Should schools have uniforms or not? Should students dress the same way or they can wear whatever they like?
At the moment, there is no united school uniform across Russia. But some elite schools, especially in Moscow and St. Petersburg, have their own uniforms to stress specific identity.
However, controversies have never stopped. Some people believe that wearing school uniform can help students foster the sense of discipline and focus on schoolwork, whereas others think that the uniforms humiliate children by limiting their individual character. There are two points of view on this problem.
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Муниципальное образовательное учреждение
«Средняя общеобразовательная школа № 4 города Ртищево Саратовской области»
Районная учебно-исследовательская конференция «Надежда Губернии»
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английский язык
учебно-исследовательская работа
“School uniform: to be or not to be?”
Автор: Куликова Ярослава
обучающаяся 9а класса
МОУ «СОШ № 4»
Руководитель: Бараева
Ольга Владимировна
учитель английского языка
г. Ртищево
1. Introduction………………………………………………….2
2. Chapter 1…………………………………………………….3
2.1. What is a School Uniform?..................................................3
2.2. The History of the School Uniform………………………3-4
2.3. A School Uniform in England…………………………….5
2.4. A School Uniform in Russia………………………………6
2.5. Russian High-school Graduation (The Last Bell)…………7
2. 6. A Uniform in My School…………………………………8
2.7. The Pros and Cons of School Uniform………………….9-11
3. Chapter 2
Researching Part - Who is for School Uniform?...................12-13
4. Chapter 3. Conclusion………………………………… 13-14
5. Literature…………………………………………………..15
6. Appendixes
Should schools have uniforms or not? Should students dress the same way or they can wear whatever they like?
At the moment, there is no united school uniform across Russia. But some elite schools, especially in Moscow and St. Petersburg, have their own uniforms to stress specific identity.
However, controversies have never stopped. Some people believe that wearing school uniform can help students foster the sense of discipline and focus on schoolwork, whereas others think that the uniforms humiliate children by limiting their individual character. There are two points of view on this problem.
Theme: “School uniform: to be or not to be?”
The aim of the work is to find out and to discuss if it is good or bad to wear a school uniform.
Hypothesis: if you study at school you must wear in a way your school rules are said.
The object of our research is school Number 4.
The subject of our research is the uniform at school.
Let`s comment on this problem in this paper.
A school uniform is a standard set of clothing people (usually children) wear when they go to school. It might have a particular color of trousers or skirt, plus a matching shirt and perhaps a jacket or necktie, with matching socks and shoes. (Wikipedia)
The word 'uniform' means literally 'having the same form'. So a school uniform means that every kid in the school wears the same clothes (though girls often have a different uniform to boys).
You may think that school uniforms were only worn by pupils of private schools or upper elite classes, but in fact it was quite the opposite. Uniforms were given to poor communities and schools, known as charity schools that would help children learn to read and write, in England around the 16th century. The uniforms that students would wear consisted of a blue blazer, cap and short trousers, and a brown satchel bag. The reason uniforms were issued was because it would cost less to just make the material for one style of clothing and mass produce them.
Uniforms became more and more popular around the 19th century, mostly in state elementary schools. This was done because times were very dangerous and it helped create order within the communities and let the students focus more on the curriculum than on what they are wearing. Wearing uniforms was just a part of England’s plan to make their schools better. Along with stricter supervision of the students’ lives and morals, and new teaching methods to make the students do better in school. Schools improved a great deal over time just because of school uniforms and the things that changed because uniforms were now mandatory.
In some countries, like Germany, students can wear anything they like when they go to school. In other countries, like England, there is usually a standard dress
code in school, usually a set of dressing for girls and one for boys. Boys and girls need to wear school uniforms when they go to school. In many countries, such as the United States, some schools require wearing a uniform, and some do not.
Traditionally school uniforms have been largely subdued and professional. Many believe that uniforms cut down on individuality. Boys' uniforms often consist of dark short or long trousers and light-colored shirt, often with a tie. Girls' uniforms vary greatly between countries and schooling systems, but typically consist of a dress or a blouse and a skirt; some countries allow girls to wear trousers.
Originally, school uniforms were introduced to hide the social differences between students, but uniforms can also help with safety. Using standard uniforms can also save the money needed to buy extra clothes as fashion to impress other people at school. Uniforms can reduce the conspicuous consumption of rich people, who get costly items, which show how much more wealth they have than other people.
