Рассказ о влиянии гаджетов на зоровье людей и подростков на английском языке. Виды современных гаджетов. Роль современных технологий в жизни людей. Подростки и гаджеты. Вредно ли много разговаривать по телефону и долго "висеть" в интернете? Советы и рекомендации.
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Современные гаджеты и их влияние на людейСлайд 2
Интенсивное развитие технологий в современном мире направленно на упрощение и облегчение жизни людей. Наше общество сегодня невозможно представить без электронной бытовой техники, автомобилей со встроенным «мозгом», персональных компьютеров и, конечно же, гаджетов. Практически у каждого человека имеется мобильный телефон, а у некоторых людей их несколько. Однако современные устройства имеют и обратную, негативную сторону.
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До недавнего времени медициной новые заболевания, связанные с мобильными устройствами и гаджетами, не признавались. Многочисленные исследования доказали, что они способны причинить серьезный вред здоровью человека. Во-первых, они создают проблемы со зрением своим владельцам. Во-вторых, у хозяев гаджетов нарушается осанка, а в некоторых случаях возможно возникновение кожных заболеваний. Но самая главная угроза от подобных устройств – способность нарушить общее психическое состояние пользователя.
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Дети уже в самом юном возрасте просят своих родителей купить им в подарок какой-нибудь гаджет, будь то телефон, планшет или игровая приставка. Однако ученые предупреждают, что детям, не достигшим 11-летнего возраста ни в коем случае нельзя покупать мобильные устройства, особенно если в них предусмотрен выход в интернет. Ребенок попросту может уйти от реальности с их помощью и стать замкнутым, что впоследствии отразиться на его восприятии окружающего мира.
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Если говорить о современных болезнях взрослых, зависящих от гаджетов, медики выделяют несколько нарушений. Так, у некоторых пользователей мобильных устройств выявлена разновидность психического заболевания, вызванного использованием телефонов – номофобия , то есть страх оказаться без мобильного устройства. Также ученые выделяют зависимость от интернета, социальных сетей и онлайн-игр.
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В современном мире от гаджетов никуда не денешься, не будет же человек по несколько раз за день отправлять телеграмму, чтоб сообщить что-либо важное. Просто пользоваться ими необходимо с умом, надо иметь устойчивую психику и не терять контакт с реальностью.
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Районная научно-практическая конференция старшеклассников
«В мир поиска, в мир творчества, в мир науки»
Автор: Лепешева мария, ученица 9б класса
МОУ «Алгатуйская СОШ»
Руководитель: Кудрявцева Наталья Викторовна
Учитель английского языка
первой квалификационной категории
МОУ «Алгатуйская СОШ»
Тулун, 2015 год
Part I.
1. Introduction _______________________________________________________ 3
2. Modern Gadgets ___________________________________________________ 4
3. Top 10 Modern Gadgets that Changed our Lives __________________________ 5
4. What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Modern Gadgets?_____________ 9
5. The Bad Side of It_________________________________________________ 10
6. Modern Gadgets: Really A Boon For Us? ______________________________ 11
7. Addiction to Gadgets Affects Our Relationship __________________________ 12
8. Modern Technology is changing the Way Our Brains Work, Says Neuroscientist12
9. Influence of Gadgets on Teenagers____________________________________ 17
10. Kids get more Mileage out of Modern Gadgets _________________________ 18
Part II.
11. My Researches __________________________________________________ 30
12. Conclusion ______________________________________________________ 33
13. List of literature _________________________________________________ 34
Have cellphones, computers, and other forms of technology changed our standards of living? The progression of technology has made many aspects of our lives easier than the day of our parents, and their parents before them. Technology affects our everyday lives in various ways, although in spite of their benefits, there are many flaws within the process of artificial intelligence. However, despite these flaws, technology helps the world more than it is hurting it.
Even though we count on our digital life to help us navigate through reality, it does have a few negative effects on society. Daily life back in our parents day, involved a lot of physical activity, but now people have more leisure at hand and in the process have avoided the urge for activity and exercise. People have also become very dependent on technology to do their work for them, they rely more on machines than human intellect. One of the biggest downfalls to the rise of artificial intelligence, is that it has pushed the unemployment rate through the roof because of the new technology being faster and cheaper to maintain then the average working person. Have we ever thought that a single chip would replace an entire assembly line of workers? Technology also relies heavily upon electricity, and if we were to lose electricity and or if certain computers were to fail, society wouldn't run properly because of how it has built up to be. Even though we may be able to enjoy all the pricey luxuries technology offers, we miss out on the little priceless joys of life.
I can see the results of this progress everywhere. Every boy or every girl in my school has a mobile or a smartphone. Every break at school they are in a hurry to switch on a mobile and to begin surfing the Internet or playing a computer game. What is worse they can do it during the lessons: they text the messages or surf the social networking. I and my teachers don’t like it very much. Classmates spend too much time on their gadgets. I suppose they don’t know the bad side of it and I decided to study the scientific researches about influence of modern gadgets on people’s health. I asked 72 boys and girls. The results of this questionnaire were very dramatically. I understand that they know nothing about gadget’s harm and with this aim I gave them the lists with some “mobile” rules. That’s why the aim of my work was to find out , what kind of gadgets are available for my schoolmates, how often they use them and whether they know about their harmful influence on health.
Modern Gadgets
In this modern world we have lot of modern gadgets like computer, smart phone and so on, but mostly this kind of electronic items is having a short span life compared to previous decades. Nowadays there is no guarantee for electronic items and most of them will be spoiled soon. Some of this electronic equipment are disposable, as we don't have the ability to change some electronic goods.
Some electronic items are exchangeable and we can exchange them to get a new one, whereas some of the items are in use and throw manner, we don't have the ability to use the electronic item again if it is broken as well as don't have the ability to repair it, as well as nowadays most of the electronic items have short life with a short guarantee period.
It is really hard to imagine our life without these modern gadgets, since most of us are using this modern items in various ways, if we use them in a good manner, we will achieve a lot in our business.
Every house today is full of smart appliances, such washing machine, dishwasher, vacuum cleaner, microwave, stereo system, etc. These objects have drastically changed people’s lives. They made it easier to cope with household chores. It seems that new technologies govern the lives of all people on planet. It’s simply impossible to imagine modern life without labor-saving gadgets. A couple of decades ago people had no idea what smartphones or iPhones are, while today nearly everyone has one. It is undoubtedly the best communication and entertainment device. People can connect with each other everywhere they go through social network, text messaging, low-cost calls, chats rooms, etc. It is hard to stay even a day without such handy gadgets. Although, there are, of course, some disadvantages of rapid technological progress. Firstly, doctors state that all electronic gadgets are dangerous for health. For example, we spend hours I front of computer or laptop monitors, which results into eyesight deterioration, backaches and headaches. Mobile phones are also harmful to health due to their electromagnetic radiation. Secondly, all modern gadgets make us lazy and clumsy. Thus, we easily gain excessive weight. Thirdly, people have become too dependent on these gadgets. They get stressed or unconfident when they forget a mobile phone or tablet at home. In my opinion, gadgets produce addiction, which is bad for people’s mind. Nevertheless, it is hard to underestimate the role of new technologies in our life
Top 10 Modern Gadgets that Changed our Lives
Nintendo Gameboy
Paved the way for the 3DS and PS Vitas of today, and made school bus journeys and rainy lunchtimes a pleasant experience after all. Nothing like it had really been seen before, and although the graphics were shady (pun intended) it was the first step of a revolution in mobile game-play.
