Монархическая форма правления- весьма древняя форма правления. В последнее время отмечается интерес к судьбам европейских династий. Это связано, видимо, с желанием по-новому осмыслить прошлое, понять, что двигало историю, какие силы определяли её развитие. Цель работы- рассмотреть институт монархии в Европе.
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The advantages of the monarchy as form of government Savinova Maria 9 classСлайд 2
From the point of view of state law researchers of the Soviet period, the monarchy in Russia was absolute. It is a form of government in which the Supreme power of state by law, belongs entirely to one person. According to the formula Petrovsky Military regulations — " the autocratic monarch, who no one in the world about their Affairs, the answer should not”.
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The main feature of the absolute monarchy is the absence of any state authorities, limiting the competence of the monarch. But the lack of institutions does not necessarily mean the absence of limitations. So the Russian tsars and Emperors were obliged to belong to the Orthodox Church. False Dmitri was overthrown after his opponents have circulated in Moscow of hearing that Christianity is replaced by Catholicism. An example of the successful use of political technologies. The Empress Elizabeth, being born out of wedlock was provenzana (carrying veil for their parents). In the case of omission of this ceremony, she could not take the throne.
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The difference between the classical monarchies of the ancient and modern monarchies: the European monarchy of today do not have religious legitimacy, that is, the principle that faith is a personal matter and separate from politics.
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Types of modern monarchies: the monarchy in our time should be divided into types on the basis of religion, namely: monarchy of Christianized countries Muslim monarchy The difference between them is that a constitutional or parliamentary status of the monarchy of European countries shows that the religious factor from politics is resolved, that is, de facto, the monarchy is secular in nature, from a monarchy fixed its religious meaning, or rather the monarchy is removed from its religious context.To clarify, below is an analogy of programming.In order for the program to work properly, it needs the operating environment.The religious context is the operating environment for the monarchy.
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The monarchy is removed from its religious context, as the program learned from its operating environment can't function, that is, becomes inoperable, and therefore the restriction of functions monarchs in European countries is natural. Why the monarch's powers if the program is not working?And in the Muslim world, the religious factor has on policy significant influence and where the monarchy is in its natural position. From this it follows that monarchy is a concentrated expression of Orthodoxy (Russia), Islam (the Islamic world) Protestantism (Protestant countries) and Catholicism (the Vatican).Removing the religious factor from politics of European countries, shows the drop in the level of religiosity of the population. As you know recently, Switzerland has become the third country in the world where legalized marriages between persons of the same sex. Thus we come to the conclusion that Oswald Spengler had every reason to write his book – the decline of Europe.
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1. Monarchy is best provided by unity of government, and from the unity government derives its power. With unity of power is also its strength. We have already noted that the state did not arise because of the presence of a joint will, which refutes, in particular, the theory of the social contract, posited at the basis of democratic doctrines, but because of turmoil and warfare – the war of all against all. Monarchy, founded on the unity of the will of the king, allows the best way to balance the divergent aspirations of the people. It is devoid of such internal conflicts, as an inevitable confrontation between the factions in the Parliament under the Republic, it is able to completely send the entire force in favor of the most correct decisions, balancing the mental scales of social life.
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2. The monarchy, by the independence of his spirit uninvolved parties. The monarch stands above private interests; for him, all classes, estates, parties are exactly the same. He is in the attitude of the people is not a person but an idea. Because of its edinolichnoe – time, because of its supremacy – two, in virtue of its spirituality – three, the monarchy is above social movements and trends, it is independent from political groups: the monarch's power from God, and the monarch is not dependent on the will of politicians, oligarchs and clans. He rules according to his belief for the good of the Fatherland, guided only by the will of God.For this reason the Empress Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna said in an interview: "the Main advantage of the monarchy - the hereditary independence of the Supreme power of the parties, the money bags from any private interests. Because of this the monarch could be representative of the whole nation, to carry out the arbitration, to resolve conflicts, to reconcile the contradictions".It is also important that the monarch for the people not a person but an idea. Human flaws are hidden by the chapel of sacred authority. Figuratively speaking, the human is concealed by the mantle, but because of the monarch see the head of state, not a man from a neighboring apartment, who temporarily moved to the Kremlin. The monarchy is therefore not possible scandals discrediting the government.
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3. The monarchy provides the best order. The monarch is the most fair arbitrator of social conflicts.Being a moral authority in obshestve , the monarch is able to act as arbitrator in social conflicts. Recall, for example, as his courageous stance overcame a coup attempt in 1981, the Spanish King Juan Carlos I.Standing above all social groups, the monarch is not bound by their interest, and his self-interest is inseparably connected with the General interest of the people why he, more than both of the conflicting sides is interested in a compromise, mutually advantageous solution of social contradictions. After all, the monarch is interested in the common good, like no other, for the stability of the throne of his heir directly dependent on the absence of political conflicts in society, threatening a coup.
