Данный исследовательский проект был представлен на конкурсе проектных работ учащихся, проводимых в рамках ФГОС.В аннотации учащийся определённо указал проблему, вызванную сложившейся жизненной ситуацией. Определён круг исследования, выдвинута цель: раскрыть особенности английского чаепития, правильно определены задачи. Дана основная информация о чае, названы основные виды чая, рассказана технология приготовления сырья, история появления чая в Англии. Учеником была дана информация о церемонии чаепития в Англии. Учеником был проведён соцопрос среди учеников и учителей по поводу чайных пристрастий. В работе имеется приложение – презентация в формате Power Point. Материал может с успехом быть использован на уроках при изучении таких тем как “ English food”, “ British traditions and customs”.
Вложение | Размер |
proekt_ponomarenko_andrey_english_tea.doc | 54.5 КБ |
prilozhenie_i_retsenziya_na_proekt_angliyskie_traditsii_chaepitiya.doc | 679 КБ |
Municipal autonomic educational institution
Lyceum №3 of Municipal formation Kavkazski region
Research project
English tea traditions
Student of 5 “G” class
Ponomorenko Andrew
teacher: Ignashina Larisa Yourievna
Kropotkin 2016
1. Annotation
2. Main information
I. The main information about tea
II. History of tea in England
III. English custom of tea
IV. Recipes
V. Surway
3. Conclusion
4. Sources
5. Suppliments
1. Annotation
My work is about tea traditions in England. Why? I and all members of my family like tea very much. We have a good tradition: to get together around the table, drink tea and speak. This drink is popular in Russia, but we don’t follow Russian tea traditions.
When I was in 2-nd class I read the tale of English writer L.Carroll “ Alice in Wonderland” where heroes drank tea at 5 o’clock. Later during English lesson I learnt famous words: Would you like a cup of tea? Well, tea is drunk everywhere but there are coffee-countries and tea- countries. There is a question: why tea comes in to my mind when I think about Britain? What differences are there between our and English traditions?
Object: to find out the secrets of English tea customs
Tasks: 1To learn about right characteristics of tea.
2. To collect information about tea history in England
3. To find information about tea ceremonies
4. Найти упоминания о чае в английской литературе
5. To learn the recipes
6.To ask questions about favorite drinks.
7. To do my project
Learning Object: English tea traditions.
Hypothesis: English and Russian tea traditions are different
Results of researches: Scientific result: It’s clear English and Russian tea traditions are different though the English use other drinks as well.
Practical result: the recipes of making tea and serving of tea table are learnt, it can be useful for every day life
2. Main information
I.The main information about tea
Tea as a drink appeared in China at the beginning of … then it has spread in Japan and Corea. In Europe tea was known in 16 century and was given to the king.
Thanks to its qualities tea has become wide spread in the world.
There are six types of tea: black, yellow, white, olong, dark. There are 3000 commercial sorts of tea. Wet and hot climate is the best for planting tea. Every day each house wife serves tea. But is it good and pleasant? It is not difficult to make tea, but there are some rules and skills.
From planting to drinking.
Before having tasty drink, tea leaf is suffered much: collecting, drying, rolling, fermentation, burning, sorting. So, Ahmad Tea London Company uses only high quality tea of hand making harvest ( they pick two top leaves and a bud)
II. History of tea in England
The English custom of afternoon tea, it is said, goes back to the late 18 century when Anne, wife of the Duke of bed ford, decided that she suffered from a sinking feeling (чувство слабости) around 5 o’clock and needed tea and cakes to bring back her strength. Fashionable Tea Rooms were opened for the rich ( it was not cheap) and soon it became the national drink of all classes.
Today the British drink more tea than any other nation- an average of 4 kilos a head. They drink it in bed in the morning, round the fire on winter afternoons and in the garden on sunny summer days. In times of trouble the kettle is quickly put on, tea is made and comforting cups of the warm brown liquid are passed round. The Prime Minister, Gladstone, said:” If you are cold, tea will warm you, if you are heated it will cool you, if you are depressed it will cheer you, if you are excited it will calm you”
III. English custom of drinking tea
Frankly speaking, tea is not a meal at all, but an occasion for social intercourse, when people come in for chat over their cup of tea. There are two kinds of tea; “afternoon tea” and “ high tea”. Afternoon tea takes place between three-thirty and four-thirty and consists of tea, butter and jam, cakes and biscuits. “High tea” is a meal and eaten between 5.30 and 6.30 by families which do not usually have a late dinner. It consists of ham or tongue( язык) and tomatoes and salad, or tinned salmon, with strong tea, bread and butter, followed by fruit, tinned pears, apricots or pineapple with cream and cake. Last tea is before going to bed.