New Ipod Nano A Triumph 709601074B
From early models to the the latest iPod Touch, Apple truly reinvented the way in which we listen to – and have instant access to – music. Gone are the days of having to carry a boombox like a bazooka on your shoulder, or a carry-case of your favorite CDs along with an un-pocket friendly walkman/CD player. The latest Touch boasts Face Time, HD Video Recording, Retina Display, Air Play, Music + iTunes, Games + Apps, iOS, iCloud, Air Print and Voice Control.
Perhaps not really taking off as an individual gadget in its own right, the birth of the webcam certainly influenced the way modern technology is built today. Very few laptops are now made without a built-in webcam, and the cameras on phones are utilized to allow video calling. It meant that computer software such as Skype allows meetings to be held over long distances, and friends and family can stay in touch in a more personal way than just being able to hear their voice.
Gps Diagramlge
Satnavs and TomTom’s have more or less made the road map redundant, which is all you can ask from a modern gadget. Gone are the days of sitting on the side of the road whilst Dad spreads his A3 map on the car hood. They are fun too, with downloadable celebrity voices allowing the likes of Homer Simpson to frantically tell you which turn to take.
Samsung Galaxy Tab
Considered as a better option to the iPad, and unlike its Apple counterpart, the 7 inch touch screen gadget supports flash as well as voice and video calls. Completely re-imagining the laptop, Tablets, Kindles and the like are becoming more powerful and more compact with each new release, and the possibilities and use of them are all but endless.
A technology that almost snuck up on us like a highly trained ninja, bluetooth has now become so mainstream and synonymous with the 21st Century it is a wonder how we ever lived without it. The applications for it are endless, allowing us to wirelessly transmit data between phones, PCs, TVs, and even allow us to wirelessly use our phones whilst driving, meaning bluetooth can help avoid an unwanted run-in with the boys in blue.
Digital Camera
Although it must be said that photos produced from a polaroid retain a certain charm, it certainly was not fun when you realized that the film was full, and a trip to go and get it developed was required. Now, you can take countless photos and not only view them instantly, but have them uploaded and printed within an instant, and the quality of picture keeps on improving.
Sky + HD / Tivo, etc
All from the comfort of your armchair, the remote control allows you to tell your Sky + HD box to pause live TV if the double glazing salesman decides to pay a visit just as it looks like your football team is about to concede, then fast forward to real time so that you don’t have to witness it. It allows you to rewind, record other programs whilst you watch something else, record whole series, and view it all in spectacular High Definition.
3D Digital TV
We all remember a time when we would visit our nan, and she would still have an old black and white box telly. Well not anymore. Flat screen, digital, and now 3D TV is literally staring you square in the face. Already incorporated in most cinemas, 3D technology, whilst perhaps still in the early stages of development, is a very exciting prospect indeed.
Android, iPhone and Smartphones have literally redefined the way we live. Now, a mobile does not simply make calls, take photos, and allow us to play Snake. They can talk to each other, to laptops, to TVs – to pretty much anything with a digital pulse. You can watch films on them, have instant access to YouTube and Facebook, play PROPER games, store ALL of your music, and more, and this is just the tip of the iceberg.
What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Modern Gadgets?
A gadget is a device or appliance having a unique purpose and function. At the time of invention, a gadget is often way ahead of its peers in terms of novelty and uniqueness. This is what makes them, so desirable and 'cool'!
The top ten gadgets that changed the world are debatable. Nevertheless, popular choices would be the television, telephone, camera, movie camera, microwave oven, video cassette player and recorder, video gaming consoles, Sony's Walkman, IBM's personal computer or PC and the first cell phone released in 1996, by Motorola. The latest gadgets include superior versions of DVDs, smart phones, camcorders, laptops, iPods, iPhones, the Blackberry, PCs, computer notebooks, pedometers etc.
That modern gadgets have changed the world, is a gross understatement. No one wants to go back to the days of no television, no washing machines and certainly, no cell phone. Hi-tech gadgets are proliferating by the dozen, as companies vie with each other to catch the eyes of gadget freaks or just time-pinched consumers.
Yet, rising from the din of MP3 players, DVD film premiers and podcasts is an ever increasing evidence, braced by scientific work, of the ill-health effects of modern gadgets.
The study done by Carnegie Mellon University found that spending one hour a week on the Net led to an average increase of 1 percent on depression scale, a loss of 2.7 members of the Net users social circle and increase of 0.4% on the loneliness scale.
Intel Apple computer along with Hawlett Packard has kick-started US 1.5 million US dollar- study on the effects of Internet on society. According to a spokesperson of the companies, 'People who use the Net lose more of their friends, are lonelier and more inclined to depression than non-Net users. Greater use of the Net is associated with a decline in size of the social circle, social contact and family communication'.
The Bad Side of It
Today, we have everything we need to make our life more and more simpler. Yes, you are right; we are talking about Modern Gadgets. To begin with, let us take an example of our kitchen only. We have all the different kind of gadgets which do A to Z work of kitchen, just press a button and you are done.
For moving out or travelling, we have vehicles. We have all sorts of vehicles from a cycle to a luxury car. Now, when a person is done with breakfast made with all the modern kitchen appliances, he takes his vehicles, drives himself to his workplace. Even there, he has everything to relax and be comfortable to work. For his comfort, he has coolers, fans, air conditioners, heaters, blowers. He uses computers (even laptops), fax machine, printers and scanners to work.
The best ever inventions of human brain is internet. Internet has shortened the boundaries. We can get any information from internet. We can communicate with anyone via internet and telecommunication system. Human has created satellites to get around the world. Earlier, we used to be unaware regarding what is going around the world but now the time has changed. It is human only who has made it possible which looked like utter impossible.
Today, we can get advance information regarding any natural calamity via weather reports using satellites. Man has even extended his limit to the space, even to moon about which we were just in the moon light earlier.
But one may not get enough time in this world of science to think that somehow this simplification of life makes our life a bit complex. No doubt the facilities we have today have made our life a picnic but life is never a picnic in real sense. Everyone praises modern facilities but no one give himself a break to have a look at its consequences. These modern gadgets have made us torpid. We have become habitual or say addicted in more defined terms. Even our body does not permit us to do labor, we have become utter indolent and this adversely affects our health. Reason for a huge gross in number of heart patients, hyper tension cases is the same.
Now, talking about mobile phones, the waves/signals it generates is callous some for us. Excessive use can cause heart attack and even make a person impatient. Crime rate has increased due to increased connectivity. Even now days, mobiles are being used for terrorism.
Children, the nation builders get deviated from these mobile phones. Today, almost every student has a personal mobile phone and with all this their study suffers and hence they cut sorry figures to themselves, their parents and to nation.
Today, people use AC/blowers for a very large part of time of their day and it has resulted in weakening of immunity. They get frequently attacked by cold, they cannot step out in extreme weather conditions. In short, these modern facilities first become our needs and then taking in account the human nature, overuse of them is but obvious, so they take the form of some sort of addiction. One should use them but never indulge in overuse and let these needs become our addiction because science has proved to be a very good slave but will be a very bad master.
A fact is that as human intelligence has evolved, so were our gadgets and the internet. Due to the vast availability of smart phones, laptops and computers, the number of devices connected to the internet was higher than the number of people on earth.
You will be surprised to read that 40% of people socialize on internet rather than face-to-face conversations.
God gifted us with brains to think and make decisions to live a healthy life, but without even knowing we are living an unhealthy life.
Our school is 10 minutes away by walk from our home, but we take a transport. We spend our weekends at home in front of these gadgets while we should be out under the blue sky allowing the sunlight allowing our body to enrich our body. We watch television for hours and give an excuse of getting bored. Children spend hours and hours in front of laptops playing video games and social networking. The point here is that you should enjoy your life using these modern day gadgets and inventions but not at the cost of your health.
There can be a debate on the point that the parents are the ones that initially handover phones and other gadgets to their kids. Gadgets are better if used moderately, this needs to be understood by parents and should avoid addicting their children/child to gadgets.