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4. No form of government more suitable to make major transformations than the monarchy. The monarchy, once again, is the power acinonychinae . Of course, that such power, concentrating power, it is easier to hold a welcome-if painful reforms. Republican policies it will never go for it, being not only beneficial, but necessary in the long term, unpopular in the short term, that is, election. For the sake of populism and grandiose promises of Republican politicians are willing to sacrifice the future of the country. This clearly demonstrates to us the ruling class of France today: economic decline requires attack on excessive social benefits, requires to consider not only the position of the trade unions, but also employers. Because of the high tax capital leaving France and the country withers. But under the pressure of public opinion, the government of Jacques Wide and decided not to bring reforms to end what can be called the beginning of the end of the French state.The monarch, unlike the politician, not affiliated with a four-year term of office, he's not responsible for his actions before his subjects, and therefore can reason positions with greater expediency. Therefore become possible radical reforms of Ivan IV the terrible, turning the fiefdoms into a single organism, of Peter the Great, who introduced in the Russian house of European technique, Catherine II the great, streamlined life estates Liberator Alexander II that transformed Russia.
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5 . Fatal benefits of a monarchy over a Republic: combining monarchies exist in the form of personal or real uny . Common to both forms is that they arise as a result of coincidence of the monarchs of two or more States in one person. .
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Real Uny : occurs as a result of the agreement of the States in which they have a common monarch. The actual members of the Uny are independent of each other, and the connection does not limit their sovereignty. There is no common territory, no unified allegiance, no common laws, General Finance, etc. Presenting on the merits of an international legal agreement, it has significance mainly in the field of external relations, acting as a military Alliance, as the bearer of a common foreign policy, etc. Real Uny appear only in the New time, because assume developed monarchical order and formed the unity of the state. From a political point of view, they very often are the result of aspirations to establish a unified state. Was a real Uny between Norway and Sweden (1815), Austria-Hungary. Real Uny ends either through the transformation into a single state, either due to the enlargement due to the fact that in numbers the Uny of the States, the crown goes to other monarchs, constitutional or otherwise
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Personal Uny : has the basis of a random, unintentional match independent from each other the rights of the crown in several States on the basis of different orders of succession. It continues as long as these different powers personified in one person. As soon as by law the crown is again transferred to others, the personal Uny immediately terminated. So, in the XIX century stopped the personal Uny between Britain and Hanover in 1837, between the Netherlands and Luxembourg in 1983. due to the differences in systems of succession - cognatically in the UK and the Netherlands and agnatically in Hannover, and Luxembourg. In this case the first two States to the throne joined women in the other two States were excluded from the succession. The political significance of personal uny : can be significant and lead to a full merger of different countries (Castile and Aragon, England and Scotland, etc.). Among the States, United by a common monarch, the impossible war. And in this fatal advantage of monarchy over republics.This way of preventing wars, very consistent with the principles of humanism and promotes realizatsii commandment: thou shalt not kill.
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6 . Christian meaning of dynastic marriages: the people create the state.States have interests, foreign including.Sometimes , when States with opposing interests are unable to agree, the war begins.A dynastic marriage, in most cases, eliminates the war.An arranged marriage, misery of the sides is one side of the coin.War , death of millions of people, their relatives grief is the other side of the coin.So two sacrifice themselves for the good of the majority.As stated in the New Testament ”there is no higher love than that a man lay down his life for his friends.”Because the monarchy is the most humane and saving the people form of government. And Republican States are deprived of such benefits. Only the monarchy as a form of government that has religious legitimacy.
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7. Major personalities exactly the easiest to show to the public their high quality is in monarchy . Monarch, not the associated group, caste interests, is compelled to seek and find in society are talented professionals and bring them to his closest advisers. Unlike the authorities of the Republic, bound by the shackles of nepotism and factionalism. The monarch, unlike the President, needed not the contractor, but the counselor, the doer, the one who creatively will implement and bring to life the common destiny of the monarch's will. It is not difficult to find in history to confirm this postulate. Just look at the reign, at least Catherine the great: Prince Potemkin, Prince Rumyantsev , Ushakov , count, count Razumovsky , count Orlov , Prince Bezborodko and, of course, Generalissimo Suvorov – all they were able to realize the talent due to the wisdom of the Queen. And who of today's Ministers will go down in history? The question is rhetorical.With this approach to recruitment is associated and the advantage of the monarchy as deep professionalism: the monarch is brought up from childhood to lead the country, and then, not connected to party preferences, brings wise professionals-advisers. In each area he, as arbiter, decides, in accordance with opinions of the best experts. Of course, that this achieves greater transparency and efficiency of management, rather than by popular vote, when the incompetent crowd decides the issues about which it judges only according to the feelings and slogans, but not in fact. Yes, and there's no secret how much can private interests to manipulate the uneducated public opinion.
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The king sent all his energy, all his strength to serving God and the Fatherland. Remember the words of Peter the Great, addressed to the Russian soldiers in the Poltava field, "But about Peter that his life is not precious, if only Russia lives in bliss and glory for your well-being!". For comparison, here are the words of the French Minister, on the proposal which France had separated the Church from the state, Aristide Briand: "95% of my time I spend on the struggle for power, and only 5% of attempts to realize the utopian promises made before the election".All these benefits together and let the Russian Empress Catherine the great to say that the only goal of the Royal government – to see people happy, and her contemporary, the Spanish King Carlos III that the soul king is in heaven achieved when the welfare of his subjects.The monarchy is in its very nature, a pledge of day-to-day implementation of these words.
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