In recent times, the introduction of school uniforms has been discussed, but usually the expression "uniform" is avoided in favor of terms like "school clothing." School clothing has been introduced in a small number of schools. In these cases the clothes are collections of shirts, sweaters, and the like, catering to contemporary fashion senses. Uniforms in a more traditional sense are almost never proposed in earnest.
In the 16th century school uniforms were first introduced during the reign of King Henry VIII in England. The first school which introduced this uniform was Christ's Hospital.
England was the first nation to require school uniforms. But these uniforms were not for elite students; they had to distinguish the poor children attending charity schools from other children. And only many years later students who attended the better English public schools began wearing uniforms. At first this became the norm, then it blossomed into an obsession, as well as a way to affect social and cultural control over the students.
The question of whether children should wear a uniform to school always leads to a lively debate, and not only among students but also among their parents and teachers! In some countries school uniform is normal and most schools make their students wear it.
In Britain debates about school uniform have been going on for decades in different countries and districts, but during the 1990s state schools in the USA began to adopt uniforms. At first uniform rules were seen as a way of stopping children dressing in gang colors in troubled urban areas. Both the Clinton and Bush administrations have been in favor of school uniforms. Other countries have picked up on this trend - for example, there has been talk of making German children wear uniforms. This topic looks at a very large number of arguments about uniforms. Not all of these will apply in every country or school, so take care only to select the ones that are relevant for your debate.
In Great Britain most British primary and secondary schools require pupils to wear uniforms. Boys wear a white shirt, long grey or black trousers, jumper or sweater with the school logo on, school tie, black shoes. The color is the choice of the schools. Girls wear trousers or skirts as part of their uniform - typically black, grey, navy, or sometimes brown or maroon. During the summer term girls often wear summer school dresses.
A school uniform came to Russia from England in 1834. The first uniforms were made for boys and some years later for girls. Boys had special shirts, trousers, black boots and a cap. Girls wore brown dresses and aprons.
In 1896 this law started to include form for girls. In Russian school form could be of different kinds. Poor pupils wore form not only at school because they had no money. School uniform was used also in Emperors Russia in the elite school.
But in 1919 school uniform was canceled and pupils could wear what they wanted. In 1949 everything changed in the USSR. New school form was introduced. There were soldier shirts for boys and brown woolen dresses for girls. In 1973 form for boys changed. Boys began to wear grey suits. In 1985-1987 girls began to wear blue skirts and blouses and boys began to wear blue suits.
In 1992 mandatory school uniforms were abolished. Today, there is no unified standard uniform in Russia; however, certain schools may have their own uniform that students are required to wear. Educational institutions without a uniform may also have a certain dress code.
Today two thirds of Russians – 66% – support the introduction of school uniform. Last year, the number was 77%. The main argument of that supporting school uniform is that it will protect social equality among pupils. The supporters of school uniform also believe that it disciplines and creates a good working environment.
Russian President Vladimir Putin supported the idea of introducing school uniform in Russia. “There must be school uniform in our country,” Putin said. He suggested making federal decisions that would oblige the regions introduce uniform and give territories and municipalities a chance to make up their mind regarding the details.
Young Russians celebrate their graduation from high-school in quite a unique way, and mark the occasion with an event called “The Last Bell”.
If you were to travel to Russia around May 25, and it was your first visit to this grand nation, you may be inclined to think that Russian teenagers are quite eccentric! You'll see young girls wearing short dark dresses with white lacy aprons, together with fluffy white bows in their hair, white knee-high socks and black shoes, and teenage guys wearing business suits adorned with a colourful, shoulder-to-hip diagonal sash, somewhat reminiscent of a Miss Universe competition! [Appendix 1]
But the outfits are all part of a long standing tradition, with black and white uniforms representing the standard attire of school students supposedly in pre-Soviet times, in the period of the Tsars. It should be noted that Russian teenagers are in fact very fashionable, but for this one special day they put away their designer clothes and embrace tradition.
Apparently when the Soviets came to power the black-and-white uniforms for females were prohibited as they represented the Tsarist regime, but in the 1930s Stalin reversed this decision and the uniforms for girls were reinstated (however, the white bows were only ever worn in elementary school). On the other hand, male children were dressed in Tsarist style military uniforms that were later replaced in the 1950s by standard, business-style suits.
