Проект был представлен на конкурсе проектно - исследовательских работ учащихся в рамках ФГОС.В аннотации учащаяся определённо указала проблему, вызванную сложившейся жизненной ситуацией. Определён круг исследования, выдвинута цель: раскрыть особенности английского домостроения, правильно определены задачи. Изученные источники литературы полно раскрывают исследуемую проблему .Материал может с успехом быть использован на уроках при изучении таких тем как « My sweet home», « City life and country life», « British traditions and customs».
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Municipal autonomic educational institution
Lyceum №3 of Municipal formation Kavkazski region
Research project
Typical British house
Student of 5 “G” class
Polezhaeva Anna
teacher: Ignashina Larisa Yourievna
Kropotkin 2016
1. Annotation
2. Main information
I. Types of British houses
II. Architecture and building of houses in Britain
III. Unusual houses
3. Conclusion
4. Sources
5. Suppliments
Everybody wants to live in the good conditions and to have a large apartment with cosy and nice furniture, carpets, beautiful things.
My family lives in the flat. We have two rooms and all modern conveniences. I share my room with my little brother. Our parents have decided to build a big house with three bedrooms, a dinning room, a living room, children’s room, a bathroom, a garage and a pantry of course. My Dad is an architect, Mum is a designer. We thought over about this problem. I have found pictures of different kind of houses in the Internet. I was surprised! I liked pretty houses on the grass. Oh! We will build this type, typical British house.
At English lesson we’ve learnt the topic “My home” but I’d like learn more and help my parents to realize their plan.
So, I’ve got the problem: what difference is there between Russian and English house? I’ve started gathering information to solve this problem.
Object: Find out particular qualities of English building
Tasks: 1. Find information about types of houses in Britain
2. Find out how typical British house looks like
3. Find information about unusual houses
4. Make the model of English house and do project.
Learning Object: variety of houses, origin reasons.
Hypothesis: English houses don’t differ from Russian ones.
Results of researches:
Scientific result: It’s clear modern English houses are rather like Russian ones. However, the origins of building are connected with history and geographical position, climat.
Practical result: the model of typical English house is made, so it might be useful during English lessons.
Main information
I. Types of British houses
There are different types of houses of different size and forms in Britain. Some of them are 500 years old, but there are a lot of new houses as well.
Detached house. It is a mansion house, more expensive than others. ( Sup.1)
Semi-detached house. It is a half-mansion house with one common wall for two hosts. This house is smaller than a mansion. There are bedrooms , a bathroom upstairs and a kitchen, a living room downstairs. This type of houses is typical for Irland and Great Britain. They are popular among middle class people.
Terraced house. It is a group of houses built on the same line in the same street. They appeared in Europe in XVI century. First and last houses called end terrace. They are the largest in the line. These houses appeared in Britain after great fire in London, then after Second World war they were changed.
Block of Flats. Less popular and cheaper tall houses built after Second World war This type of houses is not popular now. It is for poor people and called council house.
In the country side there are Bungalows and Cottages. Bungalows appeared in 1860 year. In is one-floor separate house without steps. Thanks to geographical position Bungalows are built along the south coast where there are seaside resorts and the retires prefer living there.
Cottage- is a traditional country house. It is not big, old separated house with a straw roof and lovely garden. It is considered to be an ideal house.
Oast House. A lot of people In England live in Oast House. Before farmers dried hop in these constructions.
Nowadays more and more people buy their own houses (80 %) because this country is isolated and isolation is typical British trait. в настоящее время все больше людей в Англии и остальной части Великобритании покупают свои собственные дома, чем в прошлом. Other 20% live in the houses or flats, that they rent.
II. Architecture and building of houses in Britain.
There are a lot of historical houses, castles, farms in Britain. ”English” style is popular classic style. It is mix of George and Regent’s style: simple walls from bricks, white window-sashes.
Typical British house has upstairs and downstairs, two gardens (in front and behind), a garage. A living room, a dinning room, a kitchen are downstairs. Bedrooms and children’s are upstairs. The rooms are small.