Modern Gadgets: Really A Boon For Us?
Brain-the biggest weapon, the mammoth power human has. Testimony of above statement is the present scenario. Just open the sea of imagination and imagine what old time was, now open your eyes and find yourself in this modern world. It is impossible to swallow this immense gap at one go, but if we take a look at how it all developed, we will not only believe it but will also get an idea what human brain can do.
Earlier life was tough, everything was done by hands but his brain made his life far better than what he used to live. Work of man is par excellence. God created us, gave us all the resources to grow, to feed ourselves and provided us with the power to think, to carve ideas and to take decision and human has proved to be the survival of the fittest. He carved his way out of every trouble. He had nothing to begin with but the nature around him.
Addiction to Gadgets Affects Our Relationship
Do you remember the days when you were a child and before going to bed you used to have a conversation with your mom:
You:“Mummy, I am bored.”
Mom:“Why don’t you help me clear up after dinner and then we can all sit down in front of the fire and play a board game.”
You:“Can I choose which game? And will daddy play too?”
“Yes to both questions. Then one of us will read you a bedtime story and tuck you up.”
You :“But both of you need to say goodnight.”
Mom: “Don’t worry darling, we will.”
Nowadays, we don't get to see this type of conversations anymore.
Mom:"Dinner is ready"
You: "Not now mom"
Mom:"It's dinner time, all are waiting for you at the dining table"
You:"I am busy, tell everyone not to wait for me. And mom please don't disturb me again"
When we are busy into our gadgets we don't want anyone around us. We get angry when we get disturbed even by our dear ones. We are always into our own world, not talk properly to anyone.
Additional drawbacks of addiction to modern day gadgets are:
•We are so busy into our gadgets even when we are outside travelling. I saw so many people busy listening to songs and talking on phones even while crossing roads and railway tracks. These have been the causes for many severe accidents.
•Children become aggressive when they watch action movies or play games involving violence.
•Children confront their parents and elders when restricted or stopped from watching their favourite TV program.
•Studies are affected.
Modern Technology is changing the Way Our Brains Work, Says Neuroscientist
Human identity, the idea that defines each and every one of us, could be facing an unprecedented crisis.
It is a crisis that would threaten long-held notions of who we are, what we do and how we behave.
It goes right to the heart - or the head - of us all. This crisis could reshape how we interact with each other, alter what makes us happy, and modify our capacity for reaching our full potential as individuals.
And it's caused by one simple fact: the human brain, that most sensitive of organs, is under threat from the modern world.
Unless we wake up to the damage that the gadget-filled, pharmaceutically-enhanced 21st century is doing to our brains, we could be sleepwalking towards a future in which neuro-chip technology blurs the line between living and non-living machines, and between our bodies and the outside world.
It would be a world where such devices could enhance our muscle power, or our senses, beyond the norm, and where we all take a daily cocktail of drugs to control our moods and performance.
Already, an electronic chip is being developed that could allow a paralysed patient to move a robotic limb just by thinking about it. As for drug manipulated moods, they're already with us - although so far only to a medically prescribed extent.
Of course, there are benefits from technical progress - but there are great dangers as well, and I believe that we are seeing some of those today.
But one vital fact I have learnt is that the brain is not the unchanging organ that we might imagine. It not only goes on developing, changing and, in some tragic cases, eventually deteriorating with age, it is also substantially shaped by what we do to it and by the experience of daily life. When I say "shaped", I'm not talking figuratively or metaphorically; I'm talking literally. At a microcellular level, the infinitely complex network of nerve cells that make up the constituent parts of the brain actually change in response to certain experiences and stimuli.
The brain, in other words, is malleable - not just in early childhood but right up to early adulthood, and, in certain instances, beyond. The surrounding environment has a huge impact both on the way our brains develop and how that brain is transformed into a unique human mind.
Of course, there's nothing new about that: human brains have been changing, adapting and developing in response to outside stimuli for centuries.
What prompted me to write my book is that the pace of change in the outside environment and in the development of new technologies has increased dramatically. This will affect our brains over the next 100 years in ways we might never have imagined.
Our brains are under the influence of an ever- expanding world of new technology: multichannel television, video games, MP3 players, the internet, wireless networks, Bluetooth links - the list goes on and on.
But our modern brains are also having to adapt to other 21st century intrusions, some of which, such as prescribed drugs like Ritalin and Prozac, are supposed to be of benefit, and some of which, such as widely available illegal drugs like cannabis and heroin, are not.
Electronic devices and pharmaceutical drugs all have an impact on the micro- cellular structure and complex biochemistry of our brains. And that, in turn, affects our personality, our behaviour and our characteristics. In short, the modern world could well be altering our human identity.
Three hundred years ago, our notions of human identity were vastly simpler: we were defined by the family we were born into and our position within that family. Social advancement was nigh on impossible and the concept of "individuality" took a back seat.
That only arrived with the Industrial Revolution, which for the first time offered rewards for initiative, ingenuity and ambition. Suddenly, people had their own life stories - ones which could be shaped by their own thoughts and actions. For the first time, individuals had a real sense of self.
But with our brains now under such widespread attack from the modern world, there's a danger that cherished sense of self could be diminished or even lost.
Anyone who doubts the malleability of the adult brain should consider a startling piece of research conducted at Harvard Medical School. There, a group of adult volunteers, none of whom could previously play the piano, were split into three groups.
The first group were taken into a room with a piano and given intensive piano practise for five days. The second group were taken into an identical room with an identical piano - but had nothing to do with the instrument at all.
And the third group were taken into an identical room with an identical piano and were then told that for the next five days they had to just imagine they were practising piano exercises.
The resultant brain scans were extraordinary. Not surprisingly, the brains of those who simply sat in the same room as the piano hadn't changed at all.
Equally unsurprising was the fact that those who had performed the piano exercises saw marked structural changes in the area of the brain associated with finger movement.
But what was truly astonishing was that the group who had merely imagined doing the piano exercises saw changes in brain structure that were almost as pronounced as those that had actually had lessons. "The power of imagination" is not a metaphor, it seems; it's real, and has a physical basis in your brain.
Alas, no neuroscientist can explain how the sort of changes that the Harvard experimenters reported at the micro-cellular level translate into changes in character, personality or behaviour. But we don't need to know that to realise that changes in brain structure and our higher thoughts and feelings are incontrovertibly linked.
What worries me is that if something as innocuous as imagining a piano lesson can bring about a visible physical change in brain structure, and therefore some presumably minor change in the way the aspiring player performs, what changes might long stints playing violent computer games bring about? That eternal teenage protest of 'it's only a game, Mum' certainly begins to ring alarmingly hollow.
Already, it's pretty clear that the screen-based, two dimensional world that so many teenagers - and a growing number of adults - choose to inhabit is producing changes in behaviour. Attention spans are shorter, personal communication skills are reduced and there's a marked reduction in the ability to think abstractly.
This games-driven generation interpret the world through screen-shaped eyes. It's almost as if something hasn't really happened until it's been posted on Facebook, Bebo or YouTube.
Add that to the huge amount of personal information now stored on the internet - births, marriages, telephone numbers, credit ratings, holiday pictures - and it's sometimes difficult to know where the boundaries of our individuality actually lie. Only one thing is certain: those boundaries are weakening.
And they could weaken further still if, and when, neurochip technology becomes more widely available. These tiny devices will take advantage of the discovery that nerve cells and silicon chips can happily co-exist, allowing an interface between the electronic world and the human body. One of my colleagues recently suggested that someone could be fitted with a cochlear implant (devices that convert sound waves into electronic impulses and enable the deaf to hear) and a skull-mounted micro- chip that converts brain waves into words (a prototype is under research).
