В работе траскрываются понятия программирования, алгоритма, компьютерных программ. Детально рассмотрено определение языков программирования, описаны примеры ведущих языков программирования:
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Programming Languages Подготовила: Студентка 345гр. Николаева М.О. Преподаватель: Коновалова Л.Б. Министерство образования и науки Амурской области Государственное образовательное автономное учреждение среднего профессионального образования Амурский колледж педагогического образования и физической культурыСлайд 2
Contents Glossary Programming The algorithm Computer program Programming languages Leading programming languages Visual Basic С ++ Borland Delphi PLD The sources used
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Glossary 1 . Кодирование Coding 2. Разработка логической схемы Development of the logical framework 3. Разработка программного обеспечения Software development 4. Алгоритм The algorithm 5. Достижение результата Achieving results 6. Последовательность The sequence 7. Исполнитель The contractor
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8. Формализованные инструкции Formalized instruction 9. Исполняемый модуль The executable module. 10. Машинный код Machine code 11. Исходный код Source code 12. Двоичный код Binary code 13. Байт-код byte-code 14. Системные задачи System tasks 15. Многозвенные технологии Multilink technology 16. Цифровые микросхемы Digital circuits Glossary
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What is Programming? Programming is considered as a coding - implementation of one or several interrelated algorithms in a programming language. Under the programming can also be understood to develop a logic to the FPGA, as well as the process of recording information in the ROM. In a broader sense, programming is the process of creating software, that is software development.
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The set of instructions that describe a sequence of actions by some to achieve the result. The notion of an algorithm does not apply to computer programs, for example, the recipe of cooking is also an algorithm, in this case the perpetrator is a man. However, most often as a performer is computer. What is algorithm
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The formalized sequence of instructions designed for execution by the control device computing machine. Most often, the way the program is executed in a separate file (executable module) or group of files. What is Computer Program
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The program instructions are recorded using native code or special programming languages. Depending on the context the term can refer to the original texts in which is recorded a program or executable machine code program. continued
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Programming Languages In some languages instead of machine code is generated binary code is interpreted virtual machines, also called byte-code (byte-code). This approach is applied in Forth, some implementations of Lisp, Java, Perl, Python, as well as in the languages of the Microsoft platform .NET.
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Leading programming languages Visual Basic C/C++ Delphi
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Visual Basic In the early 60-ies in the Dartmouth College was established basic. All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code (BASIC) universal character code for beginners. In basic grew more than one generation of programmers who wrote with it, countless of programs.
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Visual Basic In 1975 came the first Altairy (MITS Altairs ), signaling the onset of a new era. The call took bill gates and Paul Allen, founders of Microsoft Corporation. They have created a new version of basic for the Altair, able to work in 4 KB of RAM for this computer. Since then, the basic all improved.
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Visual Basic Working Field
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The C++ language from the very beginning created to ensure that it was possible to write a system task. The creators have implemented it With the opportunities to those most in need programmers. These were the methods of direct work with memory, structural design control and module management programs. Nothing in the language was not included. C ++
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C++ Working field
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In Russia Borland Delphi appears at the end of 1993 and immediately gaining wide popularity. The process of developing in Delphi is extremely simplified. This primarily refers to the creation of the interface on which leaves 80% of the time development of the program. Borland Delphi
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You just put the right components on the surface of Windows-Windows and set their properties using the special tool (Object Inspector). You can create distributed applications with COM and CORBA, Internet and intranet application using data access Borland Data Base Engine, ODBC drivers or Microsoft ADO. Borland Delphi
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Working field Delphi
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PLD Programmable logic integrated circuits is an electronic component used to create digital integrated circuits. Unlike conventional digital circuits, logic FPGA is not defined in the manufacture, and is set by programming (design).
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PLD For programming uses a debug environment that allows you to set the desired structure of a digital device in the form of an electrical circuit or program in special languages Verilog, VHDL.
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Literature : Англо-русский словарь/ Сост.В.К Мюллер, С.К. Боянус .-М.: Локид -пресс, 2005.-678 с. English textbook Русско –язычный словарь /Ахманова А./ Internet resources: www.wikipedia.ru ( http:// Visual Basic/ C++/ Delphi ) www.yandex.ru(http:// PLD/images ) The sources used
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