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The Importance of English for teenagers
Куртенкова Анна, 8 класс, МАОУ СОШ № 32 г. Томска
Руководитель: Томилина Елена Николаевна, учитель английского языка, МАОУ СОШ № 32 г. Томска
Цель работы: определение роли английского языка в жизни современных подростков и выявление нестандартных способов его изучения.
Знание английского языка открывает большие возможности перед молодыми людьми, и основное изучение его происходит в школе на уроках.
Объект исследования: английский язык
Предмет исследования: процесс изучения английского языка подростками
Тип работы: исследовательская работа
Методы исследования:
• Теоретические (изучение и обобщение)
• Эмпирические (анкетирование)
I want to tell you about it because I and a lot of other teenagers doubt about significance of English nowadays. They don’t know how it can change their lives. So I hope my work will help teenagers to make right choice and also they could know some new ways to learn any language.
Today, the media such as the Internet, television and press gives unrestricted access to information and new knowledge. 80% of this information is published in English.
Why is it worth studying English?
In addition to Great Britain, English is the official language in 60 of the 196 countries of the world: the United States, Australia, Canada, New Zealand - only some of them. Almost all international conferences and competitions are conducted in English. For example, the Olympic Games or the "Miss World".
It is very difficult to become a really popular expert in any science without the knowledge of English. English is the key to the world of science. 95% of the articles in the Science Citation Index were written in English.
You can read the original works of English and American writers, watch international television networks, the English-language series and films, feeling exactly the atmosphere that initially tried to pass the creator.
It is always interesting to look at the situation through the eyes of foreigners, especially when you knew about this event much earlier than if you watched Russian channels.
If you know English, it will be easy for you to communicate with the foreigners, so you can learn a lot about the culture and customs of the country in which you are going to visit and the places that should be seen.
English is known as the language of higher education. Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology - they are just some of the world famous universities, occupying the first lines of the world rankings, and you definitely need to know English in order to do.
I conducted a survey among teenagers of 12-18. The total number of survey participants was 54 people. Most of people learn English because they believe that they will need it in the future. The most popular language is English, and then is German. The most common way to learn language is school lessons and other ones are studying in language centres.
I want to present you some popular but unusual ways of learning English:
Watching movies or TV series in English, we get visual confirmation of phrases that develops the ability of perception of English listening comprehension and the correct pronunciation of words
When watching videos on YouTube you get positive emotions and the emotions produced through new knowledge stored much more efficiently. In addition, it develops the skills of spoken language
Reading a book you see how words are put in the sentence and you will remember the correct construction of sentences and the use of words in context.
Every teenager listens to music, and most of the words of the songs are written in English.
On the Internet you can easily talk with native speakers of English, you can talk to them on various topics, ask questions about English and have fun while developing the skills.
Another way to learn English is the artificial introduction it into the daily life. You have to try to be surrounded by English; you can start with simple things such as change the language on your phone, subscribe to the English group in social networks, start to read the instructions in English, and just do not be lazy once again to see the translation of unknown word.
It is the most effective way to learn English from all existing, being in English school with students, even the shyest person will speak English to the end. While communicating with a native speaker you'll hear the phrases that he or she uses, and they will be kept in your vocabulary
In conclusion you can see that the English language has great importance in human life, because knowledge of English opens up many new opportunities for you. The survey showed that the English language is popular for studying among teenagers and that teenagers are interested this language. So language skills are important not only for adults but also for teenagers.
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