The British use stone, brick, wood, tiles due to geography and climate (it is often foggy and rainy). Winters are not frosty. In January t+9-11. so, windows have one frame. “English window” is not ordinary. They haven not hinges and rise, sliding on the special wheels. There is not double – door.
Architecture in Britain is historical treasure and differs from the other Europe.
III. Unusual houses.
Tree house («Дерево дом»), The Bottle house («Дом бутылка»), The Balancing Barn (“Балансирующий сарай»). (Приложение 3)
«Дом в море» It is a single house with the own island and the bridge. Pineapple house «Дом ананас»In 18 century travelers brought exotic fruits from India and America. One of British governor was impressed by a pineapple and has built that house.. (Приложение 3)
Nowadays nonstandard buildings are popular in Britain. You can see rebuilt churches (Former Weslyan Chapel: Henley-On-Thames,) water-bearing stations (House in the Clouds («Дом в облаках») mills, old schools, storehouses, stables.. (Приложение 3)
There are many types of houses in Britain, they varies from traditional straw houses to modern block-of–flat houses in the cities and unusual ones.
In my work I tried to learn reasons of appearing of typical English house, to compare it with Russian one, to know about styles and specific of British building and influence of geographical position.
So, my hypothese “ Houses in Britain and in Russia are alike” is particularly true. Modern houses are really alike other. But there special traits:
- they like to be isolated;
- they use strong materials;
- they prefer George style;
- they don’t destroy old houses but change them;
- they confirm their proverb: «My home is my castle» (Мой дом - моя крепость.)
1. Великобритания: Лингвострановедческий словарь. / Под ред. Е.Ф.Рогова. – М.: Русский язык, 1978.
2. Дом англичанина – его крепость: Лингвострановедческий справочник. / Сост. Г.Д.Томахин. – М.: Просвещение, 2002.
4. Страны мира: Современный справочник. / Сост. Ю.А.Сереженко и др. – М.: ООО «ТД «Издательство Мир книги», 2005.
5. http://www. britainexplorer.com/ten-strange-uk-houses.html
7. http://slovari.yandex.ru/dict/rges/article/rg1/rg1-1837.htm
8. http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/
9. http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk.
на проектную работу
ученицы 5 «Г» класса Муниципального автономного общеобразовательного учреждения лицея №3 муниципального образования Кавказский район
Полежаевой Анны
Тема: « Типичный английский дом»
В аннотации учащаяся определённо указала проблему, вызванную сложившейся жизненной ситуацией. Определён круг исследования, выдвинута цель: раскрыть особенности английского домостроения, правильно определены задачи. Изученные источники литературы полно раскрывают исследуемую проблему. Корректно подобранные методы исследования дают возможность подробно проанализировать состояние исследуемой проблемы в школе и проверить выдвинутую гипотезу.
В первом параграфе определены основные виды английских домов. Архитектура и способы строительства были рассмотрены во втором параграфе. Указаны причины тех или иных особенностей в строительстве. В третьем параграфе ученицей были приведены примеры необычного жилья британцев. Изучив материалы, была составлены диаграмма, показывающая предпочтения населения в выборе жилья. Поработав с информацией, ученица изготовила макет типичного английского дома, обставив его в соответствующем стиле.
В работе имеется приложение – презентация в формате Power Point и аудио материал в формате Windows Media. Список литературы оформлен в соответствии с требованиями.
В ходе работы учащаяся продемонстрировала умение работать с информацией, выстраивать в логической последовательности собранный материал, делать самостоятельно обоснованные выводы, заключение, что доказывает правильность понимания выбранной темы. Материал представлен в двух версиях: на русском и английском языках. Учащаяся владеет умением вычленять основную информацию, доступно и корректно переведя её на английский язык. Также учащаяся проявила такие качества, как ответственность, самостоятельность, исполнительность. Материал может с успехом быть использован на уроках при изучении таких тем как « My sweet home», « City life and country life», « British traditions and customs».
Замечаний по поводу работы нет. Общая оценка работы – отлично.
Дата: 20.03 2016-03-20 рецензент:______________/Игнашина Л.Ю.
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