Most of us are pretty impressed when we meet someone who can speak more than one language. We were always interested in the question how many languages could have been learnt by a person. Can we become polyglots ourselves? That is why we were interested to know what makes hyperpolyglots so special? Are they unique persons or maybe they just work harder than others? We want to say that any language is a complex tapestry of trade and learning each language we add our own unique piece. We have also understood that language is about being able to converse with people, to see beyond cultural boundaries and find a shared humanity.
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Слайд 1
Шайхиева Диана РафисовнаСлайд 2
Learning to be a polyglot МБОУ «Средняя общеобразовательная школа №144 с углубленным изучением отдельных предметов» Советского района г. Казани Научные руководители: Мингалимова И.И., Валиуллина Д.А., учителя английского языка
Слайд 3
He who knows no foreign language does not know his own one
Слайд 4
English is an international language a large number of people consider it as their native language a large number of people speak it as a foreign or second language the language is spoken in many countries on several continents and in different cultural circles in many countries it is taught at schools as a second language this language is used as the official language of international organizations and at international conferences and major international firms
Слайд 5
«The spread of English»
Слайд 6
People began to speak many centuries ago, and since then they have been speaking different languages. There are more than 2,700 languages in the world. World’s languages
Слайд 7
« Modern international languages » L anguage N ative Second Total number of carriers 1 English 410 million to 1 billion to 1,4 billion 2 Spanish 420 million to 80 million to 500 million 3 Russian 170 million to 125 million to 295 million 4 Arabic 240 million to 40 million to 280 million 5 Portuguese 178 million to 10 million to 188 million 6 French 80 million to 120 million to 200 million 7 German 90 million to 20 million t o 1 10 million T otal: 1 588 000 000 1 395 000 000 2 991 000 000
Слайд 8
Is there a way of learning several languages at the same time? What are the reasons for it?
Слайд 9
The purpose of research – to prove the importance of learning English nowadays. To search the most effective ways of learning other foreign languages by learning different experiences. The object of study – learning foreign languages. Subject of research – the effective ways of learning many foreign languages.
Слайд 10
Extended aim of the study identified the following problems: • Studying teaching materials, Internet resources elucidated the importance of learning English in the modern world. • Analyzing Internet forum materials to learn experiences of people which know many foreign languages. • Finding out the effective ways of learning many foreign languages.
Слайд 11
Tasks: 1 . To know the reasons of learning English language in the world. 2. To learn more about the ways of English learning. 3. To analyze the roles of English in our modern life. 4. To find out modern international languages. 5. To show up the definition of the term “polyglot”. 6. To analyze who are the polyglots. 7. To learn the rules of being a polyglot.
Слайд 12
Polyglot – is the person, who masters of lots of languages.
Слайд 13
Vyacheslav Ivanov Notable living polyglots Ishtvan Dabi Villy Melnikov
Слайд 14
Who are polyglots? We found out : Who can be called a polyglot; Is it a natural ability or a result of a hard work? What are their lives like ; What should I do to know more foreign languages.
Слайд 15
If you are a polyglot you are not a citizen of just one country, but you are the citizen of the whole world. Some rules of being a polyglot
Слайд 16
Conclusion Working on this theme we understood, that English is the main source of communication with people of different countries. English is the language of science, medicine, technologies, literature and so on. We can learn a lot about our magnificent and surprising world with help of English. We believe, that there are many possibilities for self-realization and world knowledge will open them for you after studying foreign languages. Moreover, we knew who are the polyglots and some rules how can be a polyglot. We agree with such statement that « If you are a polyglot you are not a citizen of just one country, but you are the citizen of the whole world. » Otherwise speaking, languages open the doors to our endless, captivating world!
