учащийся рассмотрел причины кризиса в россии и его последствия.сравнил с кризисом в англии.материал содержит презентацию на данную темуи исследовательскуюработу
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презентация по проекту кризис | 347.69 КБ |
текстовое оформление проекта кризис | 237.47 КБ |
Слайд 1
Comparison of the crisis in Russia and in the UK The research work has been prepared by : Student : Ten Alexander Lvovich Teacher : У amanova Elena Nikolaevna Domodedovo school №1 9 “A”Слайд 2
Introduction The crisis is a regular phenomenon that happens with all of us. but does the crisis always a bad thing ? That is why our aim is to find out the advantages and disadvantages of the crisis.
Слайд 3
Tasks analyze all types of crises show the dependence of crisis in another spheres Find the advantages and disadvantages of the crisis
Слайд 4
Plan Preparation – study of scientific articles Conduction of a survey - compare the different types of crisis Analysis – work with the result of the research
Слайд 5
Crisis economical social political
Слайд 6
Economical crisis
Слайд 7
Social crisis
Слайд 8
Political crisis
Слайд 9
Слайд 10
The UK
Слайд 11
Research Is the crisis really always a bad thing ? I made a social quiz with topic crisis and asked my classmates’s parents about it. Because of what is happened a crisis ? Is the crisis only bad thing?
Слайд 12
Social quiz
Слайд 13
Social quiz
Слайд 14
Import and export
Слайд 15
Слайд 16
Unemployment rate
Слайд 17
Conclusion In conclusion I would like to tell that the crisis doesn't always only bad phenomenon.
Слайд 18
references http://www.economist.com/blogs/economist-explains/2014/12/economist-explains-16 http://www.gks.ru/wps/wcm/connect/rosstat_main/rosstat/ru/statistics/ftrade/ http://www.rusexporter.ru/research/country/detail/3518/ http:// www.mirprognozov.ru/prognosis/economics/ekonomika-velikobritanii-ugroza-retsessii-sohranyaetsya/ru http://www.oilworld.ru/news/258868 http://expert.ru/2016/09/9/stanem-esche-nemnogo-bednee-zato-potom / http://finbazis.ru/vneshnij-dolg-stran-mira-na-2016-god-tablica / http:// ru.euronews.com/2017/02/22/british-economy-finishes-2016-strongly-but-brexit-effects-loom
Chapter 1. Crises.........................................................................5
1.1 Types of crisis.....................................................................5
1.2 Crisis in Russia...................................................................6
Chapter 1.3. Crisis in UK………………………………..……6
Chapter 2. Researches..................................................................7
Appendix №1.........................................................................10-11
The topicality of our project is that nowadays people are interested in politic and economic nevertheless, according to the word political situation we must pay attention to these aspects and to be real citizens of Russia
During crises people think that the crisis has only bad effect, that is why our aim is:
To achieve our aim we have conducted a survey and then analyze the results
The plan of researches.
Research methods:
In the introduction there are the topicality, the problematic, the aim, task and the hypothesis of the research.
The main art is the study itself and includes the practical works, notices with subsequent analysis.
Also, the main part make the general sense. It provides practical and social importance of this work.
This is followed by the conclusion in the recommendations.
The references include resources.
Appendix №1 – the diagram, the result of research.
Appendix №2 – the diagram, the result of research.
Appendix№3 – the diagram, the result of research.
Chapter 1. Crises
There are a lot of different types of crisis, but the basic crisis is economical.
All types of crisis have common problems and connecting with each other in different spheres, and in researches I will try to show you how crises depend from each other.
Chapter 1.2. Crisis in Russia.
The fall of the ruble and the economic crisis has led to the fact that America was to spread its influence in other countries. In backside of any political crisis is situated economical question as a background.
The USA needed a control over oil production in the Middle East to had brought down oil production. Russia at that time was dependent from the oil trade and other natural resources. Russia needed to became more powerful that is why it was strengthen its economic position inside the country.
Russia increases the production of agricultural goods, equipment for military industry, shipbuilding, steel industry, food industry (Production of cheese and etc.)
At the result of the annexation of Crimea to the Russian Federation, it has got differences in this political question between the United States and Russia.
The USA imposed sanctions to Russia which had negative impact in Russian economy because it was dependent from foreign companies, which were exported products and high technologies. But it has played a significant role for the development of Russian economy. These sanctions were on hand for Russian manufacturers who began to develop such sectors of the economy as agriculture and food industry, military industry.
In this way the crisis has got both effects - negative and positive at the same time for economy and they all connected with each other.
Chapter 1.3. Crisis in UK.
The UK is situated in post crisis situation and it get over the crisis slower than other countries. I learn many statistics economy of UK and I want to show you how UK suffered by crisis. According to statistics the country's economy fell down. There are increase unemployment rate and many pensioners won’t have posobiec. Nowadays Great Britain has a problems with budjet, there are debt near a
9 836 000 mln. Dollars. The UK take a second place in the top of countries debt. It has an aim to increase foreign trade in double. It should be especially noted that, despite the economic problems between Britain and Russia in political, the trade and economic communications between two countries are increase.
Chapter 2.Researches
I made a social quiz with topic crisis and asked my classmates’s parents about it.
The first graph shows us that adults most of all think that crisis appears because of conflicts between countries. The second graph shows that most of all think about crisis from bad side.
Is the crisis really always a bad thing? and that if we assume that there are spheres in which crisis has bad influences but improves other spheres of life? I want to show you this clearly with helping of my line graphics and diagrams. Consider for example nowadays economical crisis in Russia. So, let's consider three graphics, which are showing the scope of the Russian economy.
The first graph shows that because of the crisis there were sanctions and import, export and foreign trade with other countries has decreased. The second makes know the products aren't imported into Russia and it is developing agricultural industry,. It shows the growth of agricultural production from 2013 to 2017. The graph growth seen in 4 years by 30%. Russia is struggling to get out of this crisis and to develop the domestic economy through increased agricultural production. The third graph shows a rise of unemployment and it has badly effect to the country's economy. And it has shown us economy increase in Russia.
In conclusion I would like to tell that the hypothesys is absolutely right and the crisis doesn't always has only bad phenomenon, it has as usual advantages too. I have shown it in my project. We have watched how crises are depended from each other and I have shown some disadvantages and advantages In Russian economy.
Астрономический календарь. Январь, 2019 год
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