generate a positive economic impact of US$9 billion (Japan and South Korea in 2002); US$12 billion (Germany in 2006) and US$5 billion (South Africa in 2010). Russia in this plan isn't worse. But it is very expensive to contract roads in our country . Both hotels, and all other demand huge investments. [3]
Is hosting the tournament worth it?`
According to the latest data, the cumulative budget of preparation for a WC of 2018 will make about $9 billion. At the same time the federal budget and local authorities invest 68% of the total cost ($6,2 billion). For construction and reconstruction of sporting venues it is planned to spend $2,5 billion. Construction and reconstruction of transport infrastructure - $5,9 billion will be the most expensive article of the budget. By analogy with Germany, the Republic of South Africa and Brazil we see that Russia makes investments in infrastructure facilities. The private capital finances projects clear and attractive at long-term planning: hotels, the airports, projects in the field of power industry.[3]
Short-term total economic effect of a WC in Russia (tourism, tickets for matches, the accompanying business in the sphere of trade, entertainments, etc.) can make about $0,5-1 billion that will pay back, at best, the tenth part from the expenditure suffered on preparation. However no one from the last five countries-organizers of the World Cup, including the developed Germany and Japan managed to pay costs for the short time.
It is important that in Russia 65% of all investments invest in strategic projects, significant for the country. Although forced fact, the planning horizon becomes wider ‘from fast money’ tj the sustainable development.
Practical part
In a practical part of the work I have made an attempt to conduct a sociological research to study out the relation of the people living in Russia and in the European countries to soccer in general and to the forthcoming World Cup in the Russian Federation in particular. At poll of foreign respondents the emphasis was placed on citizens of the countries in which the soccer as a sport is very popular. On the assumption of the results of the sociological research, materials as I consider, useful to practical use when holding World Cup in Russia and particular in Nizhny Novgorod have been developed.
In the Russian Federation and other countries it was offered to people of different age to answer questions of the questionnaire (appendix 1). Survey of foreign citizens was conducted by mailing of the questionnaire through the social network Facebook and through the acquaintances living abroad. Here it should be noted that just few British respondents has answered. It can be accounted of the fact that Great Britain was one of the main candidates for the right of conducting the World Cup of 2018. Russia managed to gain this right while the UK lost its chance. Consequently, Great Britain doesn't stop trying to prevent holding of the World Cup in the Russian Federation. Actions for rendering negative impact on public opinion in relation to a WC of 2018 through media are carried out. Besides to deprive Russia the rights for holding the 2018 World Cup, in England the online petition has been created. The document will be sent to the address of leaders of two parties, Conservative and Labour, and to the English football association. In two weeks more than 30 thousand people have appended the signatures under this requirement, tells life.ru.
About 100 Russians and about 60 foreigners have been interviewed. The survey’s results among the citizens of the Russian Federation (N. Novgorod) are presented on the charts (appendix 2).
By the results of comparison of answers of the Russian and foreign respondents it is possible to draw a conclusion that the soccer is less popular in Russia, than in the European countries. In Europe the number of people watching football matches at stadiums and pubs(bars) are also bigger than in Russia.
As I consider, the most interesting result of the research is that most of the interviewed Russian respondents (73%) are positive to holding the World Cup in the Russian Federation, despite the existing economic and political risks. However, 41,2 … % of The Russians and 27% of the foreigners don't believe that actions of this sort can have a positive impact on national economy. It is quite reasonable. The first FIFA World Cup was held in 1930. Since then it was already held more than 40 times. And every time taxpayers asked a question of economic feasibility of holding this bright, but expensive action.
For the last twenty years the most economically reasonable FIFA World Cups were held only in the USA (1994) and in France (1998). The manage to balance their profits and expenses due to effective economical calculation.
It is also interesting that not many of the foreigners(20%) are negative to holding a WC in the Russian Federation. But 32% of respondents are concerned with the questions of safety while holding the World Cup.
Answers to a question that is the most important for guests are also remarkable. About 30% of foreign respondents are worried about safety, 20% of them are interested in sights, 15% - places to eat, 13% - in hotels and 13% - in transport, 9% - help of volunteers.
It is possible to draw a conclusion that events which are held in Nizhny Novgorod within preparation for a WC has the correct focus.
It is remarkable that foreign respondents show their interest not only in a sports event. But they are also interested in local sights, traditions of the country-hostess of the championship. Considering this circumstance, organizers of the World Cup, in my opinion, have to pay attention to this aspect. I consider, introduction of these actions will allow not only to satisfy inquiries of guests, but also will provide additional profit for the municipal budget. One of possible ways to acquaint guests with sights is a demonstration of video records about sights, traditions, history and the present of the Nizhny Novgorod region on the video monitors placed in vehicles (planes, trains, buses) and hotels.
This video will provide for information and advertise the provided excursion routes.
As I consider, the organization and holding a WC have to promote positive image of Russia. It has to be provided with by work of volunteers, hotels’ staff and ordinary passersby.
In the course of studying of material by a subject we have studied out that the football has a long and rich history. The ball games similar to football existed in many countries hundreds years ago. However Great Britain where rules of the game were written is considered the homeland of football. The first clubs and associations were also created there. Since then the football has extended worldwide including Russia and became one of the most popular kinds of sport. In recent years the soccer became not only sport, but also the social phenomenon, business and political means. In a threshold of the main football event – FIFA World Cup which will take place in Russia it is necessary to use the best efforts adequately to hold this event, and also to promote positive image of the country and the cities in which football matches will take place. It is necessary to consider needs of fans from Russia and foreign countries. According to results of our research the greatest attention should be paid to safety issues, transport service, and also to provide tourist and cultural programs. I hope that the means spent for preparation for the World Cup will promote improvement of economy, improvement of quality of people’s lives. Most of respondents share my opinion.
Literature list
Appendix 1
Questionnaire for respondents
2. Do you think, football is really the most popular sport in your country?
3. What is the role of football in your life?
4. Do you play football?
5.Do you watch football matches?
6. If yes, where do you watch football matches?
7. How often do you watch matches?
8. Football World Cup 2018 (World football championship) will take place in Russia. What is your attitude to it?
9. Which Russian footballers/football clubs do you know?
10. Would you like to go to football World Cup 2018 in Russia?
11. Would you like your country to host football World Cup?
12. If you visited our country for the championship, what would be most important things for you? Please, name three of them.
13. Do you believe that the kind of event like football World Cup can be beneficial for economy and development of the country where it takes place?
Appendix 2
1. Are you a football fan?
2. Do you think, football is really the most popular sport?
3. What is the role of football in your life?
4. Do you play football?
5. Do you watch football matches?
6. If yes, where do you watch football matches?
7. Football World Cup 2018 (World football championship) will take place in Russia. What is your attitude to it?
8. Do you know Russian footballers/football clubs?
9. Would you like to go to Soccer World Cup 2018 in Russia?
10. Would you like your country to host Soccer World Cup?
11. If you visited our country for the championship, what would be most important things for you? Please, name three of them.
12. Do you believe that the kind of event like Soccer World Cup can be beneficial for economy and development of the country where it takes place?
Appendix 3
Useful sites about football [ 4]
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