I study in a secondary state school. Our school has a traditional school uniform. [Appendix 2] It is a skirt or trousers, a blouse, a jacket and shoes for girls and a shirt, a jacket, a tie and trousers for boys. Many students like our school uniform. It makes us feel that we belong to the school.
The students in a school uniform look careful, diligent and assiduous. A
visitor to the school feels impressed with the boys and girls` uniform. But some boys often wear their shirts outside their trousers and “forget” their ties at home. The girls like wearing jewelry and accessories if they have or clothes that are almost the same colour but not the correct colour for this school uniform.
All are dressed alike and no one has any feelings of inferiority complex because of his poor dress. The inequality between the rich and the poor students has disappeared. It is a sight to see students in a uniform going to school. Every passerby stops to have a look at them.
Our parents think school uniform is a good idea. It is cheap to buy – a lot cheaper than fashion clothes – and they don`t have any arguments with their children about what they should wear for school. And they are sure that students look well in a school uniform.
The question of whether children should wear a uniform to school is very debatable, and not only among students! In some countries a school uniform is normal and most schools make their students wear it. Britain is the most obvious example of this, but in other countries, particularly in continental Europe, the USA and Canada, uniform is very rare in state schools, although private schools may have it.
Let`s examine all arguments for and against of wearing school uniforms.
1. No hierarchy - In a school, there are always going to be children from different backgrounds and cultures, some wealthy and some poor. When they are able to wear what they want, the difference between those with wealthy parents and those without can be very significant. A uniform, however, means that the difference is much less pronounced, particularly if the uniform guidelines are very strict. This can cut down on bullying.
2. Less expense – Uniforms can also cut down on the expense of clothes. At schools with no uniform policy, those from wealthier families could demand more and more expensive brands to keep up with their friends. Students with uniforms generally have two or three sets of clothes to wear every school day, plus the clothes tend to be hard-wearing, thus working out to be a good financial bargain.
3. Easy to spot – Most schools involve field trips at one point or another. The general public likes to see young people out and about, particularly if they are smartly dressed. It is also easier for teachers to keep an eye on students when they are all dressed in a similar way and members of staff from the visited site also know exactly who they are without having to make an effort.
4. Sense of belonging – A neat uniform shows a sense of belonging and pride in a student, which lasts throughout the school day. At the very least, it can prevent a student from getting into trouble while wearing a uniform.
There is also the advantage that, once home, the student can change clothes and draw a line under the school day.
5. Good results – Schools with uniforms obtain better educational results.
This is because there is there is better discipline and so the school setting makes learning easier.
6. Practical advantages – Students don`t have to waste time thinking what to wear in the morning every day.
1. No self-expression – The main argument against wearing uniforms to school seems to be that the students miss out on self-expression, something that is considered very important in a social environment. Students may be less likely to develop an interest in clothes if they have to wear the same as everyone else. However, there is still time after school and at weekends to develop their own form of self - expression, and most schools allow some leeway in the wearing of the uniform.
2. Less leeway for religious beliefs – Certain schools with school uniforms are so strict that they refuse to let children from minority and religious backgrounds wear items that are important to them, such as caps, veils and robes. This differs from school to school though; some schools are less strict than others. It is always worth checking with the school in advance so that there is time to change if the uniform rules exclude religious clothing.
3. Rule-breaking – There is no doubt that some children, particularly once they reach their teens, do not react well to rules and will deliberately make trouble by turning up in non-uniform clothes, or will re-style their uniform inappropriately. This means that teachers should constantly send students out of the classroom or even home, which wastes the time of both the teachers and students.
4. Expensive for some – The cost of uniforms at schools with specific brands
and styles can be prohibitively expensive for families who are hard up, especially
if they have more than one child at the school at a time. This can result in them turning up to school without a uniform, until such a time that they can save the money or receive a clothing allowance. This can ostracize the child in question.
5. Not practical - Uniform is often not practical or pleasant to wear. Designs are often old-fashioned and ugly. Clothes that are designed to be worn by all shapes and sizes of student fit no one really well. For cheapness uniform items are often made of polycottons which are hot in warm weather but don’t keep children properly warm in winter. Children in uncomfortable outfits are unlikely to learn much.
