В работе дано понятие языков программирования, характеристика первых универсальных языков программирования: Assembler, Fortran, Pascal, С ++.
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Выполнила: Лисина Любовь студентка 345 группы Проверила: Коновалова Лариса Борисовна Министерство образования и науки амурской области государственное профессиональное образовательное автономное учреждение «Амурский колледж педагогического образованияСлайд 3
programming languages- Языки программирования formal sign system -формальная знаковая система recording -запись computer programs - компьютерные программы universal -универсальный first programs -первые программы machine language -машинный язык programmers – программисты architecture of the machine -машинная архитектура knowledge -знание binary representation of the commands -двоичное представление команд embed - встраивать code –код с ompiled -комплектуемый statically - статический entertainment applications - развлекательные приложения high performance servers – высокопроизвоидимые серверы
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A programming language is a formal sign system, designed for recording computer programs.
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The first universal languages The first programs were written in machine language. Programmers had to know the architecture of the machine thoroughly. However, this method gave the programmer just incredible power over the system. The knowledge of binary representation of the commands sometimes not allowed to store some data and embed them into the code as a team.
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Assembler The first significant step is the transition to Assembly language. The programmer no longer had to delve into the ways of encoding commands at the hardware level.
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Fortran The Fortran used for scientific computing. He suffers from the absence of many familiar language constructs and attributes, the compiler almost never checks syntactically correct program from the point of view of correctness. Understanding of self-value programming languages came later.
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Pascal The language is remarkable in that it is the first widespread language for structured programming. In this language also introduced a strict type checking, which allowed to detect many errors at compile time.
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C ++ C ++ is a compiled statically typed, General purpose programming. Its scope includes the creation of operating systems, various application programs, device drivers, applications for embedded systems, high performance servers, as well as entertainment applications.
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Makarova, N.V., Kochurova E.G., "Informatics and ICT" https://ru.wikipedia.org http://progopedia.ru http://life-prog.ru http://habrahabr.ru/post/31180
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