Then, if both devices were connected to a wireless network, we really would have arrived at the point which science fiction writers have been getting excited about for years. Mind reading!
He was joking, but for how long the gag remains funny is far from clear.
Today's technology is already producing a marked shift in the way we think and behave, particularly among the young.
I mustn't, however, be too censorious, because what I'm talking about is pleasure. For some, pleasure means wine, women and song; for others, more recently, sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll; and for millions today, endless hours at the computer console.
But whatever your particular variety of pleasure (and energetic sport needs to be added to the list), it's long been accepted that 'pure' pleasure - that is to say, activity during which you truly "let yourself go" - was part of the diverse portfolio of normal human life. Until now, that is.
Now, coinciding with the moment when technology and pharmaceutical companies are finding ever more ways to have a direct influence on the human brain, pleasure is becoming the sole be-all and end-all of many lives, especially among the young.
We could be raising a hedonistic generation who live only in the thrill of the computer-generated moment, and are in distinct danger of detaching themselves from what the rest of us would consider the real world.
This is a trend that worries me profoundly. For as any alcoholic or drug addict will tell you, nobody can be trapped in the moment of pleasure forever. Sooner or later, you have to come down.
I'm certainly not saying all video games are addictive (as yet, there is not enough research to back that up), and I genuinely welcome the new generation of "brain-training" computer games aimed at keeping the little grey cells active for longer.
However, playing certain games can mimic addiction, and that the heaviest users of these games might soon begin to do a pretty good impersonation of an addict.
Throw in circumstantial evidence that links a sharp rise in diagnoses of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and the associated three-fold increase in Ritalin prescriptions over the past ten years with the boom in computer games and you have an immensely worrying scenario.
But we mustn't be too pessimistic about the future. It may sound frighteningly Orwellian, but there may be some potential advantages to be gained from our growing understanding of the human brain's tremendous plasticity. What if we could create an environment that would allow the brain to develop in a way that was seen to be of universal benefit?
I'm not convinced that scientists will ever find a way of manipulating the brain to make us all much cleverer (it would probably be cheaper and far more effective to manipulate the education system). And nor do I believe that we can somehow be made much happier - not, at least, without somehow anaesthetising ourselves against the sadness and misery that is part and parcel of the human condition.
When someone I love dies, I still want to be able to cry.
But I do, paradoxically, see potential in one particular direction. I think it possible that we might one day be able to harness outside stimuli in such a way that creativity - surely the ultimate expression of individuality - is actually boosted rather than diminished.
I am optimistic and excited by what future research will reveal into the workings of the human brain, and the extraordinary process by which it is translated into a uniquely individual mind.
But I'm also concerned that we seem to be so oblivious to the dangers that are already upon us.
Well, that debate must start now. Identity, the very essence of what it is to be human, is open to change - both good and bad. Our children, and certainly our grandchildren, will not thank us if we put off discussion much longer.
Influence of Gadgets on Teenagers
Whether we like it or not, electric appliances and gadgets have occupied a major position in our day to day lives. Though they were invented to make life better for us in the first place, it is an undeniable fact that many of the gadgets have a negative influence upon the quality of our lives in some ways. As we cannot live without them in this modern world and they are a necessary evil, we have to find ways to reduce the negative impact of those modern appliances. A gadget is a device or appliance having a unique purpose and function. At the time of invention, a gadget is often way ahead of its peers in terms of novelty and uniqueness. This is what makes them, so desirable and ‘cool’!
The top ten gadgets that changed the world are debatable. Nevertheless, popular choices would be the television, telephone, camera, movie camera, microwave oven, video cassette player and recorder, video gaming consoles, Sony’s Walkman, IBM’s personal computer or PC and the first cell phone released in 1996, by Motorola. The latest gadgets include superior versions of DVDs, smart phones, camcorders, laptops, iPods and iPhones, the Blackberry, PCs, computer notebooks, pedometers etc. The study done by Carnegie Mellon University found that spending one hour a week on the Net led to an average increase of 1 percent on depression scale, a loss of 2.7 members of the Net users’ social circle and increase of 0.4% on the loneliness scale.
For those who believe in the perils of the mobile phone, the fact that graver side-effects like cancer take years to show up after exposure to cell phone radiation is solely responsible for the free run of these gadgets. HI-tech gadgets created to supposedly reduce stress, often result in the opposite. Jarring ring tones, high-decibel tunes on iPods and headsets, as well as blaring music from the television’s pricey sound systems account for noise pollution, which in turn cause headaches.
Kids Get More Mileage out of Modern Gadgets
Kids are shunning traditional car games in favour of modern entertainment gadgets, according to the results of a nationwide test carried out by Pixmania.
In a study involving 28 families, covering over 22,000 miles of road and over 500 driving hours, the online retailer road-tested the entertainment value of traditional car games such as Eye Spy and 20 Questions against the latest gadgets including portable DVD players and the latest iPod Touch. The results of PIXmania’s ‘digital miles test’ revealed that modern entertainment gadgets are leading the way in keeping the kids amused, engaging children for over six times longer than the traditional car games.
The results of the tests come as record numbers of families are expected to hit the roads this summer as they shun international travel in the face of continued ash cloud disruption. The AA has predicted that over 15 million cars used UK roads over the last bank holiday weekend alone.
Families taking part in the test were required to keep a log over the course of three weeks of how long each game and gadget kept the kids entertained for. The iPod Touch and the Sony PSP were the most successful of the five gadgets put to the test. Both kept children occupied for an average of just over 3.5 hours or 201 miles – that’s an entire journey from London to Manchester.
Results for the SIGMATEK TV portable DVD player, reveal this popular piece of kit would ensure a peaceful car journey from London to Bristol, distracting children for just over 2 hours and a distance of 113 miles.
In 3rd place on the grid is the Nintendo DSi XL, which is revealed as perfect for journeys from London to Southampton, clocking up an average of 79 miles or over 1 hour 40 minutes of entertainment time. Recent sales figures reveal that 3 in 5 families in the UK now has a Nintendo DS console.
Netbooks came in 4th place, which, hugely popular with kids for being lightweight and cheaper than their laptop cousins, had an average distraction time of 1 hour 20 minutes. It’s equivalent to a journey of Cambridge to London. Apple’s 5th generation iPod, the Nano, came in last keeping kids entertained for an average of 45 minutes or 37 miles.
In comparison, the most successful traditional game, Eye Spy, kept children occupied for an average of 30 minutes, just about covering the journey from central London to the motorway! The entertainment value of this classic game was reduced by two thirds at 70 miles and hour, to an average of just 10 minutes, when objects became too fast to spot.
Other traditional games in the PIXmania road test, which included 20 Questions, the Alphabet game and the Number Plate game held the children’s attention for a mere average of 16 mins – the average time for travelling down London’s Oxford Street during rush hour! The Word Association game fared the worst causing arguing in the back seat on 8 in 10 occasions and lasting for as little as 5 minutes. Traditional games did however win the day on the rare sunny days, when sunshine obscured the screens of the likes of the DVD player and PSP.
Analysis of the records kept by families during times of heavy congestion on the roads also showed the modern gadgets way out ahead of the traditional games.
What is more apparent is that "savings" to teenagers is a pseudonym and what it really implies is technology fund. Manufacturers play to this, and where technology is undergoing huge modifications, and is taking new turns, teenagers have got more eager to own better than the best. While earlier, Xbox and PlayStation consoles were the thing they saved up money for, in today’s time of feature-packed Phablets and smartphone’s, their interest has also shifted to these gadgets. Also, the very fact that you don’t have to think up subtle ways to brag about the bulky gadgets sitting back in your den, just having uber-cool smartphones with you is a statement in itself, is another reason; teenagers divert their funds to buying such smartphones.