Слайд 17
Bibliography Akhmanova , Olga . What is the English we use? : a course in practical stylistics .— Moscow : Moscow , 1978 .— 157p. — На англ . яз . — Ind.:p.151-157 .— 0-30. Ch`ien , Evelyn Nien -Ming, Weird English Cambridge: Harvard UP, 2004. PR888.L35 C47 2004 Crystal, David. The Stories of English . Woodstock: Overlook, 2005 Dovring , Karen. English as a Lingua Franca . Westport CN: Praeger , 1997. PE2751 .D68 1997 Hendrickson, Robert. World English: From Aloha to Zed . New York: John Wiley, 2001. [a vocabulary dictionary] PE 2751 .H46 2001 Jex , William W. Basic English and Intermediate English : English As A Second Language .— New York : Afon Publishing, 1999 .— 62p. + 2 вк .( ч .1 и 2) .— На англ . яз . — ISBN 5-93331-004-2 : 378-00. Leech, Geoffrey N. and Jan Svartvik . English : One Tongue, Many Voices. New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2006. McArthur, Tom. The Oxford Guide to World English . Oxford and New York: Oxford UP, 2002. Potter , Simeon . Language in the modern world .— Great Britain : Penguin Books, 1961 .— 221p. — На англ . яз . — Ind.:p.215-221. Pledger , Pat . English for human resources .— Oxford;New York : Oxford Univ.Press , 2007 .— 80p. : phot . + 1 CD-ROM .— ( Express series ) .— На англ.яз. — ISBN 978-0-19-457903-2 : 398-00. Schlauch , Margaret . The English language : in mod.times (since 1400 .— Warszawa;London : Pol.Sci.Publ.:Oxford Univ.Press , 1964 .— 316p. — На англ . яз . — Glossary:p.285-298.-Ind.:p.299-316.
Слайд 18
Be lucky in your languages learning game!
Presentation of the theme “Learning to be a polyglot”
(1, 2 слайды)
(3с) The great German poet Goethe once said: “He who knows no foreign language does not know his own one.”
(4с) No matter where we were on the globe, we are all sure to hear the English language. English is spoken as a first language by about 400 million people living in 12 countries. For more than 500 million people it is used as a second language. (5с) English is the main language not only in such countries as the United States, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, but it is also the main language in many countries of Africa and the Caribbean, on the islands of the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic oceans.
That is why we are to know English well.
(6с) Nevertheless it is important to know other foreign languages nowadays as well. Globalization and the development of the Internet lead to an active communication between representatives of different nations. (7с) Languages as French, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, Japanese, Russian and German are the most studied languages in the world.
(8с) That is why we stated the problem if there was a way of learning several languages at the same time. What are the reasons for this? That is why we have been interested in a theme as “Learning to be a polyglot”.
The relevance of the choice of the topic due to the fact that learning foreign languages is important all over the world because of the processes of globalization which are constant and even irreversible today. While English still is one of the most popular global international community language.
(9с) The purpose of research – to prove the importance of learning English nowadays. To search the most effective ways of learning other foreign languages by learning different experiences.
The object of study – learning foreign languages.
The subject of research – the effective ways of learning many foreign languages.
(10с) Extended aim of the study identified the following problems:
• Studying teaching materials, Internet resources elucidated the importance of learning English in the modern world.
• Analyzing Internet forum materials to learn experiences of people which know many foreign languages.
• Finding out the effective ways of learning many foreign languages.
(11с) Tasks не оговариваем
Most of us are pretty impressed when we meet someone who can speak more than one language. We were always interested in the question how many languages could have been learnt by a person. Can we become polyglots ourselves?
(12с) The term "hyperpolyglot" was coined for a person who can speak twelve or more languages fluently. (13с) Buddha, Mohammed, Cardinal Giuseppe Caspar Mezzofanti, Cleopatra, J R R Tolkien, Lev Tolstoy, Anatoly Lunacharsky, Dmitry Petrov, Bogdan Khmelnitsky, Alexander, Belgian Johan Vandevalle, our compatriot Villy Melnikov are among notable living polyglots.
(14с) That is why we were interested to know what makes hyperpolyglots so special? Are they unique persons or maybe they just work harder than others?
(15с) We have learnt different researches about how people can know many languages and speak fluently on them. The first one states that hyperpolyglots were born to be made. It is the fortunate beneficiaries of good genes and disciplined study. Hyperpolyglots dedicate their lives to actively learning and mastering languages.
As for the second point of view polyglots are not really different from anyone else. Instead, their skills come from practice and persistence, which in turn strengthens their brains.
If we all have the potential to become hyperpolyglots why can only some people hold a conversation in a second language? Perhaps, the answer may lie in how languages are taught.
(16с) We consider that the answer may lie in how languages are taught. The main way to success is by being immersed in the language, but not being taught the language through a set of rigid rules.
(17с) In conclusion we want to say that any language is a complex tapestry of trade and learning each language we add our own unique piece. We have also understood that language is about being able to converse with people, to see beyond cultural boundaries and find a shared humanity.
(18с) We believe that every point of view has its advantages. A person who can take into consideration and combine all these aspects will be successful one day. There are many possibilities for self-realization in modern world and it will be opened for you after studying foreign languages.
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