Проектно-исследовательская работа.
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How to be more productive? Работу выполнила: Куртенкова Анна , ученица 9Б класса МАОУ СОШ № 32, Руководитель: Томилина Е.Н.Слайд 2
The aim H elp other people to be more productive
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Tasks M ake a survey F ind out if people have less time than they need Determine how people manage with lack of time S uggest ways to do everything faster, without losing quality of work
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Hypothesis Most people have lack of time , but few of them try to find ways to do things faster
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The actuality People don't often have time and are just exhausted. But what do you do not to feel exhausted and don’t have time to finish something for the deadline?
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Survey D o you have enough time?
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3 methods 45/15 Super-load Concentration
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Small steps towards efficiency Note time Leave notes Keep your workplace clean Learn to say “no” Do not reinvent the wheel pic
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Conclusion Of course not all of these ways will be helpful for everyone, but after trying each method, you will surely find something that will fit and will be convenient for you. After all, the more productive you are, the more you can achieve. So s tart to change. Right now.
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Resources https://habrahabr.ru/post/5828 / http://siellon.com/prostoy-sposob-dostizheniya-vyisokoy-effektivnost/ http ://news.finance.ua/ru/news/-/ 395381/7-sekretov-kotorye-pomogut-rabotat-menshe-no-uspevat-bolshe http://siellon.com/luchshiy-metod-povyisheniya-effektivnosti /
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