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1. Introduction…………………………………………………………………2-4
2. The influence of the school environment on students' honesty…………….4-6
3. The involvement of the students in the study in different ways………….. 5-6
4. The troubled educational environment and the poor study are
the companions of life………………………………………………………..6-7
5. Reducing of the fraud benefits and increase of the punishment……………8-10
6. Reasons of the educational dishonesty……………………………………10-12
5. Methods of dealing with educational dishonesty…………………………12-13
6. Research part ……………………………………………………………..14-17
7. Conclusion …………………………………………………………………18
8. Bibliography………………………………………………………………18-19
The subject of the research is the honesty of a student and his behavior in the educational environment.
The aims of the research are:
1. To study the reasons of the educational dishonesty in the behavior of a student .
2. To study the influence of the modern educational environment on the honesty and the performance of a student.
In order to achieve our aims we should solve the following tasks:
1.Conduct the research of the modern educational environment in the school 7.
2.Estimate the percentage of the dishonest behavior among the students of the ninth forms of the school 7.
3.Conduct the survey among the students and analyze the results.
4.Identify the main causes of cheating among the students in the modern educational environment.
5.Analyze the main kinds of the educational dishonesty nowadays.
So, our research is theoretical and practical. To achieve these aims we asked questions and an interrogation of schoolchildren with following analysis of the data.
Plan of research. Investigations were carried out in several stages:
1.Preapratory- the study of the relevant literature.
2.Organizational- selection of participants.
3.Questioning- interviewing of students.
4.Analytical- analysis of the results of research.
The project consists of five parts:
In the introduction there are the subject, the aims, tasks, the actuality, the novelty, the methods of investigation, the hypothesis of the study. The main part is the research itself, which is described in detail the practical activities of the project participants: it includes observations with subsequent analysis. Also the main part of the synthesis meaning. It provides practical importance for this work.
The methods of investigation are:
5. analysis.
The hypothesis: We suppose, that the modern educational environment promotes the dishonest behavior of the students and the cheating on the tests and exams.
The actuality of this work is to find different ways and methods of influence on honesty and integrity of the students when they run the test or do their homework.
The novelty of the research: The research work is determined by the necessity of the study of the reasons of the educational dishonesty in the behavior of a student, because such atmosphere in the modern educational environment can affect the future career of most schoolchildren. An unpleasant habit to write off can have a bad influence on the student`s progress at the school.
The influence of the school environment on students' honesty.
It is useless to blame students for downloading of research works from the Internet, copying from a neighbor and cribs in the examinations if there is a fraud in the order of things. Moreover, excellent pupils can become infected. It is not easy to stop the "epidemic" of dishonesty: if a student cheating was succeed, it is likely he will be cunning on or he will cheat on.
The results of the survey of the students from the ninth forms of our schools have confirmed another sad fact: plagiarism and the use of other students' works are quite usual nowadays.
The involvement of the students in the study in different ways.
The characteristics of the educational environment of integrity in schools are linked with the styles of student involvement.
The researchers conducted a factor analysis and identified five styles of the involvement in the study. Three of them are positive:
The teacher`s attention helps the students to study better.
There are different kinds of the interaction and the involvement in the study.
The first model links the active interaction with the teacher and the honesty of the educational environment . That is, the more active the student interacts with the teacher, the less he withdraws into the exam or the lessons.
Another model of the style of "involvement in training" showed us that the assessment of the prevalence of cheating on the exam is negatively correlated with the severity of the involvement. That is, if a student is actively works during the school year, he is likely to take or to pass the exam honestly.
The troubled educational environment and the poor study are
the companions of life
There is a positive relationship between this non-involvement and the assessments of three characteristics of the educational environment in the "failure of learning requirements" model . These are downloading works, the cheating on the exam and prompts on the lessons . The unfair educational environment at the schools, and the nonfulfillment of the requirements of the educational process are related phenomena.
The involvement in the debate on the employment is negatively correlated with the popularity of downloading of works on the Internet and the cheating of the home tasks from the section «Ready homework»..
