Общность и самобытность национальных культур в фольклоре разных народов мира
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Russian scientific conference «Young talents» «Common features and originality of cultures in folklore of different nations» Rakultseva Mary, Rakultseva Olga School № 12, Tomsk, 21.03.17.Слайд 2
Introduction А language is an important part of every culture. General and original features of the language we can see in folklore. Proverbs and sayings are a source of identity of national cultures and the oldest layer of the language.
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What do we suppose? We suppose that in culture of different peoples we can find proverbs and sayings general for all cultures and original for each national culture. A ll people are physically arranged in the same way, they have the same biological needs and life problems N ations have different historical development, climate, landscape and other factors.
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The aim The aim of our research is to prove this statement in practice . We compared Russian, English and Korean proverbs and sayings.
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The way of the research We studied scientific works of Ozhegov, Simbirzeva, Babushkina and other scientists, the Internet. We found the most useful proverbs and sayings in Russian, British and Korean language.
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The way of the research We chose 10 English (7 general and 3 original) and 10 Korean (6 original and 4 general) proverbs and sayings and created a form. We chose proverbs and sayings from scientific works.
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The form Задание: Вам предложен дословный перевод корейских пословиц и поговорок и некоторые пословицы и поговорки английского языка. Подберите для каждой корейской и английской пословицы (поговорки) аналогичную русскую в том случае, если это возможно
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쌀이지팡이다 Рис –посох 가만히누워있으면쌀이잘로입에아니들어간다 E сли будешь валяться, рис в рот сам не полезет 음식먹을적에말말라 За едой не разговаривай 배불러야잠도온다 И сон приходит, только когда сыт 가랑비에 옷 젖는 줄 모른다 Не замечать намокающаю под мелким дождём одежду 개미 구멍으로 둑도 무너진다 И дамба может обрушиться из-за муравьиных норок 국에데운놈이물보고도분다 Кто обжегся супом, тот дует и на воду 거미 새끼같이 흩어진다 Расползаются как паучата 후추는작아도맵다 Черный перец мелкий, да острый 공자 앞에서 문자 쓴다 Писать китайские иероглифы перед Конфуцием
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An eye for an an eye Poverty isn`t a sin Good wine needs no bush Barking dogs seldom bite What will Mrs.Grundy say? Silence is golden East or West, home is the best In the right church, but in the wrong pew To live cat and dog life A cat in gloves catches no mice
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The way of the research Pupils of our school at the ages from 13 to 17 took part in this form. Total number was 36 pupils. We asked to find Russian proverb or saying for each English or Korean proverb.
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The results There is not any Russian proverb for 3 Korean original proverbs, but for other 3 Korean proverbs pupils of our school found Russian proverbs (It means 50% correspondence between theory and practice). But all 4 general Korean proverbs found Russian proverbs (it means 100%).
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The results 3 original English proverbs didn`t find Russian proverbs (it means 50%) F rom 7 general proverbs found 5 Russian proverbs and sayings (it means 70%)
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Correspondence between the theory and practice (%)
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The results The most useful proverbs are : 음식먹을적에말말라 Когда я ем , я глух и нем 후추는작아도맵다 Мал , да удал An eye for an eye - око за око , зуб за зуб The least useful are: 국에데운놈이물보고도분다 Кто обжегся на молоке , дует и на воду Poverty isn`t a sin – Бедность не порок
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The results Some children don`t understand meaning of Russian proverbs and sayings: e.g. A cat in gloves catches no mice means Работать спустя рукава .
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The conclusion The statement is proved in practice. Some children don`t understand meaning of Russian proverbs and sayings , it could partly reduce degree of correspondence between theory and practice .
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