Tea making in England is an art. The hostess first of all rinses the teapot with boiling water( warming the pot) before adding four or five teaspoonfuls of tea. The amount of tea varies according to the number of people. The pot is then filled with water and covered by a tea- cosy to allow the tea to draw for five minutes. English people seldom put lemon or rum in their tea.
Milk , sugar, lemon are put near. As for milk English people pour tea in milk but in Russia we do the wrong way. Tea cups are often made from porcelain. Cups can be broken with hot water. Table serving is also important.
Each cup has a sieve. If there is not enough drink tea is making again. English people never use the same material land don’t drink cool tea. If drinkers sit round the table, they leave tea saucer on the table. If guests go around the room or stand the must have tea saucer in the left hand and the cup in the right hand. The cup is taken only with two fingers.
IV. Tea recipes
“Gun-fire” Английский огонь чай. It was hot drink of British soldiers and sailors. They added rum in the tea cup for heating and bravery.
You need: 1 packet (50 grams) of tea, 1liter of water , 1 liter of alcohol, 200-250 grams of sugar
Custard Английский "Яичный чай" (кастерд)
You need : 5-6 spoons of black tea, 100 ml boiled water, 500 ml boiled cream. , 2-3 yolks, sugar.
"Egg’s tea” is ready готов. In the morning this tea with a slice of bread and butter makes you cheerful.
English tea with spices “Чай по-английски с приправами”
1 glass of made tea, some cinnamon, 1 teaspoon of cloves, 3 teaspoons of lemon peel.
V. Surway
I wandered what kind of tea my classmates, my teachers prefer and if they know about English tea. I asked some questions. Here they are.
а) yes
б) no ( if no, what drink do you prefer?)
2. How old are you?
a) 10-18 years
б) 18-35 years
в) 35-50 years
г) 50-70 years
3. Do you know about sorts of English tea?
b) no
4. What sort do you like the best?
а) big leaves
б) granules
в) packed
г) green
5. Why do you like it?
a) convenient, b)reasonable prize, c) healthy
In a result I researched:
My close people like big leave sorts of tea especially middle-aged people
Those who work and the youth prefer packed tea, because it is more convenient to use. Children like soft drinks. The poor and retires prefer granules.
The old like green tea due to its healthy qualities. Everybody knows about English tea and is fond drinking it.
3. Conclusion
Well, after my researches I learnt and examined English tea traditions. My hypothesis is right: the British follow some rules.
I see they are not complicated and prim. English tea rules give opportunities for all kind of tastes not limit your freedom and individuality.
Modern life is busier but tea traditions are important thing for Englishmen. A cup of tea is a symbol of comfort, warm links and traditions. There is also one secret: if you drink tea with your close friends or with your dearest as Anna did, it will be more pleasant.
на проектную работу
ученика5 «Г» класса Муниципального автономного общеобразовательного учреждения лицея №3 муниципального образования Кавказский район
Пономаренко Андрея
Тема: «Английские чайные традиции»
В аннотации учащийся определённо указал проблему, вызванную сложившейся жизненной ситуацией. Определён круг исследования, выдвинута цель: раскрыть особенности английского чаепития, правильно определены задачи. Изученные источники литературы полно раскрывают исследуемую проблему. Корректно подобранные методы исследования дают возможность подробно проанализировать состояние исследуемой проблемы в школе и проверить выдвинутую гипотезу.
В первом параграфе дана основная информация о чае, названы основные виды чая, рассказана технология приготовления сырья. История появления чая в Англии была рассмотрены во втором параграфе. Указаны причины тех или иных традиций в чаепитии. В третьем параграфе учеником была дана информация о церемонии чаепития в Англии. Учеником был проведён соцопрос среди учеников и учителей по поводу чайных пристрастий. Изучив материалы, была составлены диаграмма, показывающая предпочтения населения в выборе чая. Поработав с информацией, ученик приготовил чай по одному старинному английскому рецепту.
В работе имеется приложение – презентация в формате Power Point. Список литературы оформлен в соответствии с требованиями.
В ходе работы учащийся продемонстрировал умение работать с информацией, выстраивать в логической последовательности собранный материал, делать самостоятельно обоснованные выводы, заключение, что доказывает правильность понимания выбранной темы. Материал представлен в двух версиях: на русском и английском языках. Учащийся владеет умением вычленять основную информацию, доступно и корректно переведя её на английский язык. Также учащийся проявил такие качества, как ответственность, самостоятельность, исполнительность. Материал может с успехом быть использован на уроках при изучении таких тем как “ English food”, “ British traditions and customs”.
Замечаний по поводу работы нет. Общая оценка работы – отлично.
Дата: 07.04.2016 рецензент:______________/Игнашина Л.Ю.
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