The aim: to prove that different kinds(вид) of cartoons can have either positive or negative effect on children.
The hypothesis of the work: cartoons of Russian and foreign production based on ideas of love and kindness will be of benefit to harmonious development of a child, while those based on violence develop lack of confidence, make it difficult to contact with other children and grown-ups.
The subject of investigation: cartoons of home and foreiThe aim: to prove that different kinds(вид) of cartoons can have either positive or negative effect on children.
The hypothesis of the work: cartoons of Russian and foreign production based on ideas of love and kindness will be of benefit to harmonious development of a child, while those based on violence develop lack of confidence, make it difficult to contact with other children and grown-ups.
The subject of investigation: cartoons of home and foreign production. gn production.
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Слайд 1
Cartoons in children’ lifeСлайд 2
The aim : to prove that different kinds( вид ) of cartoons can have either positive or negative effect on children. The hypothesis of the work : cartoons of Russian and foreign production based on ideas of love and kindness will be of benefit to harmonious development of a child, while those based on violence develop lack of confidence, make it difficult to contact with other children and grown-ups. The subject of investigation : cartoons of home and foreign production.
Слайд 3
making a conclusion questionnaire systematization investigation Methods a search and close study of reference books
Слайд 4
Vladislav Starevich - the founder of animation in Russia. He started his work in 1911. So this year is the year of foundation of Russian animation.
Слайд 7
Cartoons must: 1) Teach to love animals. Animals are often used as main characters in cartoons. 2) Teach how to make friends. 3) Help to study world around you. 4) Teach how to do our duties. Therefore characters must set a good example for children. 5) Refuse watching animated series. Every cartoon must have a plot. 6) Watch cartoons no more than 2 hours a week. 7) Retell the mother and the father the contents of an animated film.
Слайд 8
The list of questions: 1. Do you watch animated films? (yes/no) 2. When do you prefer watching animated cartoons? (in the morning, during the lunch time, in the evening). 3. What kind of animated films do you prefer? (Russian or foreign) 4. What is your favourite cartoon? 5. Who is your favourite character?
Слайд 9
So let us sum up. Recently psychologists have made investigations different cartoons’ impact on children’s mentality. It was found out that after The Soviet cartoons children relax, become friendlier their night sleep and appetite improve. After American computer animation children’s fears widen. They get naughty, start fighting and broking toys.
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