Teenagers are given money for miscellaneous expenses, daily college and school expenses like getting food at the canteen, and what about those who have moved away from home to study in better universities. They also have a regular, not necessarily generous flow of monthly funds from their folks. When money comes in, in large amounts, they get tempted to buy a pricey gadget, sacrificing on basic necessities, which would have otherwise been affordable but for that pricey gadget. Is the trouble worth it? They certainly think so, and the contentment coming from owning a latest fancy gadget leads them to shop for more, which gives way to a vicious cycle. This does not necessarily mean it’s bad. Looking at it positively, we may think it’s fanciful and outliving the means, however considering that it is a type of sacrifice and effort gone into understanding that if you want something, you have to forgo something else. This drive is sure to make them realize that hard work is what will pay for that expensive gadgetry.
It’s not like parents of teenagers are not bogged down with worry about the fact that they can’t be the typical doting parents who give their children what they desire. Parents take this very seriously and even seek professional help as to how to make boundaries and curb their teenagers’ expenditure while also not playing the role of a very stringent parent. Parents are even pressurized by them who demand for more money, giving only callous reasons, showing total disregard and irresponsibility. Once these teenagers are given into, they start to live in a false world where money source they think is never ending. This leaves kids to have a feeling of false entitlement. This attitude stems from the fact that they think parents ought to bend to their needs simply because they are dependent on them and simply because it’s their parents who brought them into the world. They also respond and treat parents differently when they are given what they want, leaving parents to have a moral dilemma about how to do damage control.
A sensible option is to shower teens with gifts as rewards, instead of as an answer to their demands. This will instill the right type of ambition in them, and make them work towards it. It’s a win-win situation for both. Parents have a duty to overcome pressure and convert this false sense of entitlement into something positive and make them see the world in the real sense.
A brief outline of how these gadgets and their hazards to health are described below:
Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs)
Almost all modern gadgets produce electromagnetic fields or EMFs, be they powered by electric, electronic or battery sources.
According to scientists, EMR (electromagnetic radiation) from EMFs, can be disruptive to the human body's own natural energy fields. Like x-rays, these waves are not blocked or weakened by objects in their way. They pass into our bodies upsetting normal cellular function and biological processes. EMR can cause headaches, tiredness and even immune system disorders. Scientists believe that appliances such as electric hair dryers, shavers and bedside digital alarms are more dangerous due to their proximity to the human head.
According to the World Health Organization, 'electronic smog', created by electricity is 'one of the most common and fastest growing environmental influences'. New evidence has linked 'electropollution' with a rise in cancer, birth defects, fibromyalgia, Alzheimer's disease, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, depression, learning disabilities and even Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.
Some persons like Kathleen Lucas, of Glasgow are so sensitive to electromagnetic fields that they are actually incapacitated by modern gadgets.
Lucas, 55, could not go anywhere near a microwave oven, cell phone, iPod, etc., without getting sick. Confined to her home for decades as a result of this, an EMF-shielding costume sold by an innovative company, Hitek, finally came to her rescue. The suit contained a silver thread, which helped conduct electricity away. For Lucas it was a lifeline from years of suffering with brain fog, digestive problems and extreme fatigue.
According to scientist and EMF expert, the late Dr. George Yao, the typical American is hit by electromagnetic radiation up to 200 million times more intense than what his ancestors absorbed from the sun, stars, and other natural sources.
Cell Phones- Can 'Fry Your Brains'
For those who believe in the perils of the mobile phone, the fact that graver side-effects like cancer take years to show up after exposure to cell phone radiation, is solely responsible for the free run of these gadgets.
A recent study by Finnish scientists found a 40 percent increase in the risks of brain tumor for those who use these phones for more than 10 years. The brain tumor was most likely to be located on the side of the head where the phone was held. In addition, a Swedish study has found that brain cells could be destroyed by mobile phone radiation, which means that the present generation of teenagers run the risk of going senile before their middle-age!
In India and the US, clinical trials have raised the possibility that men who use mobile phones very frequently have reduced sperm counts.
Obviously there is also some media hype on some of these issues. However there is no question about the ill-effects of EMF and especially the radiation released by cell phones and their effects on the brain of children. The scientists are to some extent underplaying its ill-effects. At present most scientists are agreeable that children under eight should not be permitted to use mobile phones; a warning sidestepped by most lawmakers.
Stress at Home, at Work
Hi-tech gadgets created to supposedly reduce stress, often result in the opposite. Jarring ring tones, high-decibel tunes on iPods and headsets, as well as blaring music from the television's pricey sound systems account for noise pollution, which in turn cause headaches and hearing loss.
Like the ear, the eye too gets hit badly by modern gadgets. Hours of computer work, or computer play such as games have created a boom time for optometrists and eye ware stores.
Slouching in front of the television or any screen for that matter, coupled with the continuous use of computer keyboards or phone keys for text messaging has brought about its own share of orthopedic problems.
All these problems result in bodies beginning to function less and less efficiently, in the process causing more stress.
Meanwhile, manufacturers are trying to create ergonomically better-designed gadgets which cause less health problems and which can accomplish more functions in a lesser time. Sadly, this ultimately backfires in the form of more workload per worker. More work translates into more sedentary lifestyle, less recreation and exercise and ultimately, more stress.
Safety Hazards
Modern gadgets come with many risks. As most are electrical or electronic, there are chances of electricity leaking causing minor shocks, burns and even electrocution. Faulty appliances can even set off electric fires. Toddlers with their inane curiosity are especially vulnerable to electric hazards.
Battery-operated devices such as mobiles phones can also be dangerous. A battery can overheat or explode resulting in third-degree burns or even start a fire. Nokia has recalled 46 million of the BL-5C batteries manufactured between December 2005 and November 2006 by the Matsushita Battery Industrial Co. Ltd for this very reason. They recorded approximately 100 incidents of over heating globally but reported no serious injuries or property damage.
Modern gadgets can also compromise road safety. Hi-tech gadgets or gizmos like iPods, iPhones and cell phones etc come with multimedia facilities. This means that users can jive to their favorite tunes, watch movies or even browse the Internet all while answering a call or even, driving. Unfortunately the human body may not always be that efficient. This multitasking can translate into car accidents or even distracted pedestrians walking right into oncoming traffic.
Social Repercussions
Gadgets like the Internet-enabled PC, satellite TV and mobile phone have created a unified international audience. Though the benefits are many, technology has grabbed its pound of flesh too.
For one, it is now easier for anti-social elements and crime to spread its tentacles. Anti-social lyrics in popular songs, which spill out of ear phones and headsets can subtly bring about a rise in racial differences and hate-crimes. The young, impressionable mind can get influenced by the lyrics and this can lead to alteration in their outlook and lifestyle. The hard rock and metal music is often criticized for this very reason.
The television, Internet and gaming consoles can leave their addicts strapped to the screens for countless hours, creating a host of personal and social problems. One such is loss of communication in families. In addition to the wave of consumerism and materialism created by hi-tech gadgets, the obsessive desire to possess these gadgets has boosted the incidents of thefts and crimes.
Gadget Disposal
Hi-tech gadgets have come with the added burden of their disposal. Modern appliances such as PCs, laptops, mobile phones, fax machines, TVs etc., dumped into landfills are creating mountains of electronic waste or e-waste. Every year 2.2 million PCs, 3 million fax machines and over 6.5 million telephones, both fixed and mobile are discarded.
Most of these devices contain lead, platinum and other heavy metals. They pollute the environment and create the increased risk to the health of all living organism as most of the pollutants creep into drinking water, crops and affect the food pyramid.
The search for safe and eco-friendly methods of e-waste disposal and recycling still remain one of the major challenge of the millennium.
