Данная презентация была представвлена на муниципальном конкурсе электронных презентаций - проектов на английском языке по теме "Экология". В проекте затрагивается проблема вреда пластиковых пакетов для экологии. Рассматриваются пути решения данной проблемы.
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Prepared by Alexandra Irkitova Shebalinskaya Secondary School Form 8 “A” Teacher V.V. Almatova 2017 The Harm of Plastic BagsСлайд 2
A plastic bag or pouch is a type of flexible packaging made of thin, flexible, plastics film. Plastic bags are used for containing and transporting goods such as foods, produce, powders, ice, chemicals and waste. (from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
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In the environment the discarded packets are stored for a long time because they are not biodegradable. Thus, they form a stable pollution.
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4 trillion bags per year are used in the world. They kill 1 million birds, 100 thousand marine mammals and innumerable shoals of fish.
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Every year 6 million and 300 thousand tons of garbage, much of which is plastic, is dumped into the oceans. The fourth part of the water surface is covered with floating plastic garbage. London
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The purpose of my project is to find ways of confronting the use of plastic bags and their harmful effects on the environment. The tasks are: To find information from different sources about the impact of plastic bags on the environment. To study this problem on the example of the village of Shebalino . Find out the most optimal ways of solving the problem. Try to solve problem using the social networking site. To summarize the experience and to make a presentation before an audience.
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Plastic bags, bottles and packaging film make up 40% household of household waste
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Packaging is made from synthetic polymers is not degradable. After the burning it gives off such poisons as dioxins and furans. P roduction of polyethylene takes 4% of the world oil. It pollutes the environment — the fourth part of the water surface is covered with floating plastic garbage. More than a million of sea birds, whales, seals and turtles are killed from ingestion or entanglement in plastic debris each year.
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Debris Plastic bags make up a large part of the debris Shebalino
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How can we solve the problem? Bangladesh Italy China Uganda Kenya Plastic bags are prohibited
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Eco-bags Supermarket Maria-RA
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Using the social network VK, I have conducted a social survey on the use of plastic bags by one person a week and found that: 50% buy seven package a week 43% buy one package 7% do not buy plastic bags
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“ We are against plastic” I held the action “ We are against plastic”, the result following large number of people responded to the approving comments and put a repost on their page.
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Conclusion The ecology of our planet depends on each person. People should not pollute the environment. We need to reduce the use of the things that after use are transformed into waste and harming the environment, especially plastic bags. Don't buy plastic bags, use eco bags and bring this over to other people. Let our world be cleaner!
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Recourses http://www.thefullwiki.org/Plastic_bag http://www.buzzle.com/articles/environmental-pollution-the-harmful-effects-of-plastic-bags.html http://veganstvo.info/199-polietilenovye-pakety-nanosyat-sereznyy-vred-ekologii.html http://ecoportal.su/news.php?id=60587 http://www.ua . all.biz/ eko-sumki http://shurshim.ru/blog/odnorazivie sumki http://samiysok.com/2016 http ://greenbelarus.info/articles
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