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Healthy and Harmful food .Слайд 2
The healthiest food Nutritionists all over the world continue to argue persistently on what food are the healthiest . The question of a healthy lifestyle has been actual recently and stimulates scientists even more to conduct researches in this area. This article is only an attempt to summarize results of researches of the last year, urged to answer a question: "What products are healthy?"
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According to scientists, first in a rank of " the most useful products" are some berries. Especially scientists are searching the properties of bilberries and blueberries . These useful products contain the greate number of antioxidants. Besides, antocian, containing in these berries, promotes delay of processes of aging of our nervous system. Bilberries and blueberries is very healthy food for those who have cardiovascular , digestive system and oncological diseases. This food is also useful for people having obesity, and patients with diabetes as it is capable to reduce level of cholesterol. Berries
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Орехи Nutsare got to the list of the most useful food scientists also don't allocate –all of them are useful. Nuts are a source of a large amount of vitamins, minerals, proteins and useful fats. This useful food at their daily consumption are good for prevention of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and anemia. It is also proved that nuts – healthy food at stresses, depressions, a breakdown, the general tone of an organism. Nuts
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Onion and garlic Onions and garlic – sure, useful food, and scientists confirm it. Being the real well of vitamins, minerals, the microcells, useful essential oils, this food has positive impact to human body. Onions and garlic are good for liver diseases , cardiovascular and endocrine system diseases, reduce level of cholesterol in blood and strengthen immune system. And , of course, everyone knows that onions and garlic are the most useful productsagainst cold diseases. Essential oils and fitoncids , containing in onions and garlic, prevent reproduction of microbes and destroy them.
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Beans The beans go the following in the Most Useful Products list. Large amounts of valuable proteins containing in them and rough fiber do these products really unique in its own way. Soy, beans, haricots and peas are useful products for patients with diabetes, atherosclerosis, the people having obesity, diseases of digestive system, kidneys and liver, having weak immune system. Bean are the most healthy food for vegetarians as they are capable to supply their body with proteins without fat (that is impossible at the use of proteins of an animal origin). Besides, bean protein (vegetable protein) promotes cell regeneration. Also beans are useful food for nervous system, after all amino acids containing in them provide tranquillity , steadiness of the person.
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Fruit Fruit is absolutely necessary , without them the list of the most useful food would be incomplete. First of all, it is apples. The list of diseases, for prevention and treatment of which they are especially useful is quite wide. These are useful food for cardiovascular, digestive, urinary, immune system, diseases of skin and the musculoskeletal system. Reducing level of cholesterol and sugar in blood, slowing down growth of cancer cells, apples by right can be called as the most useful fruit. To the Most Useful Products list can be added as well the other fruit: kiwi and persimmon, pineapple and pomegranate, apricot and banana, avocado and mango. Thereby, the more varied will be your " fruit menu" - the better.
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Vegetables There must also be the place for vegetables . in the list of the most useful products. Green sheet vegetables are in the lead here: spinach and lettuce. These useful products have a lot of vitamines , are good for intestines, slow down growth of tumors (especially prostates), have diuretic effect, are useful at a hypertension, obesity, tuberculosis, atherosclerosis. Among vegetables "the most useful products" apply for a rank also cabbage and carrots. So, the cabbage (especially white) has high nutritional value and is useful as fresh, and in the fermented. The cabbage enriches intestines micro flora, is capable to bring out of an organism cholesterol. It is especially healthy food for patients with gastritis with the lowered acidity, the stomach ulcer, suffering hemorrhoids and locks, obesity. Carrots don't lag behind cabbage by quantity of useful substances containing in it. It strengthens immune system, improves intestines functioning, positively influences an eye retina, is applied to prevention of diseases of heart, kidneys and liver and has anti-inflammatory effect. These useful products in a combination, for example, in salads are especially good.
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Sea gifts Sea gifts – it is unconditionally, useful food. The first place among them is taken by fish. The most useful products of fish are fat grades: salmon, tuna, sardines. Favorably influencing cardiovascular system, fish considerably reduces possibility of various diseases of heart (including arrhythmia and ischemia), heart attacks and strokes. Also the people having problems with a stomach, a thyroid gland, overweight are recommended to include these useful products in food. Fish activates the work of our brains, heals wounds , stops cancer cells formation of.
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Eggs Eggs go the following in the list of the most useful products. These useful products are recommended to have in number of five pieces a week. Containing about one hundred useful substances, eggs are capable to clear a human body, to bring out of it cholesterol and other harmful substances, to split fats, and egg white is the best " construction material" for muscles. Eggs are especially useful at stomach ulcer of a stomach and a 12-perstny gut, chronic pancreatitis, frustration of nervous system. Scientists proved also a role of eggs in prevention of formation of cancer cells and in the future, probably, eggs will be used as one of effective ways to fight against oncological diseases.
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Products from a flour of a rough grinding Products from a flour of a rough grinding – also useful food. The high content of vitamins, minerals, microcells, biologically active agents – here that gives all grounds to fill up with them the Most Useful Products list. They are irreplaceable for each person, but are especially actual at diabetes, diseases of heart, weak immune system, problems with intestines. Products from a flour of a rough grinding have positive impacts on skin, interfering with its aging, an inflammation, emergence of allergic reactions. It is especially healthy food for the people who go in for sports, lead a healthy lifestyle.
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Milk Milk and sour-milk products also are in the list of the Most Useful Products. Calcium containing in milk, strengthens bones, teeth and hair. Also milk is recommended for cardiovascular diseases, anemia, hypostases, various diseases of a gastrointestinal path (gastritises, stomach ulcer, stomach neurosis). Milk is well for various poisonings and for this reason it is used for prevention of various diseases at "harmful works". As for sour-milk products, kefir and cottage cheese are the most useful products among them. They favorably affect work of intestines and digestive system as a whole thanks to bacteria containing in them. Also this healthy food tempts appetite, stimulating allocation of gastric juice, possesses antimicrobic action.
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The most harmful products All the most pleasant in this world either is immoral, or conducts to obesity. You quite often heard such ordinary joke. Really, often it happens that the most tasty products are also the most harmful.
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Chewing candies, fruit candy in bright packing, " Chupa Chups " - all these are, undoubtedly, harmful products. Not only they all contain a huge amount of sugar, but also chemical additives, dyes, substitutes and so on.
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Chips, both corn, and potato - are very harmful for our body. Chips are like anything other, as a mix of carbohydrates and fat, in a cover of dyes and taste substitutes.
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The sweet carbonated drinks – a mix of sugar, chemicals and gases distribute harmful substances to an organism. Coca-Cola, for example, is a remarkable mix of a limy scum and rust. Think before send such liquid to your stomach. Besides sweet drinks are harmful also because of high concentration of sugar - in an equivalent four-five teaspoons, diluted in a water glass.
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Chocolate bars. This huge quantity of calories in combination with the chemical additives and genetically modified products, dyes and fragrances. The huge amount of sugar forces you eat them again and again.
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