Презентация на английском языке об играх для детей дошкольного возраста, выполнена обучающейся 3 курса школьно-дошкольного отделения ГБПОУ Самарской области "Самарский социально-педагогический колледж".
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Games for preschool children Veronika Acheva Group 30 Samara Social and Teacher Training CollegeСлайд 2
«Cat-and-mouse» With nursery rhymes selected "cat" and "mouse". The child chosen to be "cat", gets a toy cat and says "I am a cat"; the child who became the "mouse" gets a toy mouse and says "I am a mouse". Children hold hands and dance in a circle around the "mouse" with the words: Little mouse, little mouse, Run, run to your house! One, two, three, four, Don’t forget to shut the door! At this time the cat was standing nearby, outside the circle. After "Don't forget to shut the door!" a mouse runs out of the circle and the "cat" tries to catch her. 3 times "mouse" has the right to hide for a while in the center of the circle, where the "cat" entry is prohibited. For children at the age of four or five.
Слайд 4
«Hot — с old» Before the game rhymes is chosen by the child, who later will "search". Before he walked out the door, the teacher shows the children a toy they will hide, and asks: "What is it?" "It's a... (cat)" say the children. You can ask more questions if they need to repeat ("it... (the cat)?", "It's a... (cat) or (dog)?", "What color is... (the cat)?"). After the children became acquainted with the toy, the child selected by rhyme, out the door. Child (knocking). Knock-knock-knock! Children. Who's there? Child. It's me, Sasha. Can I come in? Children. Yes, you can. Come in, please! The child comes into the room. Children are invited to the middle of the hall: "Come here, please". Now he can choose 4 areas of search and to take 3 steps in any of them. Children count: "One, two, three" — and if the direction is wrong, added: " Іt is cold". The child returns to the middle and chooses the next direction. If it is chosen correctly, the children after the three steps, saying: "It is warm". If the child has reached the hidden toy, children utter the phrase "It is hot". The command to search is the word "seek". For children at the age of five or six.
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« Loviski » Goal: to develop agility, speed. The game: using counting select loviska . He stands in the middle of the room. Children stand in one side. At the signal the children run across to the other side, and loviska trying to catch them. Caught became l o viska . In the end, choose the most nimble loviska . For children at the age of five or six.
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« The sun and the rain » When the teacher says the word: « sun » children walking, running, playing. However if the teacher says the word: « rain » of the children running to hide under the umbrellas. For children at the age of three or four.
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« Vegetable or fruit » Children stand in a circle or on the line. In the center of the circle or in front of the line stands the teacher with a large ball in his hands. This game can lead someone from children. The teacher throws the ball to each child in turn, naming the vegetable or fruit, for example: Teacher: a carrots. Child: Vegetables (catches the ball and throws it back) . Teacher: a cabbage. Child: Vegetables (catches the ball and throws it back) . Teacher: An Orange. Child: Fruit (catches the ball and throws it back) . Teacher: a grapes. Child: Fruit (catches the ball and throws it back) . Teacher: a pineapple. Child: Fruit (catches the ball and throws it back) . Teacher: a cucumbers. Child: Vegetables (catches the ball and throws it back) . Teacher: a potatoes. Child: Vegetables (catches the ball and throws it back) . Teacher: a pear. Child: Fruit (catches the ball and throws it back) .Observed children who never made a mistake. For children at the age of four or five.
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The list of sources https://vscolu.ru/articles/igry-na-anglijskom-yazyke-dlya-doshkolnikov-i-mladshix-shkolnikov.html https://yandex.ru/images/search?text= игры%20дошкольников& lr =51 http://nsportal.ru/detskiy-sad/zdorovyy-obraz-zhizni/2016/01/10/kartoteka-podvizhnyh-igr-dlya-doshkolnikov https://infourok.ru/kartoteka-podvizhnih-igr-dlya-doshkolnikov-1194563.html http://ped-kopilka.ru/blogs/kozlova-oksana/kartoteka-malopodvizhnyh-igr-dlja-starshih-doshkolnikov.html
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