Thus, the transparency of the educational environment and the involvement of students in the learning process are closely linked. Conversely, the unfair educational environment is closely connected with the disregard for studies.
Both in Russia and abroad, school students are often not fair: they cheat on the tests, download some papers or research works from the Internet or write off from the section «Ready homework». The Russian specificity of the educational fraud or the dishonesty is associated with students settings. Many students think that such "maneuvers" in the learning process are often only displays of mutual aid.
The educational fraud is an intriguing term which means a banal copying from a neighbor, the using of cheat sheets, prompts on exams and the copying of some works from the internet.
It is interesting that the Russian youth rarely talks about cheating and plagiarism from the standpoint of unfair competition to achieve the benefits with help of a dishonest way. The attitude to these phenomena among students can be called as a rather solidarity, noticed the authors of one of the first basic research of educational fraud, the HSE researchers Radayev Vadim and Igor Chirikov .
Many subsequent studies suggest that cheating is interpreted in terms of collectivist values. Thus, the "co-creation" during the tests and examinations students often interpreted as a manifestation of mutual assistance: if a friend gave to write off or on the contrary shared with knowledge - what is supposedly the crime here?
Some students try to deny the obvious - the harm of various tricks during their studies.
It is difficult to judge about the true scale of the phenomenon. The prevalence of the educational fraud in Russia and abroad in different studies is estimated contradictory, and it is difficult to find the truth in these figures.
The study in the end of 2014s the American sociologist Bernard Wheatley showed that on average about 70% of American and Canadian students use different kinds of deceptive tactics.
According to his researches the cheating in the USA is a rare phenomenon. Here he was very careful in the estimates. But in the former socialist countries it is almost a common practice. About 60% of Russian students have ever resorted to educational subterfuges.
We cannot fully trust these figures because it is very sensitive issue of cheating, not every student can recognize in such machinations. In the environment where the cheating is blamed the wishing people to admit wrongdoing likely will be less .
If the scale of fraudulent academic practices in different countries is still controversial, in another aspect of the theme of student tweaks among researchers there is rare unanimity. Most scientists agree that, compared with the USA peers Russian students demonstrate a loyal attitude to the fans of cribs and sharply negative attitude to the students who inform the teachers about such facts. The argument against the students informants is very simple: the slander is the despicable.
At the same time the Russian students unlike the USA have a positive attitude toward classmates giving to write off. These contrasts in a number of studies are partly due to the predominance of collectivist values among Russian youth and individualistic in the USA.
Reducing of the fraud benefits and increase of the punishment.
For the spur of the cheating and the plagiarism, according to the researchers, could be a number of factors. Among them the development of the Internet and access to it, the intense pressure on the teachers, who generally try to fight with this situation as well as the condescending attitude toward the educational dishonesty in society.
The damage from the student's misconduct is obvious: if the students got used to use deceptive tricks during their studies, then they often take such maneuvers even after graduation, at work. Why are such violations are committed? That is the question.
But, of course, other factors are influenced on cribbing: personal, internal (a learning motivation, gender, courses, qualities of character), as well as contextual, external factors: the educational environment (these are the installations of teachers, the educational and ethical climate in the school, the informal "code of educational integrity ").
These aspects are of particular importance, if we consider the educational fraud through the prism of "the theory of planned behavior" that was proposed by American psychologist Aysekom Aizen.
The intentions of the person to behave in a certain way, according to Eisenach are determined by three factors:
1. The attitude toward the behavior.
2. The recognizing norms (by the evaluation of how other people interpret the particular behavior) and finally
3. The perceived control over the behavior (estimate of the difficulty of following this behavior).
The first factor works like this: the students who condescendingly refer to the educational fraud and they are more prone to it themselves than the students who accuse these tricks. The second factor consists of the actions of people in a certain situation. It is a prompt for the individual what to do, for example, how to avoid the punishment. The third factor - the barriers to violations. This is a high probability of being caught.
