Проектная работа по теме "So many Countries, so many Customs" по учебнику С.Г. Тер-Минасова "English Favourite" 4 класс
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Russian and Tatar National Holidays Проектная работа по английскому языку учащихся 4 класса МБОУ « Уринская начальная школа – детский сад» Руководитель: Нигматзянова А лсу ФаилевнаСлайд 2
S a b a n t u y Sabantuy is, perhaps, the most popular festival in Tatarstan . It is "a celebration of the plough" (in the Tatar language " saban " means "plough" and " tuy " means "festival"). This holiday takes place at the beginning of summer, after the first haymaking.
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During this festival there are a lot of spectacular competitions. The most exciting are the horse races . (The Bulgars ' ancestors lived a nomadic life, had horses and were good riders.) Another popular competition is the national wrestling . At the end they choose a winner. He is usually given a good prize.
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N a u r u z " Nauruz " means the "New Year Day". It is a very old festival. This festival takes place on the 21st of March. On this day the daytime is as long as night. Days become longe and nights become shorter. This holiday symbolizes the end of darkness and the victory of the light over the evil. It is a bright and unforgettable festival.
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K u r b a n - b a i r a m Muslim holidays were especially esteemed. Kurban-bairam is the most significant one. It is a holiday of sacrifice in memory of Prophet Ibrahim's willingness sacrifice his son for the sake of Allah. The sacrificial animal is fattened several weeks before the holiday for an obligatory meat meal.
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New holidays reflecting social and political changes were added to the national ones. The main of them is the Day of Republic on August 30. On this very day in 1990, Tatarstan adopted the Declaration of State Sovereignty. The Day of Republic combine both ancient traditions and the present. It is a memory of the past and aspiration to the future. On this day, cities and villages of the republic flourish, all multinational Tatarstan people get together to see the festival open-air performance with historical customs and traditions, horse races, national wrestling, ensembles of ancient instruments and folklore groups performances. D a y of R e p u b l I c
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Maslennitsa is a traditional Russian holiday. Maslennitsa takes place at the end of winter. In old times Slavic people believed in different Gods and Yarilo was the main of them. In his honour people fried a lot of pancakes - hot and round like the sun and put much butter on them. The holiday lasted a week. During the holiday people played snowballs, made snow castles and rode a sledge. They visited each other and celebrated this holiday together. M a s l e n n i t s a
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Day of the Victory of Soviet people in Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 is one of the military glory of Russia days. May, 9 is a national holiday - the Victory Day. Victory Day is a day off, and is annually celebrated by military parade and artillery salute. Military parade takes place in capital of Russian Federation, city of Moscow, the use of symbolics of times of Great Domestic war predominates. V i c t o r y D a y
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On the 1st May , Russians celebrate Spring and Labour day (also known as International Workers Day). This used to be a big day filled with parades, yet is is now used as a day of relaxation for most. However, some people protest or participate in demonstrations (usually politically motivated ones). International Workers’ Solidarity Day
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On the 12th June , Russia celebrates its Independence Day (also known as Russia day). On this day, Russia declared sovereignty from the Soviet Union. It is also a day where people honour those who have played a big role in the history of the country itself. I n d e p e n d a n c e D a y
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Last but not least, Unity Day is celebrated on the 4th November . It stands for tolerance in Russia. Unfortunately on this day ultranationalists can be found demonstrating on the streets. Not everybody agrees with this holiday, it replaced Revolution day (7th November) in 2005. U n I t y D a y ( День народного единства )
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