Проектная работа по теме: "Идеальное государство", учебник Кузовлев В.П.
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Слайд 1
An Ideal Welfare State.Слайд 2
An Ideal Welfare State is a welfare State, a country that has a system of ensuring the welfare of its citizens by means of social services, provided by the state. At the national level the Government is responsible for the National Health Service, National Insurance and Social Security. National Insurance benefits are available to the unemployed, the sick and the retired. The disabled are also provided with financial help. Financial help is also available to the widowed. Every child is entitled to a child benefit, whatever the parents’ income may be.
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Social Security covers a wide range of payments, mainly to people who do not qualify National Insurance payments. The main social groups who claim social security benefits are: single parents, the long-term unemployed, and pensioners whose pension is too low. People in full-time work whose earnings are below a certain level can claim benefits, too.
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National Health Service is a public service providing medical care, paid by taxes. Everybody has the right to use the medical services. An Ideal Welfare State does spend much money on health care; you can get good medical care. Although an Ideal Welfare State has public health care system, it has a private sector too.
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Left to resignation the benefits paid to people. It is the state pension which is necessary to women from 60 years and to men from 65 years. Any person which age is less than 65 years and which before the certain minimal period of time worked, can claim unemployment benefit.
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Women leaving work to have a baby are on welfare from the employer. Women who do not concern to this category, for example, engaged in business, are on welfare from the state Woman, whose husbands die before they retire if they are aged 45 or over, receive widow ‘s pension.
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Some people do not receive pensions unemployment benefits. These people can submit the application and if they do not have savings, - they will be on welfare. The unemployed gets the unemployment benefits. Every month they are offered some jobs while they will not find the right kind of a job.
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The children's benefit - weekly small payment on each child, usually paid to mother directly. Other examples of the help - the housing benefit, the sick pay and grants in case of death. The benefit to families - the help to families with the modest income.
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There is also a circuit of housing benefit, privileges for purchase of transport for invalids to buy special means of transportation or for payment of transport. The disability pension is paid to those who cannot work after the period of illness.
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Also the habitation while they will not get the habitation is given young married couples. They pay for municipal services, an electricity, gas and water. To couples at which the child was born, the premium for a birth and a monthly birth grant is given. The benefit includes cost of a children's meal, cost of various medicines, and cost of children's clothes. This benefit is paid every month while to the child 3 years will not be executed.
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Privileges and monthly payment, pension is given pensioners. The state pays for the pensioner of 50 % for municipal services, phone and living conditions. Also the free-of-charge health services are given to pensioners, and they pay 50 % for medicines. Pensioners have free-of-charge trip on any kinds of transport.
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People with serious diseases and invalids are provided with free-of-charge health services and free-of-charge necessary operations. Also if these people do not have relatives and trustees, they are entitled to free-of-charge stay in homes for elderly people.
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Also the children's benefit, irrespective of the income of family is paid to children. Children the pupils of the 1,2,3,4 classes are entitled to free-of-charge textbooks.
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Free-of-charge residing at a hostel and free-of-charge visiting of libraries is given to students. And also under the student's card privileges for trip in any kind of transport are given.
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All benefit, privileges and services are paid from taxes and donations. All citizens of this state pay taxes and it dose not dependent on the income. Each citizen pays the tax from the income at a rate of 15 %. Donations are made by people with the high income.
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Проект подготовили: Линёва Ольга; Никитенко Анастасия; Кнестюкова Яна; Смольянникова Анастасия.
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