6. Wearing a school uniform is not good preparation for working. Only a few jobs require uniforms, and many of these are low-paid service jobs - not what we want our young people to aim for. After all, their main role-models at school - the teachers - don’t have to wear a uniform. Well-paid jobs used to require a suit, but this has been changing in recent years and smart-casual clothes are much more common now. Even if you have to wear a suit, you still have a huge choice of styles, color and accessories with which to express your personality. This isn’t true of school uniform.
In the conclusion I`d like to say that as we see there are both advantages and disadvantages to wear a school uniform. If you feel strongly about it, then you may want to choose a school based on their school uniform rules.
Making this work I asked our teachers, students from our school
(2 - 9 forms) and their parents to find out if they are for school uniform or not. [Appendix 3]
Also the students had to answer a questionnaire. [Appendix 4]
The list of questions:
1. Do the children need the school uniform?
2. Do you follow school style?
3. What clothes should the students wear in our school?
4. What is it necessary to wear at school instead of the uniform?
5. Do you know what clothes style students wear in English schools?
6. Why do English students follow school style?
7. In what tones should the school form be sustained?
8. Is it necessary to do make-up for school?
The results of the questioning showed that our teachers and students of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th forms are for school uniform. About 70 % of the students` parents also want to see their children in a school uniform.
As for students from the 5th and 6th forms, we can see that 65 % of them like their school uniform and only 35 % would like to follow their own style at school.
The majority of students from the 7th, 8th and 9th forms say that they would like to follow business style and fashion trends. They agree that instead of the school uniform children should wear jeans and T-shirts.
As for the question about a school uniform, students divided into two groups: the first group thinks that we need a school uniform, the second one says that we don’t need it. They are sure that in a school students should wear business
style of clothes. I think so too because all children should cross their individuality in different ways but they must be organized in the same way. The majority of children say that pupils should follow fashion trends. Many students think that they
follow school style and it means they wear a uniform or just have a business style.
A lot of students from our school think that pupils in England wear a school uniform because of the school prestige. I think so too because English schools are very demanding and they can’t ignore the way they wear.
According to the questionnaire, there are different types of the colour of the uniform but the most widespread are black and white and light colours. A lot of students agree that instead of the school uniform children should wear jeans and
T-shirts at school, because it’s very comfortable.
Having analyzed all facts we came to the conclusion that at school pupils should follow clothes official style and that is why they should carry a school uniform. It confirms our hypothesis that at school you are obliged to wear the uniform. Despite of it, pupils not always do it. In this case, pupils distract from educational process, they are interested not in a study, but how they look.
Many schools in Russia refuse the uniform; thereby they make the roughest mistake. Thus, not only the reputation of organization is undermined and the prestige of school is lost but the reputations of many people are under the doubt. Foreign countries consider the uniform obligatory and educational process is constructed in such a manner that children are concentrated to study, instead of other problems. By the way, the form solves a financial problem and saves means in a family.
In my school the official style is observed. Everyone tries to look beautiful and modern, but without forgetting why he or she is here. The main purpose of
each student is to study.
I believe uniforms help unite us in a common goal: to do well in school. It is a symbol of our unity. They demonstrate to everyone that we are more than just
our clothes: we are all individuals.
In conclusion I `d like to say that there are many benefits to wear school uniforms. I believe that they are affordable, that they reduce bullying rates in schools and that they foster a sense of equality in schools. For these reasons I believe that all students should wear uniforms.
Today, school uniforms should be promoted in a gradual way, and start from the first grade in elementary school. And this should be slowly and systematically applied nationwide, because otherwise it will very hard to explain to a kid why he needs to go to school in uniform while his friend needs not.
поступающих в ВУЗы. – Москва, Дрофа , 2002.
2. Занина Ел. «95 устных тем по английскому языку» - Москва,
Айрис Пресс, 2008.
3. Слободчиков А. А. «Сделай правильный выбор» - Москва,
Просвещение, 2007.
Appendix 1.
Appendix 2.
Appendix 3.
Appendix 4.
The list of questions:
1. Do the children need the school uniform?
2. Do you follow school style?
3. What clothes should the students wear in our school?
4. What is it necessary to wear at school instead of the uniform?
5. Do you know what clothes style students wear in English schools?
6. Why do English students follow school style?
7. In what tones should the school form be sustained?
a) Black and white
b) Dark
c) Light
d) Bright
8. Whether it is necessary to do make-up for school?
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