Hazards to the Ecosystem
Humans are not the only victims of hi-tech gadgets, which modernization has let loose .One vivid example is the mysterious 'colony collapse' of honeybees rampant now in US and continental Europe. According to concerned scientists, clinical trials with mobile phone handsets have proved their theory that the radiation given off by hi-tech gadgets and cell phones disrupt the navigation systems of the honeybees. This would prevent the inhabitants of the hive from being able to return to it.
Now, what makes this ill effect of the modern gadget so scary is that bees are indispensable to the pollination of crops, and hence the production of food for human consumption. Albert Einstein once quoted "If the bees disappear, man would have only four years of life left'.
Lifestyle Disorders
Modern gadgets have quietly taken away the 'spring in our steps.' For one we hardly need to step-out for any of our wants and a modern fully equipped apartment can do away with almost any chore mentionable. As these gadgets lure us with more rest and less stress, we pay for it with lifestyle disorders such as obesity, diabetes, heart ailments, hypertension and infertility problems to name a few.
For in his attempt to create a more convenient world, man is unwittingly paying the highest price - his health.
Most human brains out there seems to have an addition to the cell radiation pulses, it seems so to me. I see people with cell phone in their ear for at least 4-5 hrs a day. Cheap call rates have further worsened the situation. For a large section of community mobile phone is still a necessity. Even if we know that mobile is a silent killer, we are helpless. We can never avoid mobiles but surely and must regulate the use of mobiles and take appropriate safety measures.
Health Hazards
1 .Cancer Risk : A recent study claims that the usage of mobile can heat up the fluid inside your brain and unfortunately you'll not notice any external heating effect because the waves emitted from mobile are in the natural frequency of the cerebral fluid. Also it is almost proved that Electromagnetic radiation from mobile can cause break in DNA and result in Cancer. WHO recommends to limit the usage of mobile to 6 minutes a day!!!
2. Blood Pressure : Though not proved ,experts observe that people using cell phones were prone to high blood pressure.
3. Pregnancy and Infertility: Mobile can affect the growth of embryo if used by pregnant women. A study at the University of Montpellier in France was carried out on 6000 chick embryos and suggested that the heavily exposed chick eggs were five times less likely to survive than the control group. Men who use mobile phones could be risking their fertility, warn researchers.
4. Headaches, Heating Effects, Fatigue: A study brought out that longer the people used mobile phones, the more likely they were to report symptoms such as hot ears, burning skin, headaches and fatigue.
5. Other: There are several other health problems which if I explain it's gonna take a whole day. Some of the confirmed problems are:
•Damage nerves in the scalp
•Cause blood cells to leak hemoglobin
•Cause memory loss and mental confusion
•Cause headaches and induce extreme fatigue
•Create joint pain, muscle spasms and tremors
•Create burning sensation and rash on the skin
•Alter the brain's electrical activity during sleep
•Induce ringing ! in the ears, impair sense of smell
•Precipitate cataracts, retina damage and eye cancer
•Open the blood-brain barrier to viruses and toxins
•Reduce the number and efficiency of white blood cells
•Stimulate asthma by producing histamine in mast cells
•Cause digestive problems and raise bad cholesterol levels
•Stress the endocrine system, especially pancreas, thyroid, ovaries, testes
Tips for Safe Mobile Usage
1. Use them only for emergency purpose. It is better to use hands free set.
2. A small chip-like cell phone microwave radiation protection device called Anti Radiation Mobile Chip is available, which has the ability to absorb large amount of electromagnetic energy waves from your mobile phone.Also take care to buy mobile phone with low radiation emission[SAR (Specific Absorption Rate)].
3. Don't do even texting frequently because it can create diseases like I pod Finger.
4.Don't put the cell phone in your pocket or belt while in use or while it is on. The body tissue in the lower body area has good conductivity and absorbs radiation more quickly than the head.
5.If using the phone without a headset, wait for the call to connect before placing the phone next to the ear.
6.Do not use the cell phone in enclosed metal spaces such as vehicles or elevators, where devices may use more power to establish connection. The metal enclosure also acts as a Faraday cage that traps the radiation and reflects it back onto the occupants.
7.Do not make a call when the signal strength is one bar or less, which means the phone must work harder to establish a connection.
The launching of internet was a major boost to the use of computers. Earlier they were used only for business or research purpose and now people started using it for entertainment.What this has meant is that many people are spending many hours on the computer at work and then again at home. Aftermath of this habit is quiet visible these days ; people are victims of computer related diseases. But healthy usage of computer can help us avoid diseases to an extent.
Common Computer Related Diseases
1.Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) : RSI originates due to unhealthy use of computers. In front of computers people often do only certain body movements, which is believed to be the cause of this disease. Symptoms of RSI are pain and malfunction, that pain occurs with exhaustion in the beginning and disappears with the cease of work, that in later time, the pain still exists even when resting and that the lightest work becomes hard to do.
2.Carpal Tunnel Syndrome :It's a disease that primarily occurs due to the injuries arising from force to median nerve found in the wrist.Basic symptoms are sudden pain in arms especially wrists, neck, shoulder or even body.In the end, it might result in being unable to grasp objects, evident impotence and weakness in the muscles controlled by the median nerve.
3. Computer vision syndrome(CVS) :Computer vision syndrome is excessive strain on eyes which is caused by working long hours in front of computer monitor or computer screen. When you concentrate on the computer monitor, the eye tends to blink less, this is an involuntary action and it results in drying up of the tears which acts a lubricant lining on the eye’s surface.Strain on the vision,Feeling tiredness and heaviness in the eyes,Discharge and watery eyes,Blurring of vision, Feeling irritation and redness in the eyes are common symptoms.
4. Exposure to Radiation : Computer's like most of other electronic devices emit various radiations.Long term exposure can lead to severe problems including sleeping disorders and can even increase cancer risk.
5. Pulmonary embolism: sitting in front of a computer without doing any movement might cause the lung veins to be congested and this is believed to be the cause of this disease.
6. Psychological Impact : Have you ever heard of Infornography, Blog streaking, Youtube-Narcissism, Facebook Impersonation, Google-Stalking,Cyberchondria,Photolurking,Wikipediholism ,Funny right? These are severe psychological ailments related with internet! Internet Addiction is something quiet common these days.
Some Tips of Usage of Computers
First whatever may be your mode of usage of computers there are certain things to take care like posture, exercises etc.First adjust your posture as shown in figure :
Seating : Opt for a chair that provides adequate support to your back, legs, buttocks, and arms. For example, an ideal chair for your workstation should have the following:
•1. Backrest that adjusts well to the natural curvature of your spine and provides necessary support.
•2. Comfortable seat that allows your feet to rest flat on the floor or a footrest that helps you adjust the height
•3.Soft armrests that allow your shoulders to relax and your elbows to stay close to your body.
Placement of frequently-used devices : frequently used devices should be placed at locations of your table that are easily accessible.Use a document holder for keeping papers than laying them flat.
Mouse Placement : Always try to keep mouse in the keyboard tray. It's always better to keep mouse at the same level of keyboard. Otherwise try any of these:
•A mouse platform positioned over the keyboard. This design allows the mouse to be used above the 10-key pad.
• A mouse tray next to the keyboard tray.
• A fingertip joystick attached to the keyboard.
• Pointing devices attached to the keyboard such as a touchpad.
• Point devices such as mouse that have the right size so that they fit the hand.
• Mouse-pad with a wrist rest.
Keyboard Placement : Don't keep keyboard either too high or too low
• Adjust the chair height and desk height to maintain a neutral body posture.
• Raise or lower the tilt of the keyboard to maintain straight, neutral wrist postures.
• If you are left-hand user, use an alternative left hand keyboard, which has the keypad permanently affixed to the left side.
