Что мы знаем о ГМО?
Только то, что продукты, их содержащие, дешевле, чем натуральные и что их лучше не употреблять, если дорожишь своим здоровьем. Однако, несмотря на убеждение ученых в том, что ГМО имеют катастрофически необратимое воздействие на человечество, половина прилавков в магазинах и супермаркетах завалена генетически модифицированными продуктами. Другая же половина – гордо красуется с надписью: «Без ГМО» или «Не содержит ГМО»
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Would you eat GM food? Подготовила: Жученко Анна, ученица 9 класса МКОУ СОШ № 17 с . Сунжа , Минераловодского района Ставропольского краяСлайд 2
The aim of this project is to find out What GM means Benefits and drawbacks of GM food If anybody wants to eat GM food
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GM is picking up a gene and transporting it into a different organism
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I have interviewed 5 people to learn their opinion about GM food. Most people are against it. They gave the following reasons: the genetically modified foods are not naturally produced; they are not safe for eating; they are very expensive to produce. Besides, • Leads for cancer diseases, • Reduces immunity, • Causes infertility and mutation, • Leads to allergic reactions, • Makes the body that is resistant to the action of antibiotics, • Causes death.
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But there is another contrary point of view! Genetically modified foods can be created to help cure a disease, making it a lot easier and less painful for patients. If foods are genetically modified, they can also be easily improved. For example, they can be made to ripen more quickly or their colour can be changed.
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Some examples
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In conclusion I would assume that GM food has a lot of benefits and drawbacks. It will help science, medicine and many other areas. But none of my classmates and relatives would like to eat GM food. They say that we have already got a great variety of GM food in our shops nowadays. And we can ’ t avoid buying it. What should we do?
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