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Plan Glossary Programming Languages Low-level programming languages High-level language Fortran Programming language COBOL Java Language C language (C) Pascal Lisp language Prolog Sources of information
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Glossary Computational process - Вычислительный процесс ; Third-generation - Третьего поколения; Lisp is used – используется Functional programming - Функциональное программирование; Array processing - Обработки массива; Polymorphic typing - Полиморфной типизации ; A typed functional language - Типизированной функциональном языке ; Hardware platform - Аппаратную платформу ; In assembly - На ассемблере; Recompile the program - Перекомпилировать программу ; Less error is allowed - Менее ошибка допускается; The oldest languages - Древнейших языков; Conversion formulas - Формулы пересчета Multi-purpose symbolic code - Многоцелевой символический код All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code - Универсальный символический Код команды Usually broadcast in a special byte code - Обычно транслируются в специальном байт-код Applied to - Применительно Set of rules -Набор правил; Paradigms of languages - Парадигмы языков; To this day - По сей день;
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Programming Languages Programming language – a formal sign system for recording computer programs. Programming language defines naborleksicheskih , syntactic and semantic rules that define the appearance of the program and the actions that will perform performer (usually - a computer ) under its control.
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Low-level programming languages The first computers had to program the binary machine code. However, the program in this way - a rather time-consuming and difficult task. To simplify this task began to appear low-level programming languages that allow to specify machine instructions in human-readable form. To convert them into binary code created special programs - translators . Ассемблер Forth
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High-level language Features specific computer architectures, they are not counted, so by the application are easily transferred from one computer to another. In most cases, a simple recompile the program under the definition of computer architecture and operating system. Develop programs in such languages is much simpler and less error is allowed. Significantly reduced the development time of the program, which is especially important when working on large software projects. Адресный язык программирования Фортран Кобол Алгол Pascal Pascal ABC Java C Basic C++ Objective-C Smalltalk C# Delphi
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Fortran language Fortran language (Fortran), whose name comes from the words Formulae Translation - «conversion formulas." Fortran is one of the oldest high-level programming languages. The duration of its existence and application can be attributed to the simplicity of the structure of the language. real , dimension ( : , : ) :: V ... allocate ( V ( - 2 : 2 , 0 : 10 )) ! Выделить память под массив, индексы которого могут ! меняться в пределах от -2 до 2 (первый индекс) ! и от 0 до 10 - второй ... V ( 2 , 2 : 3 ) = V ( - 1 : 0 , 1 ) ! Повернуть кусочек массива write ( * , * ) V ( 1 , : ) ! Напечатать все элементы массива V, первый индекс которых равен 1. deallocate ( V )
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Programming language COBOL COBOL (from COmmon Business-Oriented Language) - one of the oldest programming languages (the first version v1959), designed primarily for writing programs for the economic sphere. IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. PROGRAM-ID. HELLO-WORLD. * ENVIRONMENT DIVISION. * DATA DIVISION. * PROCEDURE DIVISION. PARA-1. DISPLAY "Hello, world.". * EXIT PROGRAM. END PROGRAM HELLO-WORLD .
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Java Language Java - an object-oriented programming language developed by Sun Microsystems (later acquired by Oracle). Java applications are usually broadcast in a special byte code, so they can run on any Java-virtual machine regardless of computer architecture. // Объявление обобщённого класса class GenericClass
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C language (C) C language (C) applied to the 1970s. as a system programming language specifically for writing OS UNIX. In the 1980s. based on the C language was developed language C ++, almost including the C language and supplemented by means of object-oriented programming.
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Pascal Pascal (Pascal), which is named after the French scientist B. Pascal, began to be applied to 1968-1971. N. Wirth. When creating Pascal used to teach programming, but eventually became widely used to develop software for professional programming.
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Lisp language Lisp (Lisp - List Information Symbol Processing), which was invented in 1962 by John. McCarthy. Originally it was used as a tool for working with strings of characters. Lisp is used in expert systems, analytical calculations and so on. s_expression ::= atomic_symbol | "(" s_expression "." s_expression ")" | list list ::= "(" s_expression { s_expression } ")" atomic_symbol ::= letter atom_part atom_part ::= empty | letter atom_part | number atom_part letter ::= "a" | "b" | " ..." | "z" number ::= "1" | "2" | " ..." | "9« empty ::= " "
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Prolog Prolog (Prolog - Programming in Logic), used for logic programming in artificial intelligence systems. ?- write ( ' Hello world !' ) , nl . Hello world ! true . ?-
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Sources of information Hal Abelson, Gerald Jay Sussman . Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Роберт У. Себеста . Основные концепции языков программирования = Concepts of Programming Languages / Пер. с англ. — 5-е изд. — М.: Вильямс, 2001. — 672 с. — 5000 экз. — ISBN 5-8459-0192-8 ( рус.), ISBN 0-201-75295-6 ( англ.). Вольфенгаген В. Э. Конструкции языков программирования. Приёмы описания. — М.: Центр ЮрИнфоР , 2001. — 276 с. — ISBN 5-89158-079-9. Паронджанов В. Д. Как улучшить работу ума. Алгоритмы без программистов — это очень просто! — М.: Дело, 2001. — 360 с. — ISBN 5-7749-0211-0. Ф. Бьянкуцци , Ш. Уорден . Пионеры программирования. Диалоги с создателями наиболее популярных языков программирования. — СПб.: Символ-Плюс, 2010. — 608 с. — ISBN 978-5-93286-170-7 . Роберт Гласс . Факты и заблуждения профессионального программирования. — "Символ-Плюс", 2007. — 240 с. — ISBN 5-93286-092-8, 978-5-93286-092-2 . Фредерик Брукс. Мифический человеко-месяц или Как создаются программные системы. — Addison-Wesley , 1975. — ISBN ISBN 5-93286-005-7 . Х. Абельсон , Д. Сассман . Структура и интерпретация компьютерных программ. — Книга и курс лекций MIT. В качестве основного языка используется Scheme . Paul Graham. ANSI Common Lisp. — Prentice Hall, 1995. — ISBN 0-13-370875-6 ( англ .). Хювёнен Э., Сеппянен Й. Мир Лиспа. В 2-х т. / Пер. с финск.. — М.: Мир, ( финск.).
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