Презентация подготовлена с целью обсуждения экологических проблем. в настоящее время актуальны вопросы охраны окружающей среды, здоровьесбережения и рационального природопользования
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Cars and their impact on the environment Filina Alexandra Burkova Alena Shlyakhta Evgenia Golotsukova Anastasiya Shepeleva Elisaveta Mustafova AilinСлайд 2
Introduction Actuality The effects of vehicles Air pollution The spread and transformation of automotive emissions in the atmosphere Pollution of the lithosphere The influence of heavy metals on the soil Table of contents :
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Introduction Transport is one of the most important elements of the material and technical base of domestic production and a prerequisite for the functioning of modern industrial society. Road transport has played a huge role in shaping the modern character of human settlement, in the spread of long-range tourism. It is difficult to imagine any sector of the economy or the activity of the population without the use of trucks, cars and buses. The great length of roads enables their widespread use at a large carrying capacity. Maneuverability, mobility, high speed freight and passenger transportation, ride comfort and other positive qualities of road transport provided it with increased growth. The length of highways is currently more than 12 million km .
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Along with the advantage that provides community-developed transport network, its progress is also accompanied by negative consequences - negative impacts of transport on the environment. The car park is almost the main source of pollution, as well - one of the sources that create high levels of noise and vibration. Environmental damage caused by the operation of vehicles due to toxic emissions of vehicles annually released into the atmosphere of more than 12 million tons of various pollutants: carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen and sulfur, hydrocarbons, soot and other; roads, especially near urban centers, "eats" valuable agricultural land. Under the influence of the harmful effects of road transport deteriorating health of the people, poisoned the soil and bodies of water, suffers from flora and fauna.
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Actuality The rapid development of motorization is accompanied by a number of acute social problems . The observed trend of increasing number of cars creates difficulties in the fight against the pollution of the atmosphere , soil, water, reduce noise and ensure traffic safety. In modern towns and cities, where road transport is constantly growing, studying of the influence of vehicles is one of actual problems.
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On the one hand, road transport consumes from the atmosphere oxygen, and the other hand emits the exhaust gas, hydrocarbons, impacts on all components of the biosphere: atmosphere, water, soil, lithosphere and humans. However, the most acute problem of air pollution by harmful emissions from the exhaust gases of automobile engines. Air pollution Carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides produced by car — that's one of the main reasons of headaches, fatigue and low disability. Sulfur dioxide can affect the genetic apparatus, contributing to infertility and congenital deformities, and these factors lead to stress, desire for solitude, disinterest to close people. In the big cities are also more widely distributed diseases of the organs of circulation and respiration, heart attacks, hypertension. By calculations of experts, the contribution of road transport to the atmosphere is 90% carbon monoxide and 70% for nitrogen oxides. The car also adds to the soil and air with heavy metals and other harmful substances.
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The spread and transformation of automotive emissions in the atmosphere Each car emits from the exhaust gases about 200 different components. The effect of the fall in concentrations of air pollution associated with the ability of self-purification of the atmosphere. The basis of self-purification is based on different physical, physico -chemical and chemical processes. The process of neutralizing and binding the gases in the atmosphere are much slower. A significant role is played by the greenery . The rate of gas exchange between the plant world in the 25 - 30 times higher than the rate of gas exchange between humans. Rainfall has a strong influence on the recovery process. They dissolve gases , salts, adsorbed and precipitated on the surface of the pulverized particles .
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The rate of gas exchange between the plant world in the 25 - 30 times higher than the rate of gas exchange between humans. Rainfall has a strong influence on the recovery process. They dissolve gases, salts, adsorbed and precipitated on the surface of the pulverized particles. Components of harmful emissions with high reactivity, getting to the free atmosphere interact with each other and components of the ambient air. There are physical, chemical, and photochemical interactions.
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Pollution of the lithosphere Substances entering the exhaust gases into the air, and then deposited on the soil. The soils have the ability to retain and preserve as atmospheric and ground water, enriching the soil with chemical compounds and thus have an impact on the formation of a particular soil type. It was determined that the soil does finite number of elements, the infinite. This is because the soil is involved in a number of biosphere cyclic processes. Elements found in soil, water, air, soil can enter almost unlimited number of contacts and the number of links to form an endless.
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Soil - an integral part of almost all the biosphere cycles of substances. In the role of the main soil contaminants are the metals and their compounds. The massive and dangerous is the contamination of soil with lead. It is known that in the melting of one ton of lead into the environment with waste thrown it up to 25 kg. Lead compounds are used as additives for gasoline, so vehicles is a major source of lead contamination. Especially a lot of lead in the soils along the major highways.
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The influence of heavy metals on the soil During the combustion of leaded gasoline 1L allocated from 200 to 500 mg of lead. This high activity in a state of dispersion lead enriches the soil along the roads. From the soil and partly outside it enters into plants. The person representing one of the last links of the food chain, experiencing the greatest danger neurotoxic effects of heavy metals. Furthermore, heavy metals can be pollutants and water plants through the use of waste water sludge. The danger of contamination of soils and plants depends on: the type of plant; forms of chemical compounds in the soil; the presence of elements counteracting the influence of heavy metals and substances forming complex compounds with them; processes of adsorption and desorption; the number of available forms of these metals in the soil and the soil and climatic conditions. Therefore, the negative impact of heavy metals depends substantially on their mobility, solubility.
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Soil self-cleaning is a slow process. Toxic substances accumulate and it leads to gradual changing of chemical composition of soil, destroying of unity of geochemical environment and alive organisms. Toxic substances can get to people's and animals' organisms from the soil and cause the most serious illness and deaths. Lead content can reach the highest mark in the plants which were planted in loamy soil. Higher concentrations are in plants growing in technogenic contaminated territories. For example, in surroundings of metallurgical companies, mines for base metals mining and along highways. Sizes of influence transport on ecosystems are changing. Forest belts along roads keep flows of lead rom transport in their krones . In cities sizes of lead pollution is determined by conditions of greenery structure. In the dry weather plants keep lead on their surface, but after rain it is washed off. It is more safely to plant cereals in (on) lead polluted soil. It is confirmed than level of air pollution by lead depend on degree of its keeping in warm-blooded animals' organisms which inhabit in territories nearly metallurgical companies.
Бородино. М.Ю. Лермонтов
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