Фотоповествование с комментариями автора на английском язке об участии в соревнованиях по спортивной акробатике на "Кубок Петра Первого" 2016 и поездке в Санкт-Петербург.
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Three Days in My Life Васильева Кира , ученица 4 класса ГБОУ Школа 878 города Москвы руководитель - учитель английского языка Скорова Надежда КонстантиновнаСлайд 2
Peter the Great Cup in Acrobatics St. Petersburg 2016
Слайд 3
October, 5 th 2016. Belorusskiy vokzal , Moscow We are leaving for St. Petersburg
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Now we are in the hotel . The view from the window is great!
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This is our team of acrobats on an excursion in St. Petersburg .
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This is me in front of Isaakievsky Church
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And this is me on board the river bus on the way to Petropavlovskaya fortress
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We are on Palace Square. You can see Winter Palace behind us
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What fun! We are in the centre of St. Petersburg You can see Alexander Colum in the background
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“Grand Maket Rossiya ” is a museum in St. Petersburg. You can see the future of Russia here. I liked it very much!
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The first day of the competitions . This is my partner Tatyana and me
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We are ready for our second performance to the music by Michael Jackson
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Three days of competitions. We did our best!
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