Мультимедийная презентация по теме: "Системы организма человека" сответствует рабочей программе. Данная М\м презентация полностью описывает все системы организма человека, называет основные органы и функции. Работа иллюстрирована и имеет проверочный материал по данной теме с ключами. Данная презентация может быть использована на занятиях английского языка по теме "Системы организма человека" преподавателями и студентами. Желаю успеха в освоении материала!
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Слайд 1
ГБПОУ ДЗМ «МК №6» The systems of the human body Подготовила: Студентка 215 группы Карпенко Екатерина Преподаватель: Пчёлина Л.Г. г . Москва, 2017 г.Слайд 2
What is a human body system? A system of human body means a collective functional unit made by several organs in which the organs work in complete coordination with one another.
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Human body is made of 12 different systems. All the systems require support and coordination of other systems to form a living and healthy human body.
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Circulatory system Major components - heart, blood, vessels, lymph structures, bone marrow. Function - transports oxygen and nutrients; exchanges carbon dioxide for oxygen; removes wastes; maintains salt, water and pH balance in tissues.
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Lymphatic system Major components – thymus, thoracic dust, lymph nodes, spleen , lymph vessels. Function – returns excess tissue fluid to the blood; defends against disease; absorbs lipids from the digestive system.
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Digestive system Major components - mouth, salivary glands, esophagus, stomach, large and small intestines, liver, pancreas, gallbladder, rectum. Function - digests and makes food useable as building materials and source of energy; eliminates non-usable materials.
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Major components - hypothalamus , pituitary, pineal, adrenal, thyroid and parathyroid glands, ovaries, testes, pancreas. F unction - regulates the body chemistry, with the nervous system, maintains integration and control of body functions. E ndocrine system
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Major components - skin , including sweat glands, hair, nails, sebaceous glands . Function - covers and protects body; helps regulate body temperature; receives outside stimuli. Integumentary system
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Major components - skeletal, cardiac and smooth muscles. Function - body movements, voluntary and involuntary. M uscular system
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Major components - brain, spinal cord, nerves, sense organs: eyes, ears, nose, mouth. Function - monitors and with the endocrine system regulates body activities : receives, processes, and reacts to stimuli. Nervous system
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Major components - Female: ovaries, uterus, vagina. Male: testes, penis, prostate gland, vas deferens . Function - r eproduction , secondary sex characteristics . Reproductive system
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Major components - lungs , trachea, bronchi, diaphragm, larynx, pharynx, oral and nasal cavities. Function - exchanges carbon dioxide for oxygen and excretes carbon dioxide, enables speech. Respiratory system
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Major components - bones, cartilage, ligaments. Function - provides body framework; protects and supports some organs: with muscles provides for movement; forms blood cells. Skeletal system
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Major components - kidney, bladder, ureter, urethra. Function - eliminates metabolic wastes; with endocrine system regulates blood chemistry. Urinary system
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Function - protecting the body from harmful and toxic factors. Immune system
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Task 1 . What are the organs shown in the pictures? T he questions on this topic
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Task 2 . Insert the missing letters. 1 . ves_els ; 2. he _ rt ; 3. l _ ver ; 4. intest _ nes ; 5. blo _ d ; 6. ey _ s ; 7. _ terus ; 8. l _ ngs ; 9. kidn _ y ; 10. blad _ er .
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The answer Task 1 1 . Heart ; 2. Liver ; 3. Stomach ; 4. L ungs ; 5. I ntestines ; 6. K idneys . Task 2 1. Ves s els ; 2 . He a rt ; 3 . L i ver ; 4 . Intest i nes ; 5 . Blo o d ; 6 . Ey e s ; 7 . U terus ; 8 . L u ngs ; 9 . Kidn e y ; 10 . Blad d er .
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Task 3 . Find conformity. SYSTEM MAJOR COMPONENTS 1. Circulatory 2 . Respiratory 3 . Digestive 4 . Reproductive 5 . Integumentary Mouth , salivary glands, esophagus, stomach, large and small intestines, liver, pancreas, gallbladder, rectum . Skin , including sweat glands, hair, nails, sebaceous glands. Female: ovaries, uterus, vagina. Male: testes, penis, prostate gland, vas deferens . Heart , blood, vessels, lymph structures, bone marrow. Lungs , trachea, bronchi, diaphragm, larynx, pharynx, oral and nasal cavities.
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The answer SYSTEM MAJOR COMPONENTS 1. Circulatory 2 . Respiratory 3 . Digestive 4 . Reproductive 5 . Integumentary Mouth , salivary glands, esophagus, stomach, large and small intestines, liver, pancreas, gallbladder, rectum . Skin , including sweat glands, hair, nails, sebaceous glands. Female: ovaries, uterus, vagina. Male: testes, penis, prostate gland, vas deferens . Heart , blood, vessels, lymph structures, bone marrow. Lungs , trachea, bronchi, diaphragm, larynx, pharynx, oral and nasal cavities.
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Task 4 . Translate Russian to English words. 1. Сердце - _____ ; 2. П ечень - _____ ; 3. Лёгкие - _____ ; 4. Почки - _____ ; 5. Кровь - _____ ; 6. Желудок - _____ ; 7. Кишечник - _____ ; 8. Матка - _____ ; 9. Трахея - _____ ; 10 . Пищевод - _____ .
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Task 5 . Sign the names in English
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The answer Task 4 1. Heart ; 2 . Liver ; 3 . Light; 4. Kidney ; 5 . Blood ; 6 . Stomach; 7. Intestine ; 8 . Uterus ; 9 . Trachea ; 10 . Esophagus . Task 5 1. Esophagus. 2. Liver. 3. Spleen. 4. Stomach. 5. Gall bladder. 6. Intestine.
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