Monitor Placement : Place the computer monitor at the recommended viewing distance and angle(refer 1st figure), adjusting it to the right clarity settings.
•Adjust your computer monitor to be directly in front of you with your head, neck, and torso facing the screen such that it is not farther than 35 degrees to the left or right.
•Give periodic rest to your eyes by looking at far-away objects. You must stop, look away and blink at regular intervals to give your eyes the necessary moisture. Other non-computer tasks such as filing, phone work, etc., can help your eyes take the needed break from the stress.
Exercises : Do not sit in a posture for more than an hour. Lean forward, cross your arms in front of you, hold your knees, and push your knees apart, keeping your hands on them. Make sure you move your hands, legs, back, and neck every 10 minutes throughout the day. Get up and take short walks from your workstation periodically. Drink plenty of water. You can try Some of the exercises shown below !
I pods are so common that nowadays even kids own I pods. Even people having knowledge about PC, Mobile and their health risks are unaware of risks due to relatively harmless I pod. If you are one of the millions of I pod users out there, you're probably reading this with your ear buds in. Take them out even if only for a few minutes while you read this article.
Health Risks
1. Hearing loss : Hearing loss is very common among I pod users because most of them tend to use I pods at maximum volume. It's better to use I pods at low volume and avoid them while exercising. Besides Hearing loss severe headaches are also a common ailment.
2. Infection : Ear buds of I pods are found to cause ear infection especially when they are untidy or shared among several people.
3. I pod Finger : Handheld music machines are extremely popular and users are constantly using small, difficult buttons with the same finger in a repetitive motion. Anecdotal evidence from GPs shows that I Pod finger is similar to the pain sometimes caused by excessive text messaging on mobile phones, or by playing video-games too vigorously.
Tips For Healthy Usage
1. Limit Ipod usage to a requisite extent and always use them on medium volume especially if you use them regularly. Better use earbuds that does not make contact with inner parts of ear.
2. Better don't share your earbuds and always keep them clean.
Every one including myself would love to own a Laptop and i guess some of you owns one,right? Portability is usually the first feature mentioned in any comparison of laptops versus desktop PCs. Portability means that a laptop can be used in many places—not only at home and at the office, but also during commuting and flights, in coffee shops, in lecture halls and libraries, at clients' location or at a meeting room, etc.Portability and small size had indeed played a big role in widespread acceptance of laptops.
Unfortunately, the laptop’s compact design, with attached screen and keyboard,forces laptop users into awkward postures. When the screen is at the right height, the keyboard position is too high; and when the keyboard is at the right height, the screen is too low. Laptops if used for short periods does rarely rise health risks.But we see that many people use them continuously.So healthy habits are essential for laptop usage as well :-)
Health Risks
1. Computer related diseases : Laptops often cause almost all computer related diseases like RSI, CVS, exposure to radiation, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and many more. Read Healthy Computer Usage : Tips while Using Computers to know more about computer related diseases.
2. Infertility : Using Laptops on lap can lead to infertility. A rise in temperature by 1 degree Celsius in the sac surrounding the testicles, known as the scrotum, leads to a decrease of synthesis of normal healthy sperm by 40%.
3. Burns : Using laptops on lap can lead to burns as well. A condition known as toasted leg syndrome was diagnosed in a 12 year old boy who used his laptop to play games became the 10th reported case in the past six years. This condition was common earlier this century from sitting too close to the fireplace.
4.Eye disorders : Too much brightness or light from another source reflecting on the screen into your eyes can be harmful to the retina. The eyes need rests and the lenses inside them have to relax after stretching. When using laptops or computers in general, the muscles that control the lenses remain in a static position depending on the number of hours you stare at the screen.
5.Cancer risk : laptops increase cancer risk more than PC's because we often don't keep distance between us and laptop like in the case of PC. More exposure to radiation naturally increases cancer risk.
Health Tips
1. Modify your laptop : If you are using your laptop for long hours(for eg. work) you need to modify your laptop. Buy a new mouse and keyboard and connect it to laptop. This is because laptop keyboard and track pad are found to create lot of health problems including RSI and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. You can also modify your laptop as shown in picture with a triangular stand. A laptop cooling pad will be good choice.
2. Mode of use : Though the name 'Laptop' suggest you to use it on your lap, never do it.The heat that a laptop produces can do internal damage to your legs with long-term direct contact. Instead, set the laptop on a stable surface like a table.A laptop stand will make it better.
3. Posture : While typing, we tend to hunch over to get your face closer to the screen. Your back should be straight with your head centered above your shoulders. The best place to position your keyboard is level with your elbows as your arms are positioned where they're most comfortable. If necessary, place a pillow or cushion underneath your forearms for additional comfort.
•Position the keyboard at elbow height, and keep you wrists straight while keying.
•Experiment with table and chair height as well as keyboard angle to maintain neutral wrist positions.
•Keep your head and neck in a relaxed posture; avoid excessive neck flexion or rotation.
•If you have to raise your chair, use a footrest to support your feet. When seated your hips should be slightly higher than your knees.
4. Adjust Your Screen : A good way to avoid eyestrain and glare is to position your screen perpendicular to your line of sight. Place the Laptop on a stand, book or other surface that raises it to a height that you can see the screen without having to bend or rotate your neck. Clean off your laptop screen regularly with a proper cleaning fluids.
5. Exercises : As i explained in the post Healthy Computer Usage : Tips while Using Computers exercises are very important .
6. Carrying Laptop : Always carry Laptop on a backpack and don't overload it with unnecessary things.
If you are one of billions of gamers out there read this post with care because you may consider stop gaming at all!!! Video gamers are vulnerable all computer related problems. Often many gamers aren't using computers in proper posture. Psychological impacts are well visible in gamers. Oldies say you judge a person by his friends but now I think it's better to analyze a person by the type of games he plays!
After all gaming is not a sin. Many games develop Spatial awareness, Iconic skills (reading images or diagrams),visual attention skills (such as keeping track of various objects at the same time),Attention span in children with attention problems. What that matters is the type of game you play!!
Health Issues
1. Musculoskeletal problems: Gamers Often Suffer from pain in the hands and wrists, back and neck. Ergonomic measures could improve postural problems associated with video game playing. Overuse injuries to the hand can be caused by repeatedly pressing buttons on a computer or video game controller
2. Skin problems: Nintendinitis, tendon injuries (tendinosis) of the hands and wrists in Nintendo players has been associated with skin ulceration.
3. Obesity: Often TV is associated with Obesity .But since gaming is also sedative it causes Obesity.
4. Eyestrain: Eyes that are focused at the same distance point for lengthy periods of time become fatigued. Symptoms include blurry vision and headache
5. Photosensitive epileptic seizures: Photosensitive epilepsy is a relatively rare condition characterised by seizures in response to flickering light. A very small percentage of electronic game players may be sensitive to some games that feature rapidly flashing graphics.
Prevention Tips
1. Make sure your child sits at least one metre back from the screen. Also adjust the screen resolution so that it does least strain to eye. Make sure the screen is adjusted properly for contrast and brightness.
2. Set time limit for gaming and take regular breaks.
3. Use an ergonomic chair if possible.
4. Make sure that you don't play games with fast moving screens and lot of violence. They can alter your mental health.
5. Using unnecessary force increases the risk of overuse, so push the buttons and other controls as gently as you can.
6. If you are a regular gamer do regular exercise as well.
Note : Repetitive content is avoided so we recommend you to read Healthy Computer Usage : Tips while Using Computers and Are you using your laptop unsafely?
The aim of my work was to find out , what kind of gadgets are available for my schoolmates, how often they use them and whether they know about their harmful influence on health. I have lead the following questionnaire and have seen following results.