The students do not see the "crime" in the copying
To estimate the prevalence of the educational fraud is possible with the help of surveys. In 2013, 3009 Russian students from the Moscow school participated in the survey, 42% of them admitted in the downloading of some information from the Internet, every fifth - in the use of cribs, every eighth – in the use of the mobile phone on the test. Only 27% of students did not resort to deceptive tricks.
These results resonate with the findings of another study. During the HSE project "Monitoring of student characteristics and trajectories" ( in 2014) 4376 students in 11 Russian schools were interviewed. It was found that tolerance for cheating prevails among students. According to these data, an average of almost half of the respondents said that in the case of cheating of the student the teacher should confine with the strict observation (only 12% of them voted for the nomination of "two" as a punishment). Scammers try to silence the voice of conscience
The personal characteristics of students affect on the likelihood of cheating. So, according to some research, girls are more conscientious, partly out of the desire to get the approval of others and fear of experience the feeling of embarrassment. Becoming older and seeing how their classmates remain unpunished some students decide "to join this movement".
Undoubtedly the motivation to learn in the practice affects the habit of cheating .
For some students it is important to really grasp the knowledge and to achieve skills, but for other students to "show off" some information, demonstrate their skills to teachers and classmates, although this does not mean the real competence. Students for whom the self-presentation is very important see in the cheating and the plagiarism means of achieving their goals and therefore, more likely to cheat.
The uncertainty in their forces and the fear of failure can also encourage students to use the cheat sheets, which are regarded in this case as a safety net.
Some students justify the fraudulent as the lack of time to prepare for the exam, erected on the charges of incompetence of teachers, complain about the poor organization of training in the school.
By the way, the educational process in the school can really seriously encourage the cheating.
Simulation of the study promotes the cheating.
The educational environment is generally quite strong factor. When the students associate with it a real assimilation of knowledge and its creative application that such environment will help them to develop their skills and fully rely on their own strength. In this case students are unlikely to use unfair methods in the tests and on the exam. They compete with themselves and strengthen their own competitive advantages.
The nearest environment (classmates, friends) also affects the cheating. If it is socially acceptable, if the proportion of students fraud is high in this environment, then the unscrupulous behavior may take the form of regulations. The personal acquaintance with a fraud as a whole increases the risks of handling of the student to some unfair practices. Scientific and creative directions could be protected against dishonest
The educational honesty
The educational honesty is a set of values and principles that develop personal integrity in teaching and assessment. It may also be treated as decent conduct in the performance of written tests, exams, essays, studies, presentations.
Reasons of the educational dishonesty.
There are several types of educational dishonesty:
1. Plagiarism
Assigning or reproduction of ideas, words, or statements of another person without the appropriate reference.
2. Fabrication
Falsification of data, links, or any other information related to the learning process.
3. Fraud
Providing false information to the teacher or classmates, for example, the false reason for the missed lesson or a false statement that the work was commissioned or handed in.
4. Cheating
Any attempt to use an outside help without proper authorization or without recognition of the use of this aid.
5. Sabotage
Actions aimed at to prevent others to do their work or stop the work of others. These actions include tearing pages out of library books or interruption of the experiments of others.
Nowadays, there are three main issues that give impetus to educational dishonesty:
2. Falling social and cultural level .
3. Piracy.
In modern Russia, the cultural level of the population is weak, most people are accustomed to plagiarism and cheating, forgetting about their professional experience. Lack of professionalism due to the fact that skilled people can not get to work in the profession. With more and more graduates get jobs not in the specialty. It is because of such workers have accidents.
Piracy affects each person. For example: very popular copying of any information or documentation. In Russia, the piracy occurs in the everyday life of most people. Even ordinary students can make assessment this way. Many students doing term papers or theses, forget about academic honesty. The question arises: what kind of knowledge do they acquire through cheating work? Indeed, you can be honest and successful in life, and you can write off at the same time, but will keep nothing in your mind.
Methods of dealing with educational dishonesty.
Academic or the educational dishonesty has a negative impact on the formation of the individual student. Most people are so accustomed to this that does not pay attention to this problem and is trying to ignore it.
