Данная презентация рассказывает об особенностях мужского и женского костюма в Великобритании в Викторианскую эпоху
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Государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение Департамента здравоохранения города Москвы «Медицинский колледж № 1» Luchitskaya Rita c11-4 Early period of Victorian fashionСлайд 2
In the Victorian era, England experienced a period of economic growth and industrial revolution, which was fully reflected in public life, including in literature, fine arts, and also in fashion. Women's fashion
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At the beginning of the reign of Queen Victoria in fashion reigned aesthetics of romanticism. This style required a thin and slightly understated waist. To achieve the desired effect, a special corset was used, which was laced up to the hips. Gradually, before the huge sleeves become less massive and shorten, the shoulders narrow, and the bell-skirt lengthens and rapidly collects in volume: under the upper fabric, many layers of starched lower skirts were put on, which were supposed to support the shape of the dress.
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By the end of the 1840s, the heavy skimmed skirts were replaced by a tough horsehair skirt, called crinoline. When creating the volume from below, the main emphasis was on the narrow waist. In the same period, the fashion was a narrow bodice with a V-shaped low neckline that bared the shoulders (of course, for an evening toilet). A flat from the beginning of the century ball shoes slowly begins to acquire a heel. The style of the 1840s was perceived as conservative and "gothic" compared to the splendor of the 1830s.
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In the 1850s the silhouette, as a whole, remains the same, undergoing minor changes. The length of the waist becomes natural, the line of the shoulders is understated, and the volume of the dress continues to increase. In the period between 1851-1856, muslin, tarlatan and others were used for summer dresses. After 1852, dresses were made from new fabrics called la gaze cristal , woven from two different colors of fabric, woven simultaneously. They were: iridescent taffeta, damask, brocade, satin, but first of all - silk, especially appreciated Lyons, which then gained new fame and was considered a very good material for home, road, day and evening dresses.
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Men's fashion Men's clothing of the Victorian era has not undergone such radical changes as women's. At the beginning of the Victorian era, the men's costume becomes very restrained: a tailcoat sewn strictly to the waist, long narrow trousers, a waistcoat (could be with bright floral ornaments or in a cage), a tie and a top hat. Outer clothing - a coat - was also sewn strictly according to the figure. In the next decades, changes in the men's costume concern only the details, the finish and cut in general remain unchanged.
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