1) Какие устройства есть в Вашей семье? (подчеркни нужное)
А) ноутбук -46 Б) смартфон- 45 В) планшет-31 Г) Ipod-8 Д) цифровой фотоаппарат-66 Е) интернет-68 Ё) пылесос-67 Ж) телевизор LED или Smart -38 З) посудомоечная машина-7 И) стиральная машина-автомат-29
2) Каким мобильным устройством ты пользуешься ежедневно ?
А) мобильник с кнопками-21 Б) смартфон-45 В) Ipod -3 Г) Iphone-9
3) Выходишь ли ты с него в интернет? А) да-49 Б) нет-18
4) Сколько времени ты тратишь на разговоры по сотовой связи?
А) 5-10 мин 42 Б) 20-30 13 В) час и более 8 Г) не знаю точно, много 10
5) Отправляешь ли ты SMS по телефону? А) да -65 Б) нет -6
6) Сколько SMS сообщений ты посылаешь в день?
А) 1-5 26 Б) 5-10 10 В) много 11 Г) не считаю 23
7) Сколько времени ты тратишь на интернет (общение в социальных сетях)?
А) 30 мин-час 31 Б) 2-3 часа 20 В) 4-6 часов Г) много, не считаю 14
8) Пытался ли ты посчитать, сколько денег в месяц уходит на мобильную связь и интернет. А) да 19 Б) нет 47
9) Как ты считаешь, вредны ли современные устройства (мобильники, планшеты, ноутбуки) для здоровья? А) да 48 Б) нет 25
10) Как ты думаешь, на что может влиять чрезмерное увлечение этими гаджетами?
А) на зрение 61 Б) на позвоночник 19 В) на состояние кожи 8 Г) на сердечно-сосудистую систему 8 Д) на нервную систему 43 Е) на мозг 37 Ё) на репродуктивную систему 13
11) Что является источником радиочастотных электрических полей?
А) радио 19 Б) телевизор 29 В) микроволновая печь 25
Г) сотовый телефон 49 Д) Wi-Fi 13
12) Согласен ли ты, что длительное использование мобильных телефонов может вызвать ухудшение памяти, снижение внимания и умственных способностей, раздражительность, нарушение сна, опухоли центральной нервной системы, депрессивный синдром?
А) Да 56 Б) нет 18
13) Считаешь ли ты себя зависимым от мобильной связи и интернета? А) да 12 Б) нет 60
14) Сколько времени ты проводишь за компьютерными играми?
А) 30 мин – 1 час 21 Б) 1,5-2 часа 11 В) 3-4 часа 5 Г) много, не считаю 4 Д) не играю 31
15) Считаешь ли ты, что виртуальный мир и интернет с социальными сетями важнее для тебя, чем «живое» общение? А) Да 1 Б) нет 72
1) What devices are in your family?
Notebook -46 smartphone -45 tablet-31 Ipod-8 the digital camera-6 the Internet-68 a vacuum cleaner-67 TV LED or Smart-38
the dishwashing machine-7 the washing machine -29
2) What kind of mobile devices do you use daily?
Mobile phone with buttons-21 smartphone-45 Ipod-3 Iphone-9
3) Do you surf the Internet from it? yes-49 no-18
4) How much time do you spend for conversations on cellular communication?
1) 5-10 mines 42 2)20-30 13 3) hour and more 8
4) I don’t know exactly, a lot of 10
5) Do you Send SMS by phone? yes-65 no-6
6) How many SMS messages do you send daily?
1)1-5 26 2) 5-10 10 3) lots of - 11 4) I don’t count - 23
7) How much time do you spend for the Internet (on social networks)?
1)30 min- an hour 31 2) 2-3 hours 20 3) 4-6 hours 6 4) I do not count 14
8) Did you try to count how much money in a month you spend on networking and the Internet in a month?
Yes-19 no-47
9) How do you think whether (mobile phones, tablets, notebooks) modern devices are harmful to health? Yes- 48 No-25
10) How do you think what these gadgets can influence on?
1) On sight 61 2) on a backbone 19 3)on a condition of a leather(skin) 8 4) on cardiovascular system 8 5) on nervous system 43 6)on a brain 37 7) on reproductive system 13
11) What is a source of radio-frequency electric fields?
1) Radio 19 2)TV 29 3)microwave 25 4)cellular telephone 49 5)Wi-Fi 13
12) Do you agree that long usage of mobile phones can cause memory impairment, decreasing attention and mental faculties, irritability, infringement of a dream, a tumour of the central nervous system, a depressive syndrome?
1)Yes 56 2) No-18
13) Are you addicted to mobile communication and the Internet?
1) Yes 12 2) No-60
14) How much time do you spend on computer games?
1)30 mines - 1 hour 21 2) 1,5-2 hours 11 3) 3-4 hours 5 4) lots of, I do not count 4
5) I do not play 31
15) Do you think that the virtual world and the Internet with social networks is more important for you, than "alive" dialogue? 1)Yes 1 2) No-72
As you can see, all my schoolmates have modern gadgets , but they spend a lot of time and money on phone calls and the Internet. They guess, that it can be unhealthy, but they do not know the tip of safe dialogue on mobile devices. And with this purpose I have distributed everyone the list with the rules of mobile safety. They are:
1. Use them only for emergency purpose. It is better to use hands free set.
2. Don't do even texting frequently.
3. Don't put the cell phone in your pocket or belt while in use or while it is on. .
4. If using the phone without a headset, wait for the call to connect before placing the phone next to the ear.
5. Do not use the cell phone in enclosed metal spaces such as vehicles or elevators
6. Do not make a call when the signal strength is one bar or less, which means the phone must work harder to establish a connection.
Because Modern Gadgets Can:
•Damage nerves in the scalp
•Cause blood cells to leak hemoglobin
•Cause memory loss and mental confusion
•Cause headaches and induce extreme fatigue
•Create joint pain, muscle spasms and tremors
•Create burning sensation and rash on the skin
•Alter the brain's electrical activity during sleep
•Induce ringing ! in the ears, impair sense of smell
•Precipitate cataracts, retina damage and eye cancer
•Open the blood-brain barrier to viruses and toxins
•Reduce the number and efficiency of white blood cells
•Stimulate asthma by producing histamine in mast cells
•Cause digestive problems and raise bad cholesterol levels
•Stress the endocrine system, especially pancreas, thyroid, ovaries, testes
Addiction to modern day gadgets is seriously a big issue that needs to be addressed. Gadgets and technology are boon to us, but it should be used moderately by our younger generation or else the day is not far when we will only interact with each other using technology and gadgets.
‘I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of IDIOTS.’--Einstein
Was Einstein right??
1) Английский язык: 350 текстов, диалогов и упражнений по английскому языку для развития навыков устной речи / Е. М. Базанова, Т. С. Путиловская. – М.: Дрофа, 2000. – 480 с.: ил. – (Большая библиотека «Дрофы»).
2) Брюсова Н. Г., Лебедева Н. А. Английский язык: Устные темы для развития разговорной речи. 6-9 классы. – М.: Дрофа, 2000. – 336 с.: ил. – (Дидактические материалы).
3) Кубарьков Г. Л., Тимощук В. А. 1000. Сборник новых тем современного английского языка. – Москва: ЗАО «БАО – Пресс», 2004. – 1184 с.
4) Синельникова М. В. Разговорные темы по английскому языку для вступительных экзаменов = English conversational topics for entrance examinations / М. В. Синельникова. – Ь.: АСТ; СПб: Владимир: ВКТ, 2009. – 343с.
5) Электронные ресурсы:
a) http: //brainia.com.
b) http://essaydepot.com.
Чем пахнут ремёсла? Джанни Родари
Твёрдое - мягкое
Горячо - холодно
Акварель + трафарет = ?