The following ways are possible solutions to this problem.
1. Self-control:
Students should be taught from an early age to control themselves and their activities, do not give to cheat and do not write off write off themselves. Mahatma Gandhi said: "If you want to change the world - start with yourself."
2. Eliminating the biased assessment:
Unfortunately many teachers try to pull assess of students and the evaluation of the works will be not objective.
3. The increase in the number of options with the tasks:
On tests, individual and control works it is necessary to give out not only a few options with tasks, as is customary, but as many options, how many students are in the class. This would deprive the student of the opportunity to write off and it will help the independent execution of this or that task.
4. Deprivation of the student of the opportunity to write off:
Increased of the monitoring of the students during exams. Installing of cameras in every classroom, blocking of mobile phones and so on.
5. Replacement of test tasks orally:
When we speak about the replacing of test tasks with oral tests items the need to write off will disappear by itself.
6. Regular conversations with students:
Prophylactic conversations with students on the theme of the educational integrity on a regular basis. Increased of the influence by the story of what consequences the educational dishonesty and how it will affect students' future.
July 25, 2012, The Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has proposed to legalize the punishment for cheating and plagiarism in universities. It will be disciplinary actions, including dismissal in relation to students and teachers who are convicted of cheating or plagiarism.
1. If you steal from one author, it's plagiarism, if from many - this is research. (Wilson Mizner)
2. To steal some ideas is often more criminal than to steal money. (Voltaire)
3. It is time the lovers of easy life to learn to think for themselves. (Dmitry Medvedev)
4. The plagiarist always is afraid of being robbed. (Samuel Coleridge).
Research part
Some statistics
Four ninth forms (9a, 9b,9v,9g) participated in the survey. There are 25 pupils in each form. So the total number of participants is 100 students. They were asked some questions.
1. How often do you write off from the internet?
a) often
b) seldom
c) never
The students of the 9V form resort to the Internet sources and cheat on more often among four classes.
2. Why do you resort to the dishonest behavior?
a) It is convenient, you do not need to think.
b) I do not understand the topic during the lesson.
c) I usually check myself.
68 % of the students think that the Internet help them to check themselves.
21 % believe that they do not understand the learning material.
11,3 % suppose that they can not study without the Internet because they got used to it.
3. What should you do to create some obstacles for the cheating during the tests?
a) The teachers should take the mobile phones of the students during the tests.
b) The teacher should prepare 30 options to test for 30 students in the class.
c) The teacher should ask a student more often at the blackboard or orally.
53% of the students prefer to answer the questions at the blackboard or orally because they can better understand the learning material.
4. How do you feel about the fact that the students of the ninth and eleventh forms must pass the final exams with very strict rules?
a) negative
b) positive
c) it does not matter.
Among three classes the 9G form is negative to the question of rigor on the exam.
The 9 A form thinks that the exam must be very strict because the students want to have objective results.
The 9B and 9V forms do not give much importance to this point because all depends on the person. If he is ready and sure to pass the exam then he will not be afraid.
Analysis of the chats.
We interrogated schoolchildren of 9th forms and made up four chats. In these diagrams we can watch different kinds of children`s characters. We see what the students think about the dishonest behavior in the modern educational environment. Of course, the parents should more control their children and support them during the final exams and understand the aggressive state of their children.
One day Voltaire said that to steal some ideas is often more criminal than to steal money. In our research work we tried to study the reasons of the dishonest behavior of the students in the modern educational environment. Unfortunately our modern educational atmosphere prefers different kinds of sources of the cheating. It is easy to find ready answers in the Internet and not to think or to worry. Today the teachers do not sell much importance to the homework because they are sure that most of the students can write off. This is a big problem for the modern educational platform. We tried to compare the regulations and the decision in Russia and in the USA. In our opinion all depends on culture of the student`s behavior. If he got used to write off from the junior school then he will follow to do it in the future. But what knowledge would he have after after graduation and how could he pass his exams? In this situation the parents can play a grater role. If the parents will allow their children to write off the home tasks then they will promote